Welcome to the Neo-Con Likudnik (Jewish Right-Wing) version of "democracy" - right out of Hitler and Stalin's playbook, they really are pushing "DICTATORSHIP is FREEDOM!" coups, this particular example in the test-tube case of Honduras, a small country in Central American, where the bloodthirsty Emanuel/Lieberman/Wolfowitz neo-con Likundiks are practically DROOLING over the success of their MURDEROUS MILITARY COUP; over the prospect of more Milton Friedman, Henry Kissinger-esque, MORE bloody, murderous, Pinochet DICTATORSHIP COUPS throughout Central & South America... in the name of "Freedom and Democracy" of course.
The "Democrat" Neo-Cons (such as Lieberman, Emanuel, Arlen Specter, almost all of the Golddamn-Sachs 'Democratic' neo-cons) are indistinguishable from their radical right-wing Republican brothers in murderous entitlement, hate & scorn for genuine democracy in the world, except that the "Democrat" versions of the "we DESPISE democracy" Neo-Cons have graduate degrees & PhD's in sheer, APPLIED TREACHERY and DECEIT.
While the Republican Neo-Cons like Bill Kristol revel in their "let them eat cake.... and DIE from lack of medical care," scorn for the unwashed masses on their sleeves,
(here uber Neo-Con NY millionaire & Likdunik warmonger "BLOODY BILL" Kristol all but gloats at the death of American children from lack of health care, 59 seconds into video, sentiments also found in Lieberman, Eric Cantor, and all other Republicans policies, if not speeches)
the "Democrat" neo-cons have done an ace job of convincing the Democratic-voting peons that they really support and admire democracy, even as they exert Hurculean efforts in the diametrically opposite direction, SABOTAGING free elections, and spending just enough in BRIBES (a few million dollars for a small country like Honduras will do) - through their CIA, Mossad, and other, 'more legitimate' private front groups - to create the FACADE that the public in 3rd world countries APPROVES of one of the neo-con's puppet regime's DICTATORSHIP COUPS in a target country.
(and of course LEAD - bullets, beatings, tortures, and murders - for those who actually garner enough popular support to oppose the Jewish & US Right-Wing imposed dictatorship).
So now it's all over but the formality, a locust-like HORDE of American "elections observers" will descend on Honduras to legitimize the BRIBED, STOLEN, and INTIMIDATED 'elections,' while the US press and media (the Nazi-esque New York Times & equally Nazi-esque Washington Post) work double, triple overtime to WHITEWASH the MURDERS - and ONGOING political intimidations behind the coup.
(Jewish female survivors of 'the holocaust' and their daughters will be especially pleased to know that WOMEN are THE BIGGEST VICTIMS of the Honduran militiary coup & murderous repressions.)
After which, NY, London, Tel Aviv, and Wall Street "business experts" will descend on Honduras like the parasites and "Economic Hit Men" they are, and strip the little country of EVERY asset worth a dime (insert Matt Taibbi's "they are a vampire squid on the face of humanity, inserting their bloody funnel into anything that smells of money" full article here), just like pouring a gallon of Clorox bleach on a colorful blouse or expensive business suit sucks the color and life out of those clothes.
Note also how the very Jewish-owned (sulzberger) NY Times and Washington Post SUPPORT BLACKWATER - the privately owned, very "Christian" mercenary death-squads that were and are Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz's executors of colonial conquest in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now in Pakistan (the New CONQUISTADORS!) by keeping Blackwater's (ne, "Xe") antics OUT of the 'news' (much less intensive journalistic investigations); and as well how the very Jewish Times & Post PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE the US Air Force Academy has been all but PURGING cadets from the academy who don't suscribe to the Christian fundamentalist "New Crusades" pro-wars agenda.
All the above blatantly private "Christian" SS-like armies and "religious" DISCRIMINATION in important US government institution such as the US Air Force Academy would have brought a blast of angst (if not recriminations) from the very Neo-Con Post & Times just a decade or two ago, but are now IGNORED by the Neo-Con Times & Post, for the simple reason that the Jewish Neo-Cons are, and have been, ALLIED with the Cheney-Bush-Rove radical right-wing fundamentalists, pro-war 'Christ-ian' THEOCRATIC religious bullies for at least two decades now.
