"What I’m saying to the people of Connecticut, I can do more for you and your families to get something done to make health care affordable, to get universal health insurance."
And here is Lieberman THE REAL LIAR: now that he has his god-damned Senate "DINO" seat, HE DOESN'T GIVE A GOOD-GOD-DAMN about HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICANS... ...any more than Lieberman's fellow "DINO" NEO-CON Senate LIAR-in-arms DIANNE FEINSTEIN cares for the opinions of her California constituents' opinions, they OVERWHELMINGLY WANT Public-option health care (see our previous post). The Neo-Con/Wall-Street/neo-Confederate STRANGLEHOLD on the US Corporate Media has been SO tight and SO pervasive for so long, that ABJECT LIARS like Lieberman, have been able to GET AWAY with their DICTATORIAL, PLANTATION-LORD ARROGANCE & DECEIT for years, and it is ONLY by CONTRASTING VIDEOS of his OWN grotesquely LYING comments that the American public will snap out of its mesmerized "HATE & blame THE MINORITIES for everything" stupor.
Ye gads! Are America's uber- Neo-Con apparatchiks TRULY THAT STUPID?!
Would DIANNE FEINSTEIN be SO ARROGANT, SO CONCEITED, SO entitled, and SO CORRUPT, that she would make MARIE ANTOINETTE look compassionate by comparison??!!
Well, See for yourself: - As MILLIONS of Americans LIVE IN DREAD of getting a TWENTY PERCENT INCREASE in their HEALTH-CARE bills, - much less as Americans live in dread of being DECLINED health insurance because of pre-existing conditions; - much less as those millions of Americans dread the SHEER TERROR of having a family member diagnosed with a deadly disease, only to be told that YOUR HEALTH-INSURANCE company REFUSES to make payments on your hospital & medical claims; Senator Dianne Feinstein ACTUALLY HAD the TEMERITY and GALL to say about Democratic voters & American citizens making PHONE CALLS to her senate offices in California & Washington asking the Great Senator to support (genuine) single-payer health-care reform: (and we QUOTE her comments as reported in the very neo-con friendly Washington Post)
Note the sneering, very Neo-Con elitist, authoritarian NY/Washington 'establishment' tone of both Ms. Feinstein's "MY CONSTITUENT's OPINIONS are NOT HELPFUL" comment, and the Washing Post's headline "Health-Care Activists Targeting Democrats _Sniping_ Among Liberals May Jeopardize Votes Needed to Pass Bill"
COULD the Post have found a MORE DEMEANING, DEROGATORY, SCORNFUL word than "sniping" to describe dedicated health-care reform advocates as self-destructive 'snipers' - much less to put in their headline?
NO ELITIST, ESTABLISHMENT, corporatist "democracy is a scam to fool the peons" Neo-Con bias at the Post, we can be sure (retch)!!
...AND of course the entire theme running through this WashPost story (and a similar near-fellatio puff-piece bio the NY Times wrote on SINGLE-PAYER EXECUTIONER Senator Baucus last week) is that those outside-of-DC grass-roots "campaign foot soldiers" ARE JUST SO PUSHY and UNGRATEFUL to their NY/WallSt/DC superiors & corporate masters; even if MILLIONS of voters and hundreds of thousands of "campaign foot soldiers" were working their tails of donating time and money to campaigns 2008 EXPRESSLY to BRING CHANGE to Washington & the US government and Congress... "WHO DO these PEONS THINK THEY ARE for demanding any kind of _real_ change from the health-care industry or Congress?" ??!!!!!!!!
