Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Jewish War on America: BLOOMBERG's GESTAPO? To protect his Wall St, Golddamn-Sachs, JP Morgan & Fed (= Rotchilds) pals' Trillions of dollars of 'bailouts' extorted 'profits', is NY city Mayor Bloomberg encouraging his NYPD officers to become violent against peaceful protestors? Are the most violence-prone cops "BLOOMBERG's GESTAPO"?

Brutal NY police crackdown... but "to a nation’s shock, not one of the police targets was a banker."
Commentary by David Weidner, Market Watch  
   "‘Occupy Wall Street’ harassed while bankers go free"

 Memo to Wall Street peaceful protestors:  

   Take photos of  NYPD riot police who are most enthusiastic about enforcing Mayor Bloomberg's CONCENTRATION CAMP vision for America
(where those who run the 'labor' camps OWN EVERYTHING... those inside the camps are not even entitled to their next meal, and should be beaten if they dare to protest otherwise)...   
 (videos: "Occupy Wall Street: help us reconstruct the 'pepper spray' incident"British paper The Guardian)

 ...and make POSTERS of photos of police bullying tactics printed up for those posters, with the graphic,  "BLOOMBERG's GESTAPO?"  somewhere on the posters.

 Oh... and have a focus!   Demand an accounting for

       HOW MANY TRILLIONS of dollars $$

  ...have Tim Giethner's U.S. Treasury and Ben Bernanke's so-called "Federal" reserve (very private, money-printing banking cabal)  GIVEN to the insanely corrupt, nation & world economies gutting Wall Street bankers and 'hedge' funds over the past 3 years in "bailouts,"

  ...and how many of those hundreds of billions of dollars have benefited Jamie Dimon's JP Morgan and Lloyd Blankfein's Golddamn-Sachs??

 (note: Mr. Bloomberg ought to be able to answer that question: it was his own news organization, Bloomberg News,  which published TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky's snap-shot estimate, back in July 2009, that the "BAILOUTS" to banksters total would cost American consumers and taxpaying public somewhere over  $20 trillion dollars - a figure Mr. Bloomberg, his partner-in-crime NY Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, and most of the other "major media" pooh-bahs in American corporate 'news' have been singularily uninterested in investigating!) 
U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion, Barofsky Says
  by Dawn Kopecki and Catherine Dodge, Bloomberg News,  July 20, 2009 


   lol !!  Speaking of riot police & dictatorial financial furhers in their paranoid bunkers, here LIFE IMITATES ART,  financial activist "Tofu Mary" took the video movie of Hitler in bunker ("Downfall")  and gave it English sub-titles  in parody mocking Jamie Dimon as the beseiged dictator, unleashing rage filled rants against his subordinates as his wartime empire crashes around him

 JP Morgan (Chase) bank CEO is reported - not by a "liberal" lefty source, but by Wall St. friendly CNBC - to have thrown a ranting, raging, shouting tirade against those proposing stricter capital regulations.  
  [note:  This is the heart and core of the global economic crisis, so it is not surprising that the insanely greedy Dimon had to do his "Furher in the bunker" rage impression to deflect worldwide demands for stricter regulations against "pump and dump, bleed till dry" financial arsonists based on Wall St and City-of-Londan banking desks.]
Jamie Dimon's Tirade Against Bank Regulators
by John Carney, Senior Editor,
Monday, 26 Sep 2011

                      The battle over bank capital requirements boiled over once again late last week when JPMorgan Chase  chief Jamie Dimon delivered an angry “tirade” against the idea of a “capital surcharge” for systemically important banks.

 The new Basel III agreement—the rules regulators from around the globe agreed to late last year—calls for all banks to hold 7 percent capital, up from 3 percent. The biggest banks would be required to hold an additional 2.5 percent capital."

  It is PRECISELY THIS ability to HOLD LESS THAN 3% in "capital" - actual saved cash stored in bank vaults  vs money lent out as loans - that gives JP Morgan and Goddamn Sachs the ability to have the Bernanke Fed just PRINT UP the other ** 97% ** of "money" out of thin air !!
   (Actually, as electronic entries on JP Morgan's balance sheet with the NY Fed central bank.) 

  HOW MANY ORDINARY AMERICANS, wish that THEY could just PRINT UP thirty two dollars, for every (one) dollar that they hold in their checkbook account!  