The Cheney-Wolfowitz (Bush) war alliance and AIPAC lusty cheers for Dick Cheney's "BOMB IRAN NOW!" speech at the Aipac "Israel First!" conference in Washington DC in March 2007 then, and now, the DEFINING characteristics of the Obama "Democrat" Neo-Cons, whether they're bombing Iraq and Afghanistan, wanting to bomb Venezuela, or just bribing and murdering their way to dictator coup puppet regimes in Honduras and South America.
Next up... COLOMBIA! Oh, wait, in the godly name of "The War on Drugs!" Colombia is ALREADY a US puppet dictatorship, awash in billions of American dollars (as worthless as they may be) from both American cocaine consumers, and American government funded death squads.
(oops! - this article/link was about machine-gun armed US DEA agents in Afghanistan, not Colombia. Our mistake.)
So make it... "Next up, ECUADOR, BOLIVIA, Argentina, and, just as soon as billions of US taxpayer extorted dollars can erect a sufficient facade of local public support, ANOTHER new, CIA sponsored, murderous Jewish Right-Wing neo-con Likudnik approved, REALLY BLOODY, murderous coup in VENEZUELA! Praise Jesus!
US Group That SUPPORTED OVERTHROWS of Democratically Elected Governments
in Haiti and Venezuela Will Observe Elections in Honduras
WASHINGTON - November 23 - The National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI), ORGANIZATIONS that RECEIVE FUNDING FROM U.S. State Department, are planning on sending delegations to observe ["observe' implies impartiality: they are going there to ACTIVELY make a STAMP OF APPROVAL for a right-wing DICTATORSHIP regime's "democratically elected" front-candidates] the November 29 elections in Honduras, according to a statement issued by Republican Senator Richard Lugar. The IRI is a group that has supported the ouster of democratically elected presidents in Haiti and Venezuela in recent years.....
"Meet the new boss, just like the old boss" - The Likudnik propensity for WAR LUST, LOOT-the-peons economics, and whipping up murderous dictatorial COUPS in ANY country they can, stretches back to at least the 1970s (if not the 1960s & 1950s), here 1980's "neo-Liberal" "free-market" gury Milton Friedman spews his Right-Wing lies with gusto - just as today's Neo-Con Likudniks spout their "dictatorship = freedom" coup-advocating propaganda from the pages of the Sulzberger Times and the Meyer/Graham Washington Post.
"The great achievements of civilization HAVE NOT COME from GOVERNMENT BUREAUS" Mr. Friedman says?!!!
Mr. Friedman is AN ABJECT LIAR: the LIBERATION of AUSCHWITZ (by Soviet armies in WWII) was FUNDED & SUPPLIED by the "ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY" the __UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT__ representing the AMERICAN PEOPLE working, NOT for selfish greed, but for COMMON INTEREST. Mr. Friedman and his fellow Likudnik intellectual THIEVES and BULLIES, are trying to STEAL the very "democratic" foundation for America's struggle and victory in WWII!
(Amazingly enough, President Roosevelt led America to victory in WWII _WITHOUT_ allowing banks to "earn" 30% loan-shark interest on credit cards; or without allowing Golddamn-Sachs "investment bankers" to SWINDLE taxpayers out of 20+ trillion taxpayer dollars - nearly 2x the entire US GDP today - to, you know, "save the financial markets"!)
And perhaps humanity's greatest ever technical achievement, the US space program and putting man on the moon (from which "private" communications electronics are techological spin-offs) was achieved by the VERY "government bureau" NASA, and related, GOVERNMENT and military contractors.)
(the Thuggish, entitled, and selfish Mr. Friedman even tries to STEAL CREDIT for EINSTEIN - Einstein and his brilliant "extended study date" wife, with whom he refined if not formulated many of his mathematical proofs, were both educated in SOCIALIZED state-run university systems; Einstein was educated in the GERMAN educational system, from which he developed a loathing for the rank, hierarchy, and national supremacy of the German military machine; and, indeed, contrary to Friedman's credit-stealing Right-Wing propaganda, Einstein was proudly SOCIALIST.)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
The most important story in the WORLD right now: RAHM EMANUEL's Neo-Con, Likudnik "WARMONGERING & BAILOUTS for GoddamnSachs" HIJACKING of the "Democratic" Party....
IF Rahm Emanuel SUCCEEDS in DESTROYING the Democratic Party's Majorities in the House & Senate these coming 2010 elections, it will be at least his third major effort to do so.