(Much less "Who do the peons think they are?" for demanding REAL change in the secret-wars, secret surveillance, secret torture gulags; secret TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars for 'off the books government spending' that is the core agenda and crown jewel of the very NEO-CON, radical right-wing, Caeser-exterminates-the-Gauls imperialism that the Washington Post so loves and supports.)
btw, SEIU union President ANDREW STERN, mentioned in the Washington Post story on Feinstein & Bacus' oh-so-great "leadership" (crushing) of Health Care reform, is on the WRONG SIDE of this debate; Senator Baucus is NOT "patient" much less "OPEN" about genuine health-care reform, his is a ROBBER-BARON autocrat dictatorial EXECUTIONER of even the most preliminary DEBATE on genuine health-care reform, it was Senator Baucus who LAUGHED and CALLED FOR MORE POLICE, as he SLAMMED HIS GAVEL DOWN, demanding that DOCTORS & nurses from be ARRESTED out of his Senate Finance Committee "Health Care Reform" hearings, those doctors having the TEMERITY to PROTEST The Great Senator Baucus's FIFTEEN-to-ZERO EXCLUSION of single-payer advocates FROM EVEN THE MOST PRELIMINARY discussions of reform, which of course were DOMINATED by the very health-insurance & HMO LOBBYISTS, who have donated $500,000 to Baucus' political campaigns - The Great Senator Baucus no more and no less than the industry's HIRED HIT MAN & reform (much less DISSENT) EXECUTIONER! repost: at 1:45 in this video, Senator Baucus LAUGHS as he calls for MORE POLICE to ARREST doctors protesting his FIFTEEN-to-ZERO exclusion of Single-Payer advocates from his FIXED, FRAUDULENT, preliminary 'roundtable' Senate "reform" hearings -
repost: DIANNE FEINSTEIN takes her MARCHING ORDERS from PNAC WARMONGER, and uber- NEO-CON entitled, elitist, NY/DC Right-Wing Republican media pooh-bah BILL KRISTOL, who SCORNS the notion that AMERICA's CHILDREN SHOULD HAVE ACCESS to COMPETENT HEALTH-CARE, if their parents can not afford premium health-care insurance: (at 1:02 in the video) "Whenever I hear of 'A HEARTLESS ASSAULT on AMERICA's SCHOOLCHILDREN, I TEND TO THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA." Translation (our paraphrase): IF American School children come down with potentially DEADLY diseases, and those childrens' parents DO NOT HAVE PREMIUM health-care, THEY SHOULD GO AHEAD AND DIE, already.
THAT - BILL KRISTOL's and RUPERT MURDOCHS' very Right-Wing Republican Neo-Con "in name of American SECURITY we Americans MUST SEND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OVERSEAS to PROP UP OUR MILITARY EMPIRE, but IF Americans need HEALTH CARE in America but can't afford PREMIUM health insurance - THROW THEM TO THE LIONS!" talking points - ARE THE TALKING POINTS of so-called "Democratic" "leaders," senators DIANNE FEINSTEIN and MAX BAUCUS.
DemNationUSA sadly claims to be THE FIRST in the world to notice: the ONE-to-ONE CORRELATION between the TOTAL COST to US TAXPAYERS of the Bush/Obama 'financial industry' BAILOUTS - which Dave Sirota had compiled using Bloomberg financial reports at approximately $12.8 TRILLION dollars - and the - "MONEY LOST BY AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS in this (Bush/Obama) ECONOMIC CRISIS - approximately FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS - as we posted in our previous comment about the great Robert Scheer article.
"$13 Trillion to $14 trillion" is of course a NEARLY ONE-TO-ONE correlation... and completely jibes with what any first-year economics or finance student is taught in college, "THAT ALL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS are TWO-SIDED DEALS", and if there is a loser on one end of a financial transaction, there is at least one party on the other end profiting from that deal.
The bottom line is that the "Democratic" Party and President Barack Obama have TAKEN UP where DICK CHENEY, George W. Bush, HANK PAULSON, and the NY/Wall St/Enron/Exxon/Goldman-Sachs/Big Bankers left off: TRANSFERRING hundreds of millions upon tens of billions upon FOURTEEN TRILLION consumer & US taxpayer dollars FROM American working households TO THE BANKING & FINANCIAL LORDS who "OWN" the USA.
(Don't forget one of our previous posts from just a week or two ago: the same Robert Scheer whose great column examines the $14 TRILLION dollar loss in net wealth suffered by American households during this economic crisis, earlier took on the popular "liberal" notion that Ronald Reagan's policies & agenda were guilty of THIS CURRENT economic crisis. While it is true that Reagan's policies of LOWER TAXES on the WEALTHY, SLASHING of union contract negotiating power & government social benefits spending, and wrapping that agenda up in a candy-coated, Hollywood happy-American package were Reagan's core agenda, and all Republicans since Reagan have tried to mastere Regan's "it's Morning in America" happy outlook for often ruthless economic policies; the fact is that President Reagan had NOTHING to do with the DERIVATIVES and DEREGULATION of FINANCIAL MARKETS** that led to this current economic crisis, and in fact Mr. Scheer places a higher degree of culpability for "DEMCORATS" ROBERT RUBIN and LAWRENCE SUMMERS for economic crisis 2008, than he, Scheer, allocated to even President Bush or Vice President Cheney.) (**though Reagan did help Phil Gramm and the usual suspects deregulate and then LOOT the Savings & Loan industry back in the 1980s, leading to the Savings & Loan crisis and the Bush-1 Deficits & Recession)
Needless to say, the most stunning aspect of these outrageous economic atrocities is the FLIPPANT, ARROGANT manner with which President Obama has DONE a 180-degree reversal, a COMPLETE FLIP-FLOP on his earlier, campaign 2008 pledges to (we paraphrase) "RESTORE OPENNESS and TRANSPARENCY to America's government process and restore economic and financial oversight." Mr. Obama is as smug, arrogant and conceited as BILL KRISTOL, GEORGE W. BUSH, DICK CHENEY, Bill O'Reilly, Lawrence Kudlow, and all the other radical right-wing demagogue liars: he has the notion that if his critics DO NOT HAVE a MEDIA PLATFORM of MILLIONS of viewers where we can CONTRAST VIDEO of his earlier "TRANSPARENCY" pledges with his administration's current policies of an IRON CURTAIN on Wall Street's & Goldman-Sachs' TOTAL BAILOUT real extortions costs, then he, President Obama, SIMPLY DOES NOT HAVE TO ANSWER for his flip-flop lies.
Sirota: TOTAL BAILOUT COSTS to US taxpayers upwards of $12.8 TRILLION dollars: < In the last decade, the financial industry's $5 billion investment in campaign contributions and lobbyists resulted in deregulation, which generated trillions for executives. And when the bubble burst, there was another boatload of free money! By Bloomberg News' account, $12.8 trillion worth of taxpayer loans, grants and guarantees - all to Wall Street! > Robert Scheer: American Households HAVE LOST $14 TRILLION in economic meltdown over past few years: < According to the Federal Reserve's most recent report, seven straight quarters of declining household wealth have left Americans $14 trillion poorer. Many who thought they were middle class have now joined the ranks of the poor. >
-------------------------------------------- There are some feeble signs of life in Congress: as party to the vast FOURTEEN TRILLION dollar THEFT of the US economy, congress-critters and senatorial pooh-bahs are making some low, gutteral noises about investigating or auditing all that TRANSFER OF WEALTH from American households to the banking thieves & feudal extortion barons - (Congress calls for Audit of the Wall St/JPMorgan/Goldman-Sachs extortion machine commonly known as the US VERY PRIVATELY OWNED Federal Reserve System - However, since Congress-critters & senate grand-extortion pooh-bahs have been PURCHASED, BOUGHT, & OWNED by FIVE BILLION DOLLARS of legalized LOBBYISTS' BRIBERY over the past dozen years (alone), this call for Congressional oversight & audits of the Fed are as doomed as, well, as the Black Congressiona Caucus simple demand for a SIMPLE Congressional investigation into MASSIVE Jim Crow VOTER DISENFRANCHISEMENT in Florida in 2000 (run by, wouldn't you know it, the Florida-governor BROTHER of the Republican presidential candidate that year) - - not just thousands of minority voters ROBBED of their votes in Florida, but nearly FIFTY ONE MILLION Democratic voters nation-wide in that 2000 presidential election BE DAMNED - by their own cowering, corrupt "DC Democrats" party! America no longer has a "representative democracy" - we now have a CORPORATE-FUEDAL AUTOCRACY/dictatorship run by kleptocratic media lords and big finance loan sharks, with their hired financial extortion ENFORCERS such as (senators) DIANNE FEINSTEIN and MAX BAUCUS OPENLY CONTEMPTUOUS of American voters.