Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hillary claims NOT to be afraid of Repub. propaganda machine. WHERE has she been past 6 years of Rethug abuses?

<< “I have never been afraid to stand up for what I believe in or to face down the Republican machine,” Mrs. Clinton said in a statement on her new campaign Web site. “After nearly $70 million spent against my campaigns in New York and two landslide wins, I can say I know how Washington Republicans think, how they operate, and how to beat them.”>>

It was NOT Hillary Clinton, or ANY of the other incumbent Democrats, who deserve the full measure of credit for the Democrat's election success in 2006- it was the OUTSIDE OF DC Democratic candidates who MOST VOCALLY OPPOSED THE BUsh administration's REIGN OF RUIN this past half-dozen years who won control of the House and Senate. (We will grant the Democratic establishment with funding many of those 'outsider' campaigns, but then again, the establishment Democratic Party has been part of the problem, SELLING OUT America's government to corporate America and their K-St. lobbyists.)

On abuse afer Abuse after ABUSE, Hillary Clinton has been... AWOL at CONFRONTING the Rethuglican scandal, corruption, incompetence, and lie machine.

- DIEBOLD massive vote fraud and systematic voter disenfranchisement....
- INCOMPETENCE before 9-11, and the corrupt WHITEWASH of the 9-11 Commission
- LIES to war... (which upon review are nothing short of farcical and pathetic)
- "SHOCK AND AWE" - an undeclared war on an opponent unable to defend itself
- Gross, in-your-face contract CORRUPTION by the Bush White House in administering Iraq contracts
- HALLIBURTON, ENRON, BLACKWATER, and other corporate fraud and outrages....
- TORTURE, ILLEGAL SPYING, Attorney General Gonzales' repudiation of HABEAS CORPUS
- CENSORSHIP of Iraq war casualties and the true price of the war...
- SLASHING of veterans funding, and the FRAUD of mandatory repeat tours and recalls to service
- CENSORSHIP and INTIMIDATION of the opposition press/media....
ENERGY ADDICTION... SUBORDINATING America's future to oil company profits...
- STACKING the courts (and DA's offices) with Rethuglican cronies, while...
- ATTACKING the independent judiciary using minions to make veiled threats to "ACTIVIST JUDGES"...
- making the American democratic process DEPENDENT on CORPORATE CASH and CORPORATE MEDIA

On these and ALL THE SIGNATURE, LIFE-&-DEATH ISSUES of American democracy (much less the timid "leadership" of the Democrat Party), Hillary Clinton HAS BEEN AWOL, timid, shy, and RELUCTANT to DEFEND AMERICAN CITIZENS whose rights have been TRASHED by the Bush-Rethuglican Party.

For Hillary to say that "I HAVE NEVER BEEN AFRAID... TO FACE DOWN THE REPUBLICAN MACHINE" is an INSULT to all of us who have been seeking, working, praying for, and demanding SOME VOCAL OPPOSITION to the above THUGGISH, BRUTAL OUTRAGES, especially given Hillary's access to press and media over these past 6 years.