Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Are Americans REALLY THIS STUPID?! Obama's Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner BLAMES BUSH Administration for TODAY's economic crisis... FAILING to tell people, that HE was a SENIOR APPARATCHIK (no less than PRESIDENT of the NY Fed!) appointed by Bush in the Bush administration's economic crew!

Yes, Virginia,  Americans ARE THIS STUPID...  
     "Democrat" voters and activists are TOO STUPID to understand that Obama is running
a RADICAL RIGHT-WING  REPUBLICAN style CLASS WAR PRESIDENCY, and that, despite promising voters for over a year on the campaign trail 2007-2008  that he would  provide "CHANGE" to Bush & Cheney's DISASTROUS economic policies,  Obama the liar reached in to the Bush administration's economic team, and snatched one of  Golddamn-Sachs' swindler Bob Rubin's boys, Little Economic Death Squad Leader TIMMY GEITHNER  to be his, Obama's,  new TREASURY SECRETARY.... 

   ... in addition to liar Obama  RENOMINATING  BUSH's  Fed. Reserve Chairman, BEN BERNANKE,  the guy who presided over the collapse of financial markets in September 2008, to be the Fed Chairman during Obama's entire (first) term.  
  For their part,  "Conservative" and Republican voters are TOO IGNORANT, UNINFORMED, HATE-WHIPPED, and stupid to realize that the "BAILOUTS"  are not saving "free market capitalism," they are SOCIALISM FOR THE WEALTHY, a transfer of well over $12 TRILLION DOLLARS  from working-stiff taxpayers,  to the hyper-wealthy, over the past 4 years... 
    (what Noami Klein calls "Disaster Capitalism" - using crisis as an excuse to EXTORT the peons)

...with little Timmy Geithner's signature on a little noticed two-thirds TRILLION ($630 billion)  dollar GIFT to the large NY hedge funds and banksters, just by the Fed's fiat 'money creation' power, with no oversight by Congress, in just one month, October 2008, alone! 

   GEITHNER and BERNANKE were and are both the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of "Change" - they were, and are, both Radical Right-Wing "kill the unions, destroy pensions,  rob the peons"  REPUBLICAN  wealthy/banker  hired-hand appartchiks.  
 Below video,  Economic Death Squad Leader, er,  "Treasury Secretary"  little Timmy Geithner BLAMES Bush co. for TODAY's (2012) economic crisis.... the works-for-financial-traitors, pensions gutting, economy killing, Treasury Looting, nations pillaging twit.
 (h.t. Karl Denninger's blog for this catch... even if Mr. Denninger fails to notice that Geithner & Bernanke are actually radical right-wing Rethuglicans, himself.)  

CNN Turns On Obozo....