  The above is the Rotchilds' global banking cartel 200 year refinement,  the ultra-multiplication of the basic,  'fractional reserve' banking scheme,  used by the family cartel which was big enough, and spread far enough, to absorb shocks (from banking fraud & failures) that would destroy smaller, more locally centered banks.  
   It is almost impossible for local, honest bankers to compete with someone who can avoid regulations and print money at a 30:1  thirty-to-one ratio - as JP Morgan can do today - which is why it is so easy for the "print money out of thin air" fiat money cabal bankers to swallow up their competitors - as Goddamn-Sachs & JP Morgan have devoured most of the American financial markets. 
  double bonus:  the CONCENTRATION of BANKING POWER, by CONSOLIDATION, through 'bailouts' "DISASTER CAPITALISM" -
 Use every disaster as an excuse to EXTORT WEALTH out of the poor and working class - especially with "BAILOUTS," the DIRECT EXTORTION of American taxpayers by the IRS and U.S. government, on behalf of Goddamn-Sachs, JP Morgan, and the other entitled, economy wrecking (Great Depression 2.0!)  Fed banksters.  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Jewish WAR ON AMERICA: the PRIVATELY OWNED 'Federal' Reserve is DEBASING the American dollar, RECREATING the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE that the "Fed" CAUSED in 1930s, and STEALING the wealth of ENTIRE NATIONS, which go into the PRIVATE vaults of connected bankers, led by Bob Rubin's Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds owned JP Morgan...

 FRAUD is the HALLMARK of, and #1 tactic in the FINANCIAL WAR against America - the financial war of WEALTH TRANSFER, RESOURCE EXTRACTION, SAVINGS DEBASEMENT, the wholesale PLUNDERING of pension funds and government funds -  the financial war against the American people.

 FRAUD!   "Deep Capture: How Wall Street CRIMINALS Hijacked the Institutions that are SUPPOSED to be Protecting Us from Them" 
Patrick M. Byrne discusses how NAKED SHORTING effectively _counterfeits_ stock shares that simply do not exist legally, in order to PUSH stock prices DOWNSABOTAGING rivals' stock & bond issues was the bread & butter of the early 19th century Rotchilds financial empire. Today, the U.S. TREASURY has been IN BED with these CRIMINAL NAKED  SHORTS for AT LEAST the past DECADE.

BBC live interview (London) with trader Alessio Rastani:  
"I dream of a recession like this, [because] the ELITE [and even small traders like himself] can make a lot of money FROM A CRASH."

Mr. Rastani responds to this question from the BBC blond anchor gal: "People around me, their jaws have collectively dropped from what you just said.  [That the ONLY way to make money in the coming markets, is to bet on STOCK MARKETS CRASHING all over the world, by investing in 'hedging strategies' and buying Treasury bonds].  We appreciate your candor, however, it doesn't help the rest of us, does it? Or the rest of the Eurozone?"
   Rastani:  "I want to say this to everybody watching this.  This economic crisis IS LIKE A CANCER.  If you just wait and wait thinking this is going to go away, just like a cancer it is going to grow, and it's going to be too late. What I'd say to everybody is 'get prepared.'  This is not a time right now for wishful thinking that governments are going to sort this out.  The Governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.  Goldman Sachs does not care about this 'rescue package,' and neither [do] the big funds....
 I want to help people. People can make money from this, it isn't just traders. What they need to do is   learn about how to make money from a DOWNWARD MARKET.  The first thing people should do is  PROTECT THEIR ASSESTS, protect what they have.
 Because in less than 12 months, my prediction is that THE SAVINGS of MILLIONS of people ARE GOING TO VANISH, and this is just the beginning. So I would say, be prepared, and act now. The biggest risk right now is not acting."  
[note: We do not agree with Mr. Rastani that TREASURIES and U.S. dollars - DEBASED  BERNANKE BUCKS $$ - are a "safe haven." However, we do agree that, historically, the wealthy tend to emerge from economic "panics" and financial contractions better than most people caught in those downturns - the disparity between poor vs wealthy certainly becomes more pronounced when more people are desperately poor.  And that goes double for the hyper-wealthy banking families behind the MONEY PRINTING 'Federal reserve'  MACHINE, who know, in advance, which way the markets are going, because they can INTENTIONALLY SABOTAGE entire companies,  entire markets, ENTIRE ECONOMIES, to their own benefit, and have been doing so for 200+ years.  Learn more about "naked shorting" a stock, company, or currency for yourself.]

Don't take our word, or just the above video,  for it!

