Huffington Post has TODAY's confirmation that Barack Obama's loyalty lays with his Neo-Con "handlers" and their JEWISH WAR STATE uber alles" treachery....
President Barack Obama is now coldly and arrogantly CENSORING information that is CRITICAL to the HEALTH of American families and their children
(much less the financial & economic health of their American communities;
but we're long since used to that by now with Obama's Bush/Cheneyesque above mentioned WHITEWASH of titanic financial FRAUD)
- in order to PROP UP the FINANCIAL values of BP - and the JP MORGAN/Goddamn-Sachs hedge-funds and "banks" (criminal gangsters!) who are his BIGGEST "campaign donors" - and who are so heavily invested in BP stock.
read the sad, sorry, DISMAL details of Mr. Obama's LATEST Rahm EMANUEL/Larry SUMMERS enforced White House SELLOUT BETRAYAL of the American people: pure Neo-Con TREACHERY, dictatorship, & DECEIT -