It would literally take an encyclopedia to back up the above assertions with all the sources, citations, and issues of the past dozen years, but a far simpler question would be, "what GENUINELY 'liberal" legislative victories has Mr. Emanuel been part of?" OK, the Pelosi Congress passed 'SCHP' insurance for low-income children in 2007, while Emanuel was the Democrat's House party whip, against the Bush veto of SCHP, but since becoming Chief of Staff to the Obama White House, Emanuel (and thereby Obama) have REFUSED to make the substantive arguments in support of genuine health care reform, that OTHER Democrats made in support of SCHP to get it passed in 2007!!
Below, Jane Hamsher's quick post-mortem recitation of how Rahm Emanuel has a _long track record_ of SABOTAGING Democratic election wins - but even Jane plays it a touch TOO SOFT, she thinks Emanuel is merely a self-promoting corporate Dem with a misguided sense of Democratic election strategy, when in fact Emanuel, like Joe Lieberman, has an EXCELLENT sense of election strategy, he KNOWS that HIS Radical Right Wing neo-con, Likudnik, WARS, police-state, and GODDAMN-SACHS UBER ALLES agenda will NEVER win popular elections, so he MASQUERADES those radical, right-wing priorities under a fake, "DINO," pretend-Democrat veneer.
NOTE items 3and 4 (2005 and 2006) -
- 2005: Rahm as head of DCCC recruits pro-war Dems, threatens to cut funds for any Dem who runs opposing the war
- 2006: Ned Lamont beats Joe Lieberman by opposing the war, opens the floodgates for candidates to buck Rahm & fuel Democratic takeover of House. Rahm’s pro-war candidates lose.
Had Ned Lamont NOT BUCKED the Emanuel (as Chairman of the DCCC Congressional Campaign Committee, i.e. head congressional fundraiser for congressional Democratic candidates in 2006) "WAR PARTY ONLY!" MONOPOLY for pro-war, and AGAINST anti-war candidates, THE DEMOCRATS WOULD HAVE LOST the mid-term elections of 2006!!
This would have been a COMPLETE DISASTER for America, the RE-EMPOWERED Republican Congress and Cheney-Rove-bush White House would have ATTACKED IRAN (WITH, we should point out, AIPAC's enthusiastic support), such a THIRD US/AIPAC WAR against a Muslim nation would have CERTAINLY triggered terrorist attack reprisals (whether in America or against American targets overseas), and they, in turn, would have RAMPED UP the US "war on terror" POLICE STATE - just to Bush, Cheney, Rove, AND EMANUEL's (and Lieberman's) LIKING!
AS the HuffPost headline quite simply explains!
Back in 2006, Ned Lamont quite possibly SAVED AMERICA from a FULL BLOWN "3 major wars and police-state" DICTATORSHIP, (just imagine the 40,000 troops the Army wants to ADD... to Afghanistan TODAY, PLUS the HUNDRED THOUSAND PLUS troops it would take to invade Iran!)
but nearly 4 years later, the hyper-Likudnik, hyper-warmongering, hyper GoddamnSachs "deregulation and bailouts larcency," hyper-TREACHEROUS Rahm Emanuel is ONCE AGAIN __TRYING__ to SABOTAGE the Democratic Majority - with results that are ALREADY showing up all over America, besides the Goddamn-Sachs tainted Corzine loss in New Jersey, and Creigh Deeds "right-wing Republican-lite" losing Virginia governor's contest earlier this month -
"Dem. Congressman Moore will NOT seek re-election in his Republican leaning District in 2010"
Speaker Pelosi is ABOUT TO GO DOWN in History as THE WOMAN who LOST the House, because, in FOUR YEARS of DEMOCRATIC control of Congress, not only did the Democrats FAIL TO DELIVER, not only could they NOT produce a GENUINE health-care alternative to rapaciously predatory "health claims DENIED" private insurers; not only did the Democrats FAIL to reign in MASSIVE FRAUD in the financial markets, not only did the Democrats DO NOTHING to shore up the housing and jobs markets; but under the treacherously not-so-tender mercies of Rahm Emanuel, the Goddamn-Sachs White House, and "yellow dog" Democrats, the COWERING "Democrat" Leadership COULDN'T EVEN MAKE GOOD ARGUMENTS to defend SCHP, Medicare, or Social Security, once Mr. Emanuel was fully infested in the Obama White House!!!
(needless to say, IF Speaker Pelosi does lose her majority in 2010, Republicans WILL IMMEDIATELY fund & invest a new KEN STARR IMPEACHMENT of President Obama... and just as Rahm Emanuel SAILED OFF to Chicago 'boutique investment bank' Wasserstein-Perella in 1998, a step ahead of the Clinton "Monica" impeachment (Emanuel almost certainly shoe-horned into that job by then Clinton Treasury Secretary, and former GOLDDAMN-SACHS CHAIRMAN, Robert Rubin), so too can President Obama EXPECT Emanuel to SAIL OFF to a directorship at Goddamn-Sachs or Citi, as Obama faces a FRANKENSTEIN right-wing backlash to his "trillions for bankers, NO OVERSIGHT bailouts" "economic policies" that would make the Tom DeLay/Ken Starr impeachment of President Bill Clinton look like a GARDEN PARTY by comparison!!!!!)
Lessons Learned in VA, CA and NJ in Election 2009:
Is Rahm Emanuel ORCHESTRATING a MASSACRE for Democrats in 2009?
By: Jane Hamsher Wednesday November 4, 2009 7:32 am
1993: Rahm is the architect of NAFTA
1994: Unions stay home after NAFTA. Democratic turnout poor, Democrats give up 54 seats in House.
2005: Rahm as head of DCCC recruits pro-war Dems, threatens to cut funds for any Dem who runs opposing the war
2006: Ned Lamont beats Joe Lieberman by opposing the war, opens the floodgates for candidates to buck Rahm & fuel Democratic takeover of House. Rahm’s pro-war candidates lose.
2007: Rahm blames failure of his pet pro-war candidates on immigration. Makes Freshmen co-sponsor anti-immigrant SAVE act.
2007: SAVE Act triggers Hispanic Caucus revolt on the floor of the House
2007: Rahm demands Democratic candidates inoculate themselves against expected GOP attacks by moving to the right on immigration.” Says Hispanics “don’t vote, ignore ‘em.”
2008: Hispanics provide Obama’s margin of victory in Florida, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado.
2009: Rahm Emanuel pushing “triggers” to kill President’s campaign promise of a public option in January
2009: Creigh Deeds reinacts Little Bighorn in Virgina after saying he’ll “opt-out” of public option and Democrats stay home
2009: Bill Owens endorses public option, pulls off surprising upset in district with GOP advantage
2009: John Garamendi defies beltway conventional wisdom that Democrat in CA-10 had to be conservative like Ellen Tausher to hold the seat, says he’ll vote against any bill that doesn’t have a public option (or has triggers), scores decisive win
2009: On behalf of banks, Rahm helps Democrats water down post-Enron investor protections in Sarbanes-Oxley
2009: Jon Corzine loses in the wake of “growing anti-Goldman [Sachs]” sentiment.”
2009: The day after the election, Senate Dems still pushing triggers.
Rahm doesn’t think about Democratic turnout. His reputation for “winning a Democratic majority” rests on his ability as a self-promoter to take credit for victories that happened in spite of him. The truth is that his “act more like Republicans” strategy just hasn’t worked out, and we’re getting whiffs of the disaster it spells for Democrats who follow it.
Note HuffingtonPost's "On Terror, Emanuel Prefers The BUSH Playbook" "Politics" headline at 12 noon on Nov. 23....
That headline SHOULD be written,
"On prosecuting OVERSEAS WARS, on TAX CUTS FOR RICH, on DEREGULATING FINANCIAL MARKETS, on CRIMINALIZING DISSENT,(Gov. Siegelman still twists in the wind from Karl Rove's lynch-mob Alabama DoJ prosecution); on NO OVERSIGHT BAILOUTS for corrupt, fraudulent, and predatory Wal Street bankers, on SABOTAGING environmental responses to global warming, on SABOTAGING a genuine 'Public Option' health care reform (which COULD have simply been called "Expanded Medicare" and TALKED UP for the past 11 months, but for Emanuel's RELENTLESS SABOTAGE) - on these and on EVERY major issue of the 2009 American political scene, RAHM EMANUEL __PREFERS__ the George W. Bush Playbook" -which is to say, "Rahm Emanuel is SYNONYMOUS with the George Bush, DICK CHENEY, and KARL ROVE LOOTING of the American economy, and JIHAD _AGAINST_ genuine representative American democracy" agenda!
It would literally take an encyclopedia to back up the above assertions with all the sources, citations, and issues of the past dozen years, but a far simpler question would be, "what GENUINELY 'liberal" legislative victories has Mr. Emanuel been part of?" OK, the Pelosi Congress passed 'SCHP' insurance for low-income children in 2007, while Emanuel was the Democrat's House party whip, against the Bush veto of SCHP, but since becoming Chief of Staff to the Obama White House, Emanuel (and thereby Obama) have REFUSED to make the substantive arguments in support of genuine health care reform, that OTHER Democrats made in support of SCHP to get it passed in 2007!!
Below, Jane Hamsher's quick post-mortem recitation of how Rahm Emanuel has a _long track record_ of SABOTAGING Democratic election wins - but even Jane plays it a touch TOO SOFT, she thinks Emanuel is merely a self-promoting corporate Dem with a misguided sense of Democratic election strategy, when in fact Emanuel, like Joe Lieberman, has an EXCELLENT sense of election strategy, he KNOWS that HIS Radical Right Wing neo-con, Likudnik, WARS, police-state, and GODDAMN-SACHS UBER ALLES agenda will NEVER win popular elections, so he MASQUERADES those radical, right-wing priorities under a fake, "DINO," pretend-Democrat veneer.
NOTE items 3and 4 (2005 and 2006) -
- 2005: Rahm as head of DCCC recruits pro-war Dems, threatens to cut funds for any Dem who runs opposing the war
- 2006: Ned Lamont beats Joe Lieberman by opposing the war, opens the floodgates for candidates to buck Rahm & fuel Democratic takeover of House. Rahm’s pro-war candidates lose.
Had Ned Lamont NOT BUCKED the Emanuel (as Chairman of the DCCC Congressional Campaign Committee, i.e. head congressional fundraiser for congressional Democratic candidates in 2006) "WAR PARTY ONLY!" MONOPOLY for pro-war, and AGAINST anti-war candidates, THE DEMOCRATS WOULD HAVE LOST the mid-term elections of 2006!!
This would have been a COMPLETE DISASTER for America, the RE-EMPOWERED Republican Congress and Cheney-Rove-bush White House would have ATTACKED IRAN (WITH, we should point out, AIPAC's enthusiastic support), such a THIRD US/AIPAC WAR against a Muslim nation would have CERTAINLY triggered terrorist attack reprisals (whether in America or against American targets overseas), and they, in turn, would have RAMPED UP the US "war on terror" POLICE STATE - just to Bush, Cheney, Rove, AND EMANUEL's (and Lieberman's) LIKING!
AS the HuffPost headline quite simply explains!
Back in 2006, Ned Lamont quite possibly SAVED AMERICA from a FULL BLOWN "3 major wars and police-state" DICTATORSHIP, (just imagine the 40,000 troops the Army wants to ADD... to Afghanistan TODAY, PLUS the HUNDRED THOUSAND PLUS troops it would take to invade Iran!)
but nearly 4 years later, the hyper-Likudnik, hyper-warmongering, hyper GoddamnSachs "deregulation and bailouts larcency," hyper-TREACHEROUS Rahm Emanuel is ONCE AGAIN __TRYING__ to SABOTAGE the Democratic Majority - with results that are ALREADY showing up all over America, besides the Goddamn-Sachs tainted Corzine loss in New Jersey, and Creigh Deeds "right-wing Republican-lite" losing Virginia governor's contest earlier this month -
"Dem. Congressman Moore will NOT seek re-election in his Republican leaning District in 2010"
Speaker Pelosi is ABOUT TO GO DOWN in History as THE WOMAN who LOST the House, because, in FOUR YEARS of DEMOCRATIC control of Congress, not only did the Democrats FAIL TO DELIVER, not only could they NOT produce a GENUINE health-care alternative to rapaciously predatory "health claims DENIED" private insurers; not only did the Democrats FAIL to reign in MASSIVE FRAUD in the financial markets, not only did the Democrats DO NOTHING to shore up the housing and jobs markets; but under the treacherously not-so-tender mercies of Rahm Emanuel, the Goddamn-Sachs White House, and "yellow dog" Democrats, the COWERING "Democrat" Leadership COULDN'T EVEN MAKE GOOD ARGUMENTS to defend SCHP, Medicare, or Social Security, once Mr. Emanuel was fully infested in the Obama White House!!!
(needless to say, IF Speaker Pelosi does lose her majority in 2010, Republicans WILL IMMEDIATELY fund & invest a new KEN STARR IMPEACHMENT of President Obama... and just as Rahm Emanuel SