Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nancy Pelosi JOINS the Bush-Rove-Cheney junta in TRYING TO CENSOR discussion of Administration wrongdoing from House Floor...

audio: Nancy Pelosi in her own words, AKNOWLEDGES "there is a strong body of support in the country that the president has INHERENT POWER from the constitution to... proceed [in any manner he chooses] and we're saying, 'That is just simply not so, we might as well JUST CROWN HIM KING AND GO HOME' if that were true."

EXACTLY, Speaker Pelosi! On the REAL ISSUES, YOU HAVE CROWNED Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney KING: you HAND OVER THE ENTIRE US taxpayer TREASURY to their tender mercies; YOU HAND OVER the Justice Department and enforcement of American law and the US Constitution to their tender mercies; you HAND OVER THE BLOOD OF OUR military to their CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT conduct of the war; you HAND OVER the US voting process to the CORRUPT INTIMIDATIONS of the Republican Party; and you HAND AMERICA's GOOD REPUTATION to those who, IN YOUR WORDS, operate "OUTSIDE THE LAW" - and you are NOT USING YOUR MOST POWERFUL MEANS to REIGN IN and LIMIT those abuses!

Not only are Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic "leaders" CORRUPT, COMPLICITY, COWERING, and treacherous... they are also CLUELESS as well!

For, as founder David Swanson explins, for the past 230 years THE PARTY THAT HAS BROUGHT IMPEACHMENT to the floor, and brougt the wrongdoings of the president then in power to the attention of the American public - HAS ALWAYS been boosted in the following election!

Whether the Republican radicals sweeping Congress after President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868, to President Franklin D. Roosevelt having to retreat under furious public and Republican pressure for "packing the Supreme Court" to President Truman, to the Democrats sweeping the Congress after Nixon was nearly impeached, to Democrats LOSING THE WHITE HOUSE and Congress AND THE SENATE after President Clinton faced an UNPOPULAR IMPEACHMENT by the LAME DUCK Tom "Hot Tub Tom" DeLay impeachment of 1998 -
NANCY PELOSI is listening to the SAME DLC "Democrat" ADVISORS WHO HAVE LOST ELECTION after ELECTION after ELECTION - she is ALLOWING THE ISRAEL LOBBY and WAR LOBBY and the Big Business lobbies to set her Foreign Policy agenda. It was ONLY the string of REPUBLICAN CORRUPTION SCANDALS which handed the Speaker's gavel to Mrs. Pelosi - NOT inherent brilliance or commanding leadership on her part. Indeed, just as John Kerry SAT ON millions of dollars worth of campaign funds in the last days of election 2004; and just as Hillary Clinton SAT ON her multi-million dollar war chest, refusing to assist close congressional challengers in the last days of election 2006; so to Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel, and the DLC and DCCC poured many of their resources into losing campaigns for "CENTRIST" Democratic candidates, while not assisting some more "liberal" candidates who, for the want of a few thousands late campaign dollars, may have won some very close elections.


Debate on Cheney Impeachment Averted
November 6, 2007
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - House Democrats on Tuesday narrowly managed to avert a bruising debate on a proposal to impeach Dick Cheney after Republicans, in a surprise maneuver, voted in favor of taking up the measure.

Republicans, changing course midway through a vote, tried to force Democrats into a debate on the resolution sponsored by longshot presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.

The anti-war Ohio Democrat, in his resolution, accused Cheney of purposely leading the country into war against Iraq and manipulating intelligence about Iraq's ties with al-Qaida.

The GOP tactics reversed what had been expected to be an overwhelming vote to table, or kill, the resolution.

Midway through the vote, with instructions from the GOP leadership, Republicans one by one changed their votes from yes _ to kill the resolution _ to no, trying to force the chamber into a debate and an up-or-down vote on the proposal.

At one point there were 290 votes to table. After the turnaround, the final vote was 251-162 against tabling, with 165 Republicans voting against it.

"We're going to help them out, to explain themselves," said Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas. "We're going to give them their day in court."

Democrats countered by offering a motion to refer the proposal to the House Judiciary Committee for further study, effectively preventing a debate on the House floor. That motion passed by a largely party-line vote of 218-194.

The White House, in a statement, said Democrats were shirking responsibilities on issues such as childrens' health insurance "and yet they find time to waste an afternoon on an impeachment vote against the vice president. ... This is why Americans shake their head in wonder about the priorities of this Congress."

Kucinich has long pushed for a vote to impeach Cheney, but has failed to win the backing of the Democratic leadership. After Kucinich introduced the resolution, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., immediately moved to table it.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said "impeachment is off the table" and Congress is focused on responsibly getting U.S. troops out of Iraq, covering 10 million uninsured children and meeting national priorities long neglected by the Bush administration, said her spokesman Nadeam Elshami.

The resolution said that Cheney, "in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of vice president," had "purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the U.S. Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interests."

The 11-page resolution also charged that Cheney purposely deceived the nation about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida and has "openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran absent any real threat to the United States."

House approval of an article of impeachment sends the issue to the Senate, which has the constitutional authority to try and, with a two-thirds vote, remove a person from office.


The bill is H. Res 799.

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