Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thank God for Saakashvili! America's puppet dictator in Georgia exposes truth of US war-mongering politics & foreign policy...

Thank God for Mikhail Saakashvili!
Dick Cheney's war-mongering, dictator US puppet du jour...

"IF America and Israel GIVE YOU MONEY to START WARS, you've got to spend it somewhere!"

Georgia's _US/CIA/Israel (Mossad) financed dictator_ MIKHAIL SAAKASHVILI shops for UAV (unmanned aircraft) WEAPONS... in Lod, ISRAEL.

Georgian army launches expensive US-Israel supplied MLRS high-tech rockets on targets in South Ossetia, to start President Saakashvili's INVASION OF SOUTH OSSETIA.

America's love for democracy-crushing DICTATORS runs deep, as this intimate kiss between Pres. Bush and Saudi Crown prince highlights....

America's love for PETRO-DICTATORS goes at least back to the 1980s, when Vice President Bush sent DONALD RUMSFELD to SADDAM HUSSEIN's IRAQ, to assure Saddam that us financial support (billions of dollars of "agricultural credits"), military support, and even support for Saddam's WMD PROGRAMS, would CONTINUE TO FLOW, DESPITE Saddam's infamous USE OF POISON GAS on Kurdish civilians...


Vice President Cheney's support for Georgia dictator Saakashvili, and US arming and provoking Georgia's military aggression against South Ossetia (against Russian "peacekeeper" troops there, no less) reminds us of VP Cheney's former support for SADDAM HUSSEIN when Cheney was then Secretary of Defense under President Bush Senior during and after the Iran-Iraq war.
Bush administration SUPPORT FOR SADDAM included the US underwriting (financing), with billion-dollar "AGRICULTURAL CREDITS," not only Saddam's conventional military machine and ruthless state "security" apparatus (i.e. murderous torture and execution happy domestic terrorism) - but even the INSANITY of the US government SUPPLYING SADDAM with ____WMD PRECURSOR technologies___ - including Anthrax spores shipped from the US bio-war "AMRID" facility at Ft. Dietrich, MD, to the scientists of Saddam's budding bio-war program!

What is important abotu Saakashvili's attempted INVASION of South Ossetia is that it illustrates;
#1. ON FOREIGN POLICY, DICK CHENEY is AMERICA's de facto president.
During "the war on terror" and US invasion of Iraq, President Bush could PRETEND he was the leader, and was leading the war vs "al Qaida in Iraq" (which of course was NOT in Iraq, until Bush's invasion allowed them to set up shop there); but like John McCain who can not (literally) tell the difference between "SHIITE" and "SUNNI," George W. Bush could not HOPE to tell South Ossetians and Abkanazis and Georgians apart one from another, especially with Dich Cheney trying to BRIBE every two-bit oil dictator in the region, with bribes that are, frankly, WELL BELOW MARKET VALUE if those nations were simply able to export their oil (or their share of a pipeline's profits) on a truly "FREE" world market.

#2. Every "de facto US president from hell" needs a minion or demon or two or three, and in FOMENTING WAR IN GEORGIA, Dick Cheney has three or four: KARL ROVE, Georgia lobbyist (and Mccain advisor) RANDY SCHEUNEMAN, and of course Saakashvili himself, and Condi Rice as the two-bit PR enforcer.

Somewhere a commentator on the Georgia war wrote of Georgia's "democracy" that it is the product of "BULLYING, BRIBERY, INTIMIDATION, and VOTE-RIGGING" - which of course is _THE_ history of US democracy in the Deep South during the Segregation era, voting in the segregation (and lynch-mob) Deep South was _RIGGED_ to PROHIBIT Black (African-American) voters from expressing their 14th, 15th, and 16th Amendment voting rights.
(WITH, we might add, the ACQUIESCENCE of America's elected officials, judiciary, academic, journalism, and society at large for nearly 100 years after the end of Reconstruction reasserted white supremacy as the law in the former slave states.)

We will try to track down the comment, but for now, just enjoy the spectacle - DICK CHENEY, KARL ROVE, RANDY SCHEUNEMAN, CONDI RICE, and the Israel government INSTIGATING their Georgian puppet, Mikhail SAAKASHVILI, to ATTACK a separatist republic, just over a dozen years after Georgia itself was able to bloodlessly separate from the Soviet Union!

HERE is an exception to the rule: AN EXCELLENT article by TIME magazine,,8599,1834785,00.html
that not only documents Saakashvili SHOPPING FOR ISRAEL WEAPONS IN ISRAEL before his little war, but explains that one of Saakashvili's ministers is actually an ISRAELI CITIZEN via dual citizenship rights for Jews in Israel!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

DICK CHENEY, and the ISRAEL LOBBY, WANT WAR.. vs Iran, AND Russia, AND possibly China as well!

On July 16 2008, F William Engdahl PREDICTED AN OUTBREAK OF WAR between US imperial proxy GEORGIA forces, and Russia military forces.

Engdahl's reporting matches other reports from other sources - that US backed Georgia leader Saakashvili has been essentially BRIBED, by US CIA funded accounts, to MILITARIZE his nation and make it serve as AN ADVANCED BASE for future US MILITARY ACTIONS on Russia's borders. Saakashvili's policies follow the NEO-CON (warmongering) text-book to a "t" - while using the state/corporate controlled media to bleat about "FREE MARKETS!" and "the benefits of capitalism!", in fact Georgia's standard of living has DECLINED as Saakashvili poured so many resources into purchasing US and ISRAEL manufactured arms, at the behest of the CIA and American neo-cons, who sought to create another war-proxy on Russia's borders in Dick Cheney's global ambition to SEIZE all major gas and oil fields in the world by force of US military arms.

In this August 11, 2008 report, Engdahl reports on the immediate causes of the Georgia INVASION of South Ossetia, and Russia's massive military response:
<< The underlying issue is the fact that since the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, one after the other former members as well as former states of the USSR have been coaxed and in many cases bribed with false promises by Washington into joining the counter organization, NATO.

Rather than initiate discussions after the 1991 dissolution of the Warsaw Pact about a systematic dissolution of NATO, Washington has systematically converted NATO into what can only be called the military vehicle of an American global imperial rule, linked by a network of military bases from Kosovo to Poland to Turkey to Iraq and Afghanistan. >>

Here, in October 2006, Enghardt quotes DICK CHENEY himself, then Chairman of HALLIBURTON oilfield contracting corporation a full year before Cheney became the most powerful Vice President in US history, as saying that oil is NOT a matter of "private capitalism", but is a matter of GOVERNMENT CONTROL:

<< Oil remains fundamentally a government business... Governments and the national oil companies are obviously controlling about ninety per cent of the assets.>>
(Dick Cheney September 1999, as quoted by F. William Engdahl, October 20, 2006.)

It should be noted, that American CIA proxy Georgia President Mikhel Saakashvili, follow the text-book Neo-Con agenda of promising "Free markets!" and the "blessings of capitalism", but under Saakashvili rule, Georgia standard-of-living DECLINED, and DEFICITS SOARED, as Georgia purchased expensive arms from the US and Israel.

While Georgia's economic decline may be open to economics-stats dispute, it is beyond dispute that Saakashvili declared a state of emergency in November of 2007, and used government troops to "enforce a state of emergency imposed after a violent crackdown on anti-government protesters" according to this "mainstream media" USA-Today report.

Neo-Cons hate democracy; they hate genuine free markets; they despise good wages and rising living standards, and at all times, they will try to assert MONOPOLISTIC government/corporate media control, to WHITEWASH their real agendas of rising deficts and declining standards of living as the so-called blessings of "free markets", "freedom," "liberty," and "democracy."

IF Mr. Engdahl's quote of then Halliburton Chairman Cheney is correct, Cheney himself, America's uber neo-con imperialist, realizes that even the notion of "PRIVATE" energy and oil companies is FICTION - they are proxy agents for the government, just as Saakashvili and his Georgian army were PROXY AGENTS for Cheney, the CIA, and America's global military/energy imperial "search out and seize all energy resources" strategy.