Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Big Finance FINANCIAL TERRORISM WAR against the American people explained...!

Hallelujah! and PRAISE BE! 
Two new additions to the web illustrate, in plain English and for all to see, the systematic means by which the Wall Street, Big Finance, and  Fed bankers are WAGING economic & financial WAR  against the American people.
  First, a video explaining how not only is current "Fed" Chairman Ben Bernanke a LYING TOOL of his Big Finance financial terrorist sponsors and career mentors,   but that President Barack Obama is also a LIAR, a SWINDLER, and a FINANCIAL TERRORIST  himself, for  PROMISING the American people "CHANGE - you can believe in!"  while DELIVERING   MORE of the very financial terrorism that Bush, Cheney, Greenspan, Paulson, BERNANKE and co. had visited on America,  leading millions of American voters to break the race barrier and vote for  a minority presidential candidate in November 2008, a candidate pledging,  promising, above all, to "change" the ECONOMIC SITUATION in America -

   It must be said:  BLACK and minority voters have done EVEN WORSE under two years of IDIOT, LIAR, SWINDLER and  "step-and-fetch-it" HIRED ECONOMIC HIT MAN Barack  Obama and his PRETEND "liberal" but actually RIGHT-WING  "of, by, and for Golddamn-Sachs" economic policies,  than Black  & minority families were doing back in November 2008 when they proudly  voted  for - and thought they were getting - positive "change."
   As Professor Michael Hudson explained (posted here at DemNationUSA in one of our earlier posts)  back in February, Obama's re-appointment of Ben Bernanke signaled that Obama was running a RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN style presidency  - JUST LIKE George W. Bush and dastardly Dick Cheney - and, indeed, at the behest of his Neo-Con sponsors and Big Finance puppet-masters, Obama was doing things to the American people that Bush could not have gotten away with - Obama is executing MORE RIGHT-WING big finance attack-on-America policies in 2 years, than Bush and Cheney delivered in EIGHT long years of trying! 

Guns and Butter - Obama's Republican Class War Presidency - February 3, 2010 at 1:00pm

Click to listen (or download)

  But first,  before we get to Barry Ritzholtz's awesome, incredibly simplified  explanation  (in the form of an imaginary letter ffrom Warren Buffet, on truth serum, to the SEC and "Uncle Sucker"  formerly known as Uncle Sam) of the INTENTIONAL FRAUD and SERIAL LARCENY that were inherent in Robert Rubin & Phil Gramm's DEREGULATION of U.S. financial markets in the late 1990s,
we'll first post some quick headline links outlining the REAL news - the real ASSAULT ON AMERICA  that the ENTIRE U.S. "major media,"  the ENTIRE  U.S. education system (and especially college and university finance, politics, and economics departments),  and of course both major political parties are COMPLICIT in WHITEWASHING, distracting, distorting, and diverting  public attention AWAY from -
 -  the better to ENABLE  the  RIGHT-WING   concentration of wealth & power ATTACK ON AMERICA:

BOB RUBIN: "US In Terribly Dangerous Territory," Bond Market May Be Headed For "Implosion"
 (note: As Prof. Hudson explains very specifically in the 1 hr. audio link, above,   ROBERT RUBIN, LAWRENCE SUMMERS, Goldman-Sachs, and Harvard were the architects, NOT of Russia's  ECONOMIC REVIVAL, but of the TOTAL COLLAPSE of the post-Soviet Russian economy under "RADICAL PRIVATIZATION" in the early 1990s,  that saw the wholesale transfer of trillions of dollars of Russian assets, to a handful of Western backed Russian oligarchs,  who had done little to nothing to create those assets (which had been built up under decades of Communist rule) the oligarchs and their Rubin/Summers/Harvard sponsors DEFRAUDED tens of millions of Russians out of their pensions, medical care, and other social services,  while contributing and creating  almost nothing in return.)
  Karl Denninger:  (our paraphrase) "90% of Americans WANT STIFF PROSECUTIONS for FINANCIAL FRAUD, and especially for  LOOTING of BAILOUTS, pensions, and mortgage & foreclosure  fraud"  -   a desire that media, press, academic, and political ELITES have CRUSHED 100% !!

Dean Baker:  "The Wall Street TARP [bailouts] Gang WANTS TO TAKE AWAY [steal] YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY."

Karl Denninger: BEN BERNANKE is a FRAUD and a LIAR - 

IDIOT Obama:  "More Aggressive Anti-Foreclosure Efforts Would Help People Who Don't Deserve It"
(Is Obama TRULY  THAT DELUSIONAL????    "People who DON'T DESERVE financial help  DEFINES  Mr. Obama's fraudulent, financial TERRORIST   BANKSTER BUDS at  JP Morgan-Chase, Goldman-Sachs, Citi-bank, BoA,  and Robert Rubin's other Swindler pals on Wall Street and at the Fed!) 

 Speaking of  DEREGULATION and FINANCIAL FRAUD,  in this  all time classic edition of the Dylan Ratigan show Mr. Ratigan interviews  former S&L  Regulator Professor William Black - who states plainly that Obama SHOULD FIRE  Bernanke, his SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro, AND  Attorney General Eric Holder, who have all been DERELICT IN THEIR DUTIES to POLICE, prevent, and PROSECUTE FRAUD in America's financial markets!
 video -

 (transcript) -
IDIOT Obama GIVES IN on extending BUSH TAX CUTS FOR RICH - in time of war,  and  economic crisis for America's non-rich families - who are forced to make good on the "BAILOUTS" than land in the vaults of the wealthy and their bankers!!  


 Writing an imaginary letter by Warren Buffet, on truth serum, to  "Uncle Sucker"  (formerly known as Uncle Sam),    Barry Ritholtz explains how the United States government -  the Congress, the executive (government) agencies, and BOTH political parties,   INCLUDING the  so-called "Democrats" -  enabled what would become the decades-long  LOOTING and GUTTING of both the productive (industrial) parts of the American economy,  and specifically the TITANIC FRAUD in the critical financial markets.
  As the above  cartoon video on Bernanke, the Fed, and "Quantitative Easing"  explained, the inherent nature of the Fed - a PRIVATELY OWNED BANKING CARTEL that  "issues"  ALL of America's (dollar) currency "money" - IS INHERENTLY FRAUDULENT, undemocratic,  dictatorial, and PARASTIC - for it, the Fed Reserve very private banking cartel system, ALLOWS  connected operators, to  PREY ON American workers, companies, and especially pension funds,  by using  FAKE, FIAT, CREATED-out-of-THIN-AIR 'money'  to  SIEZE  ALL PRODUCTIVE ASSETS in the country (and world), by organized financial, debt leveraging cartels, and creating such concentrations of  fiat money that large fund operators can  "PUMP & DUMP"   EXTRACT the real wealth RIGHT out OF  pension funds, by COORDINATED pump-and-dump stock PRICE MANIPULATION by large funds operators working together.  (See Jim Cramer's "how large hedge-fund operators like me MANIPULATE markets and individual stock prices -  he uses the word "fomenting"- and he uses as an example large companies like Apple (APPL) and Blackberry (RIM)"!!  and video here.) 

Dear Uncle Sucker . . .
By Barry Ritholtz - November 17th, 2010,

Before I get to the bailouts, I have to remind you that in:
• 1999, you passed the Financial Services Modernization Act. This repealed Glass-Steagall, the law that had successfully kept main street banking safely separated from Wall Street for seven decades. Even the 1987 market crash had no impact on Main Street credit availability, thanks to Glass-Steagall.
• 1997-2010, you allowed the Credit Rating Agencies to change their business model, from Investor pays to Underwriter pays — a business structure known as Payola. This change effectively allowed banks to purchase their AAA ratings, and was ignored by the SEC and other regulators.
• 2000, you passed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act. It allowed the shadow banking industry to develop without any oversight by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the SEC, or the state insurance regulators. This led to rampant creation of credit-default swaps, CDOs, and other financial weapons of mass destruction — and the demise of AIG.
• 2001-04, the Fed, under Alan Greenspan, irresponsibly dropped fund rates to 1%. This set off an inflationary spiral in housing, commodities, and in most assets priced in dollars or credit.
• 1999-07, the Federal Reserve failed to use its supervisory and regulatory authority over banks, mortgage underwriters and other lenders, who abandoned such standards as employment history, income, down payments, credit rating, assets, property loan-to-value ratio and debt-servicing ability.
• 2004, the SEC waived its leverage rules, allowing the 5 biggest Wall Street firms to go from 12 to 1 to 20, 30 and even 40 to 1. Ironically, this rule was called the Bear Stearns exemption.
These actions and rule changes were requested by the banking industry. Rather than behave as adult supervision, you indulged the reckless kiddies, looking the other way as they acted out. You were the grand enabler of the finance sector’s misbehavior. Hence, you helped create the mess by allowing the banking sector to run roughshod over decades of successful constraints. (Kudos again on that). (cont'd)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IDIOT Obama has accomplished the IMPOSSIBLE: he has RESSURECTED the BUSH brand in just 2 years flat! Jebby Bush looking polished & popular in glow of Marco Rubio's Florida senate win...

There is a simple reason that Democrats GOT TROUNCED last night in mid-term election voting 2010:
      Because, FAR from delivering the "CHANGE!" that he promised as a presidential candidate  in every waking moment of campaign 2008,  President Barack Obama has instead delivered the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of real change - he has spent the past 2 years delivering MORE of the REPUBLICAN Right-Wing "BAILOUT THE BANKERS - STARVE, FORECLOSE, EVICT, FIRE,  & SLASH pensions and   social safety net programs for everyone else" agenda that saw his predecessor, George W. Bush, flown out of Washington   on Helicopter 1 from a landslide of discontent by  literally millions of jeers, catcalls, & raspberries during Obama's Jan. 2009 inauguration. 
  Before we  try to outline and define (below)  Obama's  RADICAL RIGHT-WING Neo-Con POLICIES that led to this tidal wave of voter REJECTION (if not hate) for  the Obama-Pelosi so-called "Democrat" leadership' 'agenda  -
( a tough task, because there are literally  THOUSANDS of  articles, websites, links, and details to substantiate every specific Right-Wing economic SABOTAGE policy we allege against Obama's very Neo-Con presidency)   -
we will  first simply point out that IDIOT Obama has done the impossible:  
  HE HAS TARRED HIMSELF (and the Democrats)  with BUSH & CHENEY's DESPISED policies almost across the board -  (TORTURE, BAILOUTS for larcenous, fraudulent, criminal bankers,  titanic accounting FRAUD at the Fed,  titanic  Bernie Madoff/Enronesque/Wall St. FINANCIAL LARCENY in DEREGULATED markets, EXPANDING WARS,  EXPANDING DEFICITS,  ECONOMIC CONTRACTION, JOBS OUTSOURCING... SUBSIDIZED by taxpayer dollars!,  continuing FOSSIL FUEL GLUTTONY & DEPENDENCE, SLASHED educational & social programs, POLICE STATE POWERS and the GUTTING of citizens' civilian rights,  including CONTINUED de facto apartheid in America's "war on drugs," etc., etc., etc.,  ad naseum) 
   - and, yes, there was JEBBY BUSH,  THIEF of the 2000 elections,  KILLER of Florida's late 1990's era   Gov. Lawton Chiles (Democratic)  state BUDGET SURPLUS;       Gov. Jeb Bush he guy who LOCKED DOWN FLORIDA in a STATE OF MARTIAL LAW  days BEFORE  the 9-11 terrorists hit the NY World Trade Center twin towers (yes, the Bush brothers KNEW IN ADVANCE that Al Qaida terrorists would be acting to kill Americans in early September of 2001)  -
    IDIOT Obama has  SO FOULED and CORRUPTED the "Democratic" Party brand in two years, that he has all but RESURRECTED, restored, and polished   the BUSH BRAND, in just 2 years flat!

Yes,  that was JEBBY BUSH on TV last night, looking tanned, polished, and BASKING in the senate victory of his Florida Republican protege, Marco Rubio - Democrats SWEPT OUT of statewide office in Florida thanks to IDIOT Obama's "OF, BY, and For Golddamn Sachs"  "bailouts" larceny & financial fraud, even though Florida retirees are probably THE BIGGEST BENEFICIARIES  of Democratic "liberal" NEW DEAL and Great Society  programs - from Social Security to FDIC to stock market oversight to GI Bill to other  college  & education  subsidies and jobs creating "big government spending" over the past 5 decades -   IDIOT Obama has  TARRED Democrats with RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN FAILURES, and thereby has POLISHED UP Jeb Bush's, we loath to say it, presidential prospects! 


     Obama is either TOO STUPID, OR TOO CORRUPT, to  TRASH his  ENTIRE  Neo-Con "of, by, and for Goddamn-Sachs"  "economics team," the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE TRAITORS who  are IN LEAGUE with the WORST ASPECTS of Right-Wing Republican reactionary economic & social sabotage, people such as LAWRENCE SUMMERS and Peter Orsag who during the Clinton administration urged Congress to pass  the RADICAL RIGHT-WING  REPUBLICAN Phil Gramm written Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and Commodities Futures 'Modernizations' Acts - both of which, along with NAFTA, GATT, China MFN, and other "Free Trade" deals, empowered Wall Street sharpies to LOOT America's critical financial markets... just as Wall Street insiders had done earlier with the titanic INSIDER DEFRAUDING of Savings & Loans, and government bailouts, from the late 1980s Savings & Loan crisis.
   WHY THE HELL did Obama EVER  put  PETER ORSZAG  a "KEEP THE BUSH TAX CUTS FOR RICH"  Social Security gutting economics HACK in the "Change" White House in the first place???!
    As we will shortly point out,  ORSZAG's name is on the "Social Security CAT FOOD COMMISSION," so called by FireDogLake founder Jane Hamsher  because it is designed by Right-Wing economics parasites, to  TRASH America's Social Security, and drive America's seniors back to 1920s and Great Depression DEATH by STARVATION conditions - the "REFORMS"  idiot Obama has EMPOWERED this commission to consider, would FORCE seniors to choose between life-sustaining prescription drugs or medical care and real food, hence, low-income seniors would be driven to subsist on cat food.
With RADICAL RIGHT-WING appointees in critical economics positions  like "cat food commission" Peter Orzag,  "Freddie Mac fixer"  Rahm Emanuel,  economy extortion & sabotage specialist Larry Summers, Goddamn-Sachs partner Gary Gensler, and  ECONOMIC SABOTAGE "maestro" Ben Bernanke,
  IDIOT obama has  RESURRECTED the  BUSH BRAND, in two years flat !!!

 Below,   FireDogLake's  Blue Texan summarizes, in one short paragraph, the DESPISED   __RIGHT-WING__ policies that have gotten Democratic candidates SLAUGHTERED last night:
 3 Things You’ll Hear about the Election Tomorrow That are Total Bullshit
By: Blue Texan,  Tuesday November 2, 2010
  ...Total Bullshit #2. "Obama should move to the middle if he wants to save his presidency."
    "Given that Obama has cut taxes, opened up offshore drilling, passed Mitt Romney’s health care plan, appointed a deficit commission for the purpose of curtailing socialism entitlements, doubled down in Afghanistan, continued and amplified the Bush/Cheney national security policies, expanded the War on Terror(TM) into Pakistan, retained a huge footprint in Iraq and increased the defense budget, where exactly is this 'center' he’s supposed to move to? Between Jim DeMint and Lindsay Graham, apparently."
   Over a year earlier, in Feb 2010, Jane Hamsher (also of FDL)  caught the RADICAL RIGHT-WING NATURE of  IDIOT Obama's "social security 'REFORM' plan," 
"Obama, Social Security and the Diamond-Orszag Plan," which commentary we repost at the bottom of this post. 
  But first, we point out that EVEN as IDIOT Obama has GIVEN the Right-Wing Republicans the ideological  & policy  HATCHETS and AXES they need to SLASH America's social safety net and disaster insurance programs...  he, Obama,  is GIVING the Fed license to PRINT UP ANOTHER  $4 TRILLION,  which fiat-money  LOOT will land DIRECTLY in the Big, FRAUDULENT banker's vaults...
 [note: "Hoping to Spur Growth" IS A LIE:  Geithner & Bernanke are EMPOWERING the mega-banks that OWN the Fed, to DESTROY the U.S. economy: all those BILLIONS $$ - 4,000 BILLION in this "QE2" splurge alone -  allow the mega-banksters to CORNER the world's essential commodities markets, JACKING UP  PRICES for life-sustaining commodities... which TAKE purchasing AND investment dollars, OUT of the hands of working families -  OUT of the REAL economy.    THIS is how the treasonous  New York Times and Washington Post LEAD the  INTENTIONAL SABOTAGE DESTRUCTION of America's economy, by  WHITEWASHING  Neo-Con big bankers economic SABOTAGE, with one thousands little white lies such as "QE2 is intended to Spur Growth" when the familiar patern is the diametrical opposite. Ultimately, with no timely restraints, this process of GIVING TRILLIONS to big, predatory, fraudulent bankers will result in either the HYPER-INFLATION of Wiemar Germany that led to the rise of the Nazis in 1930s, or to the SIEZURE of land and crops that led directly to the GREAT IRISH FAMINE of 1845-1852... which was but one of many famines Ireland endured under the tender mercies of English guns, ruthless landlords, and predatory, parasitic merchant-bankers.]

...which  $4 TRILLION in  the newly named "Quantitative Earnings 2"  BAILOUTS they will use to BID UP the price of life sustaining commodities,  in their continuing, relentless, and accelerating WAR ON the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

       IDIOT obama is  GIVING  the Right-Wing treasury looting financial parasites FOUR TRILLION MORE DOLLARS, to  ATTACK American working families with!!
   And the STUPID LIARS of America's "major media" press/media, continue to paint Obama as some sort of "Lefty / liberal" !!!
   Below, Jane Hamsher explains how Obama was INTENDING to GUT  Social Security... way back in Feb. 2009, that is, immediately after  IDIOT Obama became president!
 Obama, Social Security and the Diamond-Orszag Plan
By: Jane Hamsher Thursday February 12, 2009  

 Ben Smith says today that the left is "silent on Social Security reform" even as the administration considers it, and quotes Blue Dog Jim Cooper who says Obama is "in a honeymoon phase, and many liberals are afraid to express concerns."
Atrios calls it trolling. Perhaps it is, but there have been signs that serious Social Security reform is in the works, and people who have been briefed on the administration’s plans indicate that things like raising the retirement age and cutting benefits are under consideration.
Consider — in December, Cooper said a report  which showed "that the governments unfunded liabilities are roughly $56 trillion" was "shocking."  He called for a commission to address it, which Hoyer endorsed but Pelosi opposed.   The White House agreed to it in January:
Obama said that he has made clear to his advisers that some of the difficult choices–particularly in regards to entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare – should be made on his watch. "We’ve kicked this can down the road and now we are at the end of the road," he said.
So who is going to be on this panel? Kent Conrad, Judd Gregg, the Blue Dogs and "a host of outside groups with ideas on the matter."  Said Paul Rosenberg:
So, Blue Dogs in. Progressives? Not so much.  Surprised?  Didn’t think so.  The agenda here "difficult choices–particularly in regards to entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare" is straight out of the fiscal slasher movie on CNN last weekend, IOUSA, which Digby blogged about earlier in the week, and which was thoroughly debunked by economist Dean Baker and his associates at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), which he co-directs, when it first came out in theatrical release last fall. 
Whatever plan the task force comes up with, Cooper does not want Congress to be able to amend it
Cooper was a health care spokesman for Obama during the campaign.  Mike Lux sounded the alarm at the time, noting that Cooper had been critical to killing health care reform in 1993/94 and was a solid spokesman for the insurance industry position. Digby has more of his history.

Notice how Obama uses the oh-so-typical WASHINGTON & NY ESTABLISHMENT terms "DIFFICULT CHOICES" and "ENTITLEMENT SPENDING" to set the stage for GUTTING  Social Security.   WHAT THE HELL is an "ENTITLEMENT" about a program that FORCES self-employed workers to donate NEARLY 15% of their take home pay to a GOVERNMENT program???? 

  In plain english,  one of the first things SO-CALLED "liberal" President Barack Obama did, in Feb. 2009, was create a "Social Security 'REFORM' commission" - which he and his Manchurian Candidate Right-Wing Neo-Con White House "economics team" hacks like Lawrence Summers and Rahm Emanuel  proceeded to stack with RIGH-WING  Social Security hating hacks!

  To sum up this long, "rant" of a blog post, all we can say is "WHAT AN IDIOT!" Barack Obama is - he apparently never even listened to HIS OWN 2008 campaign speeches, he has EMBRACED the DESPISED Bush-Cheney-Hank Paulson agenda as his own, now THE ONLY THING LEFT for Obama to do, is START DROPPING BOMBS ON IRAN, for fun, profit, and to milk whatever favorability he can out of his Right-Wing Neo-Con masters...

  "STEP & FETCH IT" Obama, to appease his Neo-Con & Neo-Confederate masters,  is going, in the next 2 years, to  EXPAND the U.S. wars in the Mideast, and kill THOUSANDS more Muslims in the Mideast,  in a sadly delusional effort to win approval and placate the murderously ferocious radical right wing.... just as George W. Bush ALLOWED the 9-11 terrorists to attack America, so he, Cheney, and the Wolfowitz PNAC crew could institute their lusted-for war on Iraq, and police state dictatorship powers in America.  

Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama's Neo-Cons....

 The Unholy Trio: The "Democrats" masters of Neo-Con political sabotage, economic destruction (bailouts & "deregulation" license to titanic financial fraud) and  Neo-Con (Israel war-lobby) war-mongering TREACHERY:  left to right, Rahm Emanuel, Lawrence Summers, & Robt Rubin.

Rahm Emanuel's fingerprints are ALL OVER, not only the Democrats' DISMAL election prospects tonight, but the ECONOMIC CRISIS that has ONLY GOTTEN WORSE since Barack Obama foolishly picked the Right-Wing, AIPAC, JOE LIEBERMAN CLONE to be his White House Chief of Staff two years ago - Larry Summers is the chief architect of the Neo-Con Fed Reserve + GoldmanSachs/JP Morgan "bailouts & financial fraud" ECONOMIC SABOTAGE of the past 2 years, both Summers and Emanuel are Robert Rubin minions (proteges) - they both worked under former Golddamn-Sachs CHAIRMAN Rubin, when Rubin was Pres. Clinton's Treasury Secretary in the late 1990s.
The most insightful, informative, and important single article or web-page of the past 5 years is DownWithTyranny's post-election 2006 deconstruction  of the Democrats' Campaign 2006 election strategy.... where DWT guest blogger  Paul Lukasiak discovers the appalling truth:  Rahm Emanuel, then (in campaign season 2006) in charge of the Democrats' entire Congressional campaign machinery (then  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's hand-picked DCCC Dem Congressional Campaign Committee chairman) ACTIVELY sought to SABOTAGE the Democrat's election chances!
  WHY? would  "liberal Democrat" Rahm Emanuel want to SABOTAGE the Democrats' chances at gaining majority power in the November 2006 elections?  
 - ans.:  Because Emanuel was a JOE LIEBERMAN clone,  a RADICAL RIGHT-WING LIKUDNIK WARMONGER and Goddamn-Sachs TREASURY LOOTER  (the two are synonymous),  and just as JOE LIEBERMAN tried to SABOTAGE the Democratic candidates in the 2006 elections (Lieberman actively CAMPAIGNING FOR _REPUBLICAN_ presidential candidate John McCain)  to bring about the AIPAC (Jewish war lobby) wet dream of a U.S. ATTACK and INVASION OF IRAN,  so too did Rahm Emanuel  hope to ENABLE his FELLOW NEO-CON Likudnik warmongers in the Bush-Cheney administration in November 2006 - who would have bombed every infrastructure target in Iran immediately after election 2006, if Republicans had maintained control of the House & Senate.
   Thus far - election eve Nov. 2010 - Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's ONLY real accomplishment (besides becoming the first woman Speaker of the House, and first minority president, respectively)  has been in STAVING OFF the Neo-Con (Jewish war lobby) + Right-Wing Republican LUST to ATTACK, INVADE, and DESTROY Iran...
    but this accomplishment  is now hurtling over a rocky precipe, with Republicans set to take charge of House (and possibly Senate) committees, and, at the INSTIGATION of the JEWISH WAR LOBBY,  they will AMPLIFY  EVERY  "war crime" alleged against Iran  that (literally) billions of dollars of War-Lobby marketeers can dream up  (see Jewish War Lobby professional liar Douglas Feith's "Office of Special Plans" in the Rumsfeld/Cheney War Department after 9-11 2001) 
  IN DISHING OUT  TENS, upon hundreds, upon THOUSANDS of BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to the Goddamn-Sachs/JP Morgan-Chase banking cartel, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have EMPOWERED  both the Republican REHABILITATION... and the next upsurge in MORE WAR LUST. 
  OBAMA's Sheer FRAUD:  _HIS_  administration, and HIS government agencies,  are trying to BULLSHIT Americans that there is NO, or very little, INFLATION - when in fact,   REAL inflation, for the goods and services that Americans NEED to LIVE on, are SKYROCKETING.   Obama is either a COMPLETE IDIOT... or as cruel,  ruthless, & incomptent  as cartoon character Snidley Whiplash,  to either NOT KNOW, or HAVE NO EMPATHY FOR, the MILLIONS of Americans who are being POUNDED by the INFLATION wrought by mega-bankers with nearly UNLIMITED access to "fiat money"  FREE CAPITAL (near ZERO interest rates) -  if not ACTUAL "free money" in  the form of TRILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer extorted "bailouts" GIFTS!
Global food crisis forecast as prices reach record highs
 John Vidal, environment editor,,
Cost of meat, sugar, rice, wheat and maize soars as World Bank predicts five years of price volatility
• Six casualties of the world food crisis
UN warned of major new food crisis at emergency meeting in Rome

  A-List:   Food Fight:  Wheat & corn prices up 30%, cost of meat at record levels! Speculator Mike Masters explains why: "Because there is already much more capital available in the world than hard commodities, speculators can increase the price of consumable commodities, like foodstuffs or energy, much higher than traditional consumers and producers can react. ... When derivative markets are linked to commodity markets, this nearly unlimited capital from the financial sector can cause excessive price volatility."