Thursday, November 22, 2007

COWARDLY DEMOCRATS PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE yet MORE evidence of Bush, Cheney, Rove PERJURY, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, re the "outing" of CIA agent...

NANCY PELOSI, STENY HOYER, HARRY REID, JOHN KERRY, JOE BIDEN, HILLARY CLINTON, BARAK OBAMA... every one of the Senators and Representatives at the top of the Democratic Party power-structure are now, clearly, guilty of COLLUSION in the OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by the Bush-Cheney White House re the outing of an undercover CIA agent to smear her war critic husband.

This scandal goes far beyond the White House 'merely' 'outing' one CIA agent.

To begin with, the disclosure of Valerie Plame's secret, NOC (non-official cover, i.e. a US spy in foreign countries) status as a CIA covert operatios officer ALSO DISCLOSED HER ENTIRE COVER ORGANIZATION, Brewster-Jennings Company, as a CIA front... and every officer associated with that company, and all their overseas contacts, were 'outed' as well.

Additionally, Vice President Cheney ordered, commissioned, and oversaw the "outing" of Ms. Plame as a means of intimidating and smearing her husband, retired Ambassador Joe Wilson, a prominent war critic who had exposed President Bush's use of the "Niger yellocake uranium for Iraq's WMD program" as a fabricated lie Mr. Bush was using to beat the drums for war vs. Iraq in his 2003 State of the Union speech.

The fallout from this scandal led to THE CIA TO DEMAND a FBI INVESTIGATION into the "outing" of their NOC agent and organization, which led to the creation of an INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR. Patrick Fitzgerald led that prosecution, and despite the immense obstruction and deception efforts of the White House, WON A CONVICTION from a sympathetic jury for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE an PERJURY by the President's senior advisor, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was concurrently the Vice President's Chief of Staff.
Mr. Libby was a seasoned and experienced Washington lawyer and legal expert, who never in a million years would have "outed" an undercover CIA agent on his own initiative.

THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY "leaders" ARE AWARE OF THESE FACTS: that VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY ORCHESTRATED, ORGANIZED, and ORDERED the "OUTING" of an undercover CIA agent to SMEAR and INTIMIDATE a prominent war critic, and to silence future whistleblowers.

THEY, the Democrat "leadership" ARE HAPPY with the American "NEWS" media PUTTING THE NATALIE HOLLOWAY STORY OVER, and ABOVE, the CLEAR and PERSISTENT EVIDENCE that Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush OUTED a national security operative to further their war aims.


America isnow a nation with captive, servile, lying major media 'news' industry, operating, as it did during the segregation era, under ONE PARTY rule.