   We'll let these article headlines and snippets tell the story - our hand guiding only attention to the notion that "THE POWERS THAT BE"  will  CLAIM CREDIT when it is to their advantage... but will PRETEND NO ONE IS IN CHARGE when the US and European economies circle the toilet on their way to the sewer - even though there can be no doubt FOR WHOSE BENEFIT the Fed & Treasury's EVERY policy is intended!

Nassim Taleb: The American Economy Will Transfer $5 Trillion To Banker Pay And Bonuses Over The Next 10 Years  
(Timmy Geithner's pals at Goddamn-Sachs & JP Morgan say: "Thanks for nothing, you chump-change peon American suckers! Now GET OUT of YOUR FORECLOSED HOMES, that WE now own,  before we send the deputies to ARREST you, for trespassing!")

    Well, that was easy!   The VERY JEWISH OWNED Time magazine
 (of the cnn/Time/Warner Hollywood mega- media & entertainment propaganda empire)
    makes it easy for us - Yep, there they are, in plain English & Time's signature cover headlines, CLAIMING that  RUBIN, SUMMERS, and then FED CHAIRMAN Alan Greenspan were 'the economic geniuses'  "responsible" for "SAVING" the U.S. and global economy
(after the 1999 "internet bubble" - that they helped create with tons of cheap created-out-of-thin-air Fed credit!)

But wait!   The Fed - which JEWS ALAN GREENSPAN & BEN BERNANKE have been "overseeing" for the entire past decade, have been ALLOWING the member/owner  mega-banks of the Fed to PERPETRATE WHOLESALE FRAUD in all aspects of their 'derivatives' & "securities origination," "debt collateralization,"  and financial accounting!
And that doesn't even include wholesale fraud in GOVERNMENT funds, which  TREASURY SECRETARIES Bob Rubin, Larry Summers, Hank Paulson, and Tim Geithner are SUPPOSED to oversee on the American public's behalf - about which more shortly.


(Former Republican Asst. Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, "Economic Armageddon")
 "The widely used “core inflation” measure does not include food or energy. Core inflation is a useful measure for those who want to put an optimistic spin on the outlook.
   [These  FRAUDS have the SIGNATURES of  BERNANKE, GEITHNER, SUMMERS, and the ENTIRE  "of, by, and for GS" cabal in Obama White House all over them.]

Fed's Policies Slam Us [non connected Americans] Again
Thursday, August 18, 2011 
The Federal Reserve, through its policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), has an often stated and much publicized policy of creating inflation in goods and services while controlling increases in wages. And it continues to have an excellent track record....

"The financial avarice of the global banking system"
U.S. banks insolvent to the tune of $3 trillion."    
FDIC pretends to have funds to support over $7 Trillion.
  [The FDIC, like EVERY OTHER government fund, has been LOOTED by the Rubin-Summers-Snow-Paulson-Geithner CRIMINALLY FRAUDULENT "U.S." Treasury Department accounting schemes,  that ANSWER TO, not American law or the U.S. public, but to Wall Street's private funds and "bankers" and the 'Federal" Reserve...]

  note: The "Federal" Reserve did the same thing leading to the Great Depression in the 1920s:  first,  FUELING a CREDIT BUBBLE with CHEAP Fed "money" in the 1920s, which, when CALLED IN in the late '20s and early 1930s,  caused a CONTRACTION in the money supply -  NO ONE HAD ANY MONEY! 
    Everyone with a mortgage note on their farm, business property, or home, found that there was NO CASH available, anywhere, to make their next loan payments!   THIS WAS INTENTIONAL FED POLICY - treating the AMERICAN PEOPLE like "the ENEMY" to be ETHNICALLY CLEANSED off their lands.
(As the bible's blood thirsty, murder-crazed warriors under Moses and Joshua burned, raped, pillaged, and murdered their way through "the promised land).

    Even though the Fed COULD HAVE PRINTED MONEY at will during the Great Depression, they REFUSED to do so.
   Because BANKRUPTING MILLIONS of Americans, was the PRIVATELY owned so-called 'Federal' Reserve cabal's intentions:   bankrupting and destroying rivals was a main technique of the Rothschilds financial empire's rise to global domination in the mid- 1800s, including the "GREAT FAMINE" of Ireland, in which 2 million souls perished as  the Anglicized overlords, backed by the English military, SEIZED Irish crop harvests, produce, and foodstuffs, and EXPORTED them - to "raise capital" for English merchants and bankers - while the London based Rothschilds bankers, at the very apex of England's financial power, built mansions in and around London like so many mushrooms popping up after a rainstorm - in no small part from the blood money, literally EXTORTED OUT of the STARVING Irish.]
 "modern" update, 2011:  How the bubble DESTROYED the [AMERICAN]  middle class
 Commentary: Sluggish growth is no mystery: No one has any money  
A lot of people say they are deeply puzzled by the slow recovery in the U.S. economy. They look at the 9+% unemployment rate and the mediocre growth in national output, and they scratch their heads and wonder: Where is the boom that inevitably follows a deep bust, such as we experienced in 2008 and 2009? 
But there is no mystery. What other result would you expect from the financial ruin of the once-great American middle class?
   AS the  JEWISH dominated 'Federal' Reserve, and Rubin's protege/minion Timmy Geithner at the U.S. Treasury are PERPETRATING RELENTLESS FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTING FRAUD against the American people, the question is,  "WHO BENEFITS?!

  Well, it certainly isn't AMERICAN natural disaster survivors - JEWISH Congressman ERIC CANTOR wants to SLASH the  DISASTER RELIEF BUDGET... for AMERICAN disaster survivors.   
   But MONEY for JEWS in ISRAEL will continue to flow unabated - Cantor's treacherous priorities are unmistakable.
 They - the Neo-Con "powers that be" of which the despicable Eric Cantor is a charter member - have been GETTING AWAY with their HACKING SABOTAGE of the American economy for so long, that they aren't even afraid to show their hands, practically (metaphorically if not literally)  pulling the plug' of American disaster victims on life support! 
Eric Cantor: No Disaster Money For You (Without Massive Budget Cuts)!
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) rarely misses an opportunity to demand draconian spending cuts. And he wasn’t about to let two recent disasters — the East Coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene — go without finding a way to advance his extreme Tea Party agenda.
Immediately after the East Coast earthquake, Cantor announced that there would be no additional funds appropriated for disaster relief unless they were offset with budget cuts elsewhere. This statement drew near-immediate criticism, but that didn’t stop Cantor from doubling down days later as Hurricane Irene was bearing down on the East Coast. And then Cantor reaffirmed his hardline stance just as it was becoming clear that Hurricane Irene had devastated states up and down the East Coast from North Carolina to Vermont.
  The  CONTEMPT for Americans in need of federal (U.S. government) assistance isn't limited to just the  Jewish, Republican side of the aisle, as exhibited so clearly by the grotesque Mr. Cantor... for his powerful counterpart on the supposedly "Democratic" side of the aisle, former Congressman Rahm Emanuel (who was put in charge of the DCCC "support 'em, or kill 'em" Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the critical election of 2006), did a stint at Freddie Mac - where, while self professed "Chicago investment banker" Mr. Emanuel was a PAID DIRECTOR,  Freddie Mac was accused of PAYING BANKERS TOP DOLLAR for their NEAR WORTHLESS "MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES" - just another Wall Street HIJACKING of funds MEANT for the American PEOPLE, but turned in to YET ANOTHER SLUSH FUND for wealthy Wall Street swindlers. 
  Emanuel Was [PAID[ Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal
 President-elect Barack Obama's newly appointed chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at a time when scandal was brewing at the troubled agency and the board failed to spot "red flags," according to government reports reviewed by 
According to a complaint later filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Freddie Mac, known formally as the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, misreported profits by billions of dollars in order to deceive investors between the years 2000 and 2002.  (cont'd) 
 and here -  Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant
Short Freddie Mac stay made him at least $320,000 - 
Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led to a management shake-up, huge fines and scalding condemnation of passive directors by a top federal regulator.
     One of those allegedly asleep-at-the-switch board members was Chicago's Rahm Emanuel—now chief of staff to President Barack Obama—who made at least $320,000 for a 14-month stint at Freddie Mac that required little effort. 
 [note: today Emanuel is the succesor to Al Capone's role as mob ruler of, er, "Mayor" of Chicago.]

News item - The Bernanke "SWINDLERS ARE US" Fed now to allow banksters to - TRIPLE the fees they charge merchants for small credit card transactions.
   That "Shalom Ben" Bernanke is just a barrel of laughs!  ANY means and excuse to allow his thieving bankster pals to  EXTORT the American peon public and small businesses, praise be!  

 WAY TO GO, Ben!  You have STOLEN TRILLIONS from the American public over the past few years, but like a crazed drug addict thief,   you are now going after the hapless American public again, this time for another four pennies per credit transaction!   Way to treat American SMALL BUSINESS, Ben!   

  note:  THE ideological FRAUD behind "Too Big To Fail" is that the "BIG BOYS" are the life-blood of the U.S. economy.  Not only are they now PARASITES on the U.S.economy,  but even if the major corporations and financial firms were operating legally and efficiently (without, say... TITANIC, RECURRING BANKRUPTCIES!), SMALL BUSINESSES would STILL BE THE employers of the MAJORITY of working Americans - a fact the ruthless search-and-destroy, kill-everything-that-moves banksters and their propaganda outlet media whores never fail to hide and cover up.

 Treasonous JEWISH COMMISSAR of American wealth CONFISCATION,  Fed Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke has decreed that this web post - AND ANY OTHERS in ALL THE WORLD that even MENTION his precious Rotschilds owned wealth confiscation attack-dogs (the Fed Reserve banking cartel)  should be MONITORED in the 
Fed's  STAZI / kgb / GESTAPO-esque "state security" archives (and names handed over to hired, private "Black Death" 'security' and assassination teams?)

   Congratulations,  Commissar Bernanke!  You and your ilk are working double,  triple overtime, to make an honest man of "the Bavarian corporal"!
  bonus:  "Black Tuesday: How the 'Federal' Reserve CAUSED the GREAT DEPRESSION" -
 (skip to "Version Two, the unofficial history")
   next: The Jewish WAR ON AMERICA: how the DESPICABLE Goddamn-Sachs financial fund INTENTIONALLY DESTROYS  American industry - so the vile Goddamn-Sachs parasites can PROFIT, SHORT TERM, from the "outsourcing" of AMERICAN JOBS, entire factories, entire industries - to Communist China....
 Pepe Escobar, Asia Times: [Under the treacherous, if not TREASONOUS, 'leadership' of the despicabble Goddamn-Sachs Rubinites],
    AMERICA's economic growth has been just 1% since 2007... while CHINA's Economic growth has been 45% in that same short but dismal (for America) period!

Friday, September 23, 2011

DICTATORSHIP USA: US govt. to spend $100 million building PRISON in IRAQ...

The radical-right-wing FRAUD,  POSING as a "liberal Democrat" presidency that is Barack Obama's administration, continues on with its Neo-Con warmongering, Treasury looting, economy wrecking, and police state dictatorship agenda,  as this Glenn Greenwald article at illustrates:

 RIGHT DOWN THE LINE, from DISMANTLING America's industry and productive economy (Obama's "Jobs Czar" is GE CEO Jeff Immelt - who specialty is shipping GE jobs to China to get a short-term bubble in GE "profits" and stock prices, before China dispenses with the fiction of GE ownership of those factories!)
 to LOOTING the TREASURY, to allowing the banksters to print themselves TRILLIONS of Bernanke dollars which they HOARD and lend out only at 30% interest to debt-slave American credit card users;   to allowing Mary Schapiro, Gary Gensler and other Wall Street toadies to PRETEND to be paid government "regulators",  Barack Obama is RUNNING A RADICAL RIGHT WING  Cheney-Bush style presidency - note, there is NO DUE PROCESS in U.S. run prisons in Afghanistan, this is CONCENTRATION CAMP imperialism,  driven by the Israel (Jewish war lobby) Neo-Cons who also just happen to control the so-called "Federal" Reserve money printing debt extortion, economies wrecking, global sabotage machine:
U.S. to build new massive prison in Bagram

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

IDIOT obama: MORE PEOPLE IN POVERTY TODAY than when he became president.. but he PRETENDS NOT TO NOTICE??? (except his lame, "all the money goes to my bankster pals" "jobs" bill)

  ho hum.  WHAT has the current president of the United States been smoking?

   WHY is he STILL LISTENING, to the IDIOTS in his administration,  who are WRECKING the economy?  

  Just the facts -  MORE AMERICANS are IN POVERTY TODAY, than when the previous bubble-boy idiot president (george w. "election thieving," 9-11 Dereliction-of-Duty  bush)  left office in January 2009.

   And, as we've said 10,000 times before,  Mr. Obama may have PROMISED us "CHANGE" in every waking moment of his 2008 presidential election campaign - but in Henry Kissinger & Bob Rubin career appartchik toady TIMMY GEITHNER,  and in BEN shalom BERNANKE at the Fed,  Mr. Obama is a two-faced weasel: he has  DELIVERED TWO of Bush's ECONOMY KILLING HACKS, to the TOP of HIS  (obama's)administration's economic 'leadership' !!!!!
From ProPublica:
* The number of Americans earning below the poverty line in 2010: 46.2 million people
* Official U.S. poverty rate in 2007, before the recession: 12.5 percent
* Official U.S. poverty rate in 2009: 14.3 percent
* Official U.S. poverty rate in 2010: 15.1 percent
* Last time the poverty level was this high: 1993
* Poverty line in 2010: $22,314 for a family of four, or $11,139 for an individual
* Rough amount people in poverty are living on per week: $200 or less
* Poverty rate in the American suburbs: 11.8 percent, the highest since 1967
* Percentage of the population making less than half the poverty line in 2010: 6.7 percent
* Percentage of the population making less than half the poverty line in 2007, before the recession: 5.2 percent
* Poverty rate for white Americans in 2010: 13 percent
* Poverty rate for African Americans in 2010: 27.4 percent
* Real median household income in 2010: $49,445
* Decline in median household income since 2009: 2.3 percent
* Decline in median household income since before the recession: 6.4 percent
* The last time median household incomes have been this low: 1996
* Real median household income in 1999, in 2010 dollars: $53,252
* Median income for full-time male workers in 2010: $47,715
* Median income for full-time male workers in 1973, in 2010 dollars: $49,065
* Official unemployment rate in August 2011: 9.1 percent
* Total number of unemployed people in August: 14 million
* Number of people who were employed part-time for economic reasons in August 2011: 8.8 million
* Number of people not counted in the labor force who wanted work: 2.6 million
* Net jobs created in August 2011: 0
* Total number of long-term unemployed people as of August 2011: 6 million
* Number of unemployed workers per job opening, as of July 2011: About 4.34 (3.2 million openings and 13.9 million unemployed people in July 2011)
* Total number of uninsured Americans in 2010: 49.9 million
* Percentage of Americans who didn’t have health care in 2010: 16.3 percent
* Percentage of Americans who didn’t have health care in 2007, before the recession: 15.3 percent
* Percentage of children who were uninsured in 2010: 9.8 percent
* Percentage of children in poverty were are uninsured in 2010: 15.4 percent
* Percentage of American households that had enough to eat throughout the year in 2007: 88.9 percent
* Percentage of American households that had enough to eat throughout the year in 2010: 85.5 percent

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Neo-Con TREACHERY and TREASON were the DEFINING ELEMENTS of the 9-11 2001 Terror Attacks on American cities...

This has been a difficult post to write, and we are only, say,  5 or 8 years late in writing it... and we intended to have it written at least a week or two in advance of this year's 9-11-2011 memorialization of the terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans ten years ago today.

    Having had difficulty writing this post in the past, we will today use a streaming,  "as it comes to us" chopped-up time line,  putting in some of the most important dates and events as they come to us, then (hopefully) polishing off the time-line and story in the future.  As always, we reserve the right to edit and add to this story, as the relationships between players and events more fully reveal themselves and new information comes to light.  
 Timeline:   Under the leadership of President George H.W. Bush (Sr.) and Secretary of State James Baker, the United States fashions a "coalition alliance" including Muslim nations, whose military men and forces will help the United States and Great Britain expel the Iraqi army from Kuwait.   (The United States may well have instigated the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, by allowing Halliburton and other western oil field supply companies, to provide the Kuwaitis with 'slant drilling' technology, that Iraqis claimed were being used to drill into Iraqi oil reserves.)  Overwhelming American and coalition military power were able to quickly oust the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and in Baghdad, Saddam and his core military junta believed the Americans led armies would be marching on Baghdad.  President Bush and his coalition leaders, however, felt that the coalition had been 

Wolfowitz Doctrine is an unofficial name given to the initial version of the Defense Planning Guidance for the 1994–99 fiscal years (dated February 18, 1992) authored by U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz and his deputy Scooter Libby    AND at
Not intended for public release, it was leaked to The New York Times on March 7, 1992, and sparked a public controversy about U.S. foreign and defense policy. The document was widely criticized as imperialist as the document outlined a policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations and prevent any other nation from rising to superpower status.
Such was the outcry that the document was hastily re-written under the close supervision of U.S. Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell before being officially released on April 16, 1992. Although the initial release was denounced at the time it was leaked, many of its tenets have since re-emerged in the Bush Doctrine.

A Clean Break:
A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ "Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000." The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.
Israel has a large problem. Labor Zionism, which for

also -

Aug. 6 2001 CIA PDB - 


  • The declassified page-and-a-half section of the 6 August 2001 President's Daily Brief headlined "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US".

  • The White House Fact Sheet titled "The August 6, 2001 PDB" released at the same time as the PDB section, in question-and-answer format.

  • The White House briefing of 10 April 2004 on the release of the PDB. In the kind of stylized exchange that typifies Washington, the two briefers were identified only as "senior administration officials." Actually, they were Jim Wilkinson, the National Security Council spokesperson, and John Bellinger, the National Security Council general counsel.


    Mossad's man in US 'Defense' Department: "national security expert" Paul Wolfowitz, the NUMBER 2 MAN at Defense Department under then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney in 1991 (as UnderSecretary of Defense), 11 years later helped Cheney STIFLE, WET-BLANKET, and SUPPRESS  _ANY_  official or U.S. government response to the KNOWN, DEADLY al Qaida terrorism threat, al Qaida having bombed the USS Cole in October, 2000.

    Neo-Con appartchik Paul Krugman - NY Times financial crimes whitewasher, and toady pal of fellow Princeton PhD Ben Bernanke: "the memory of 9-11 has been irrevocably POISONED, it has become an OCCASION for SHAME"

    Paul Krugman's blog, for today, the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 2001 terror attacks on NY city and Washington, DC, mark the period of a wholesale WAR LUST in American politics and discourse, a HIJACKING of the national direction and leadership that is difficult to grasp the depth and breadth of, much less comment on in a comprehensive and compelling manner.
          We will let Mr. Krugman's words speak as a PRELUDE to our dicussion on the TREASON and TREACHERY elements,* from WITHIN the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and presidential offices, that made the 9-11 terror attacks "a success"  that led to the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans 10 years ago today.   (* A blog post we will delete, and repost after this one.)  

      We will, however,  "bite the hand" that we agree with on this particular subject,  to point out that Mr. Krugman has alot to be ashamed of as well:   HE can NOT EXPLAIN to his readers JUST HOW MANY TRILLIONS of American taxpayer obligated dollars have been HANDED OVER to the INSANELY CORRUPT and treacherous banksters over the past 3 years;  because for Krugman to do so would be biting the hand that fed and nurtured him in his  "economics" career - his fellow Ivy League economists, the atrocious Nobel Prize committee, the Wall Street bankers who own New York City (along with the Ivy League, and the rest of America and world), and especially the TREASONOUS  Sulzberger New York Slimes, which literally helped make a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS over the "monica lewinsky" affair - and then gave George W. Bush a FREE PASS for having a GAY MALE PROSTITUTE  SPEND LATE NIGHTS AT THE WHITE HOUSE, week after week after week, despite  "Mr. Ganon" (a pseudonym the Secret Service was well aware of)  having an UP AND RUNNING  gay male prostitute web site at the time he was "visiting" the Bush White House late night after late night after late night.  

      The Difference?  George W. Bush was IN THE POCKET of the  treasonous Neo-Con WAR LOBBY, sending thousands of American military men to wage wars to conquer and seize oil in Muslim lands;   while, leading up to the impeachment "crisis," President Bill Clinton had been doing a good job of KEEPING AMERICA OUT of wars, and had been PROVIDING  FULL EMPLOYMENT for millions of Americans.... the "unwashed masses" that Arthur Sulzberger and his fellow treasonous "israel uber alles"  Neo-Con media barons loath and despise.   
    The Years of Shame
     by Paul Krugman, NY Times,  Krugman blog
    September 11, 2011,
    Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued?
    Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd.

    What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. Te atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.

    A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity?

     The memory of 9/11 has been irrevocably poisoned; it has become an occasion for shame. And in its heart, the nation knows it. 

    Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    How GEITHNER DOES IT - how he ROBS the PEOPLE OF SWITZERLAND, to KEEP THE MONEY FLOWING to his bankster masters...

    ho hum.

       Here's how they do it:  Here's how "United States'  Treasury Secretary "Economic Death Squad Leader" Timmy Geithner -  the  UNREPENTENT RADICAL RIGHT-WING  REPUBLICAN Bush-Cheney toady    that  RAHM EMANUEL, BOB RUBIN, Larry Summers, and the other Obama Neo-Cons   SHAFTED on to millons of  swindled "change" voting  Democratic voters - does it: 
    ANY CURRENCY in the world that APPRECIATES against Geithner's DEBASEMENT ( = BACK DOOR THEFT)  of the U.S. dollar,   finds that country's currency appreciation is making TRADE WITH and TOURISM TO that country UNAFFORDABLE to the people of those countries not experiencing currency appreciation.
       That is, AMERICANS whose SAVINGS  (paychecks, benefits, pensions, home values, health care, etc.) have been DILUTED by Bernanke's money printing  (= Geithner's BACK DOOR THEFT),  can no longer afford to travel to - or purchase goods from - Switzerland.
          Losing this business causes the Swiss economy to CONTRACT - FORCING the Swiss authorities to DEBASE THEIR CURRENCY, to MATCH  Geithner & Bernanke's DEBASEMENT of the U.S. dollar (or Euro), to resume their tourism and export industries.    
    Even The Powerful Swiss Franc Gets Debased 
    September 6th, 2011  
    The Swiss National Bank stole 9% of their citizen’s paper wealth in 0ne minute when it printed more debt/money to debase the currency.
    The Swiss [had] seen their currency rise dramatically [against the Euro]  as the Euro continues its demise. It has gotten so bad, that you would need $17 to buy a Big Mac in Zurich. In order to compete in this race to the bottom in currency devaluation, Central Banks and politicians bow to corporate interests and debase the currency. They do this to make their exports cheaper relative to other nations. This debasement is counterfeit thievery of the wealth of a nation for the short sighted profits.... (cont'd)
    HOWEVER, the Swiss COULD MAKE UP for this loss in tourism & exports, by PROVIDING A FINANCIAL HAVEN to those MILLIONS of people in America and the world who (finally) realize that their governments are INTENTIONALLY DEFRAUDING THEM via Bernanke's "Judenfetzen" printing presses -

     QUICK!  Geithner, Summers, Rubin, & co. (which is to say, the GS, jpm, Fed, R's global fiat money printing cartel)  need a solution to head of this potentially disasterous challenge to their  LEGALIZED LOOTING government extortion...

    answer:  Reuters reports -
    U.S. sets ultimatum in Swiss bank tax dispute: reports
    ZURICH | Sun Sep 4, 2011

    (Reuters) - The United States has written to Switzerland to demand it hands over detailed information this week on its [U.S.]  citizens using Swiss accounts to dodge tax or see Credit Suisse and nine other banks face charges, newspapers reported on Sunday.
    The letter, quoted by two Swiss Sunday papers, was sent by U.S. Deputy Attorney General James Cole on August 31 and demands detailed figures on tax evasion at Credit Suisse by Tuesday and also seeks information from nine other smaller Swiss banks.

    In the letter,   [Fed/banker's toady] Cole demands that Switzerland quickly deliver a significant number of client accounts, the SonntagsZeitung reported, adding that U.S. authorities are also ready to examine a Swiss offer to settle the dispute. (cont'd)
     note:  REUTERS is a Rotchild's owned media outlet!  While ON THE SURFACE it may APPEAR as if this EUROPEAN BASED media conglomerate (Reuters)  might favor "little Switzerland" standing up to big, bad MONEY COUNTERFEITING (dollar debasing) Uncle Sam,  a close reading of the article sees the CRIMINAL tag - "tax dodgers" and "face charges"  ATTACHED TO THE SWISS, when it is GEITHNER & BERNANKE's BACK-DOOR  dollar debasing THEFT which is DRIVING INVESTORS TO Swiss banks! 

       GEITHNER, BERNANKE, the Fed (and obama AND the entire U.S. Con-gress and government, including "Deputy Attorney General James Cole")   ARE DOING the R's DIRTY WORK -  ROBBING  TENS upon HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people worldwide - and streaming the money UP to the criminal elites  (R's & friends) who are RIGGING the system!!!

      Why don't you get one of your Ivy League tutors try to explain "DERIVATIVES" to you - and see if you can, with the backing of some of those MILLIONS of dollars of investigative powers  at your disposal at the ENTIRE  United States "Justice" department, figure out just how many TRILLIONS of dollars of FRAUDULENT, ILLEGAL, and PARASITIC 'derivatives' DEBT your pals in the finance sector are HIDING from the American taxpaying public
        (in preparation for an ENTIRELY NEW ROUND of "disaster capitalism" BAILOUTS to be extorted - AGAIN! - from the besieged, indebted, and now debt ENSLAVED American public)