Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bush and Gonzales stage a "coup" - the wholesale PURGE of US Attorneys. Senate Democrats PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE..

Senator John Kerry has it backwards: instead of criticizing the war in Iraq, which appears to be an attack on the abilities of our troops there, Mr. Kerry and the Senate Democrats should be RELENTLESSLY ATTACKING the CREDIBILITY of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two Republican leaders who could not be bothered to volunteer for the Vietnam war, and who have now led American forces into a morass of 150,000 professional troops acting as a despised occupation in a nation of 25 million people who are of an entirely alien culture and religion.

Well, at least Mr. Kerry IS FINALLY SPEAKING OUT against this grotesque abuse of the US military - he completely FAILED to do so during the 2004 election, thereby, once again, allowing Mr. Bush and his Republican cronies the opportunity to STEAL legal votes (in Ohio and other states, via Diebold vote-counting machines and state PURGES of legal voters, and thereby steal the White House a second time.


Joe Conason's original SALON article at

Gonzales' sacking of US Attorneys like a 'coup d'etat'
Michael Roston
Published: Friday February 9, 2007

A columnist at Salon has described Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' sacking of United States Attorneys involved in controversial prosecutions as an act that amounts to a "coup d'etat."

Joe Conason highlights the removal from office of Carol Lam, Bud Cummings, and John McKay, U.S. Attorneys in San Diego, Little Rock, and Seattle respectively, whose prosecutions ran against the partisan interests of the Bush White House. These acts, Conason writes, suggest that "the White House and the Justice Department have been exposed in a secretive attempt to expand executive power for partisan purposes."

The ability of the White House to swap out U.S. Attorneys with partisan appointees resulted when the staff of Senator Arlen Specter inserted a measure in the renewal of the USA Patriot Act that "permitted the White House to place its own appointees in vacant U.S. attorney positions permanently and without Senate confirmation." According to Conason, Specter says he was not aware of the action by a member of his staff.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is working to restore the US Attorney appointment system to its earlier nonpartisan status. Conason hopes that they will go further in their response.

"The Senate Democrats should continue to probe the attorney general's little coup d'état and all of the resulting appointments. That is the best way to discourage future usurpations -- and to frustrate whatever skulduggery was afoot this time," he writes.

The full column can be read by watching an advertisement at Salon's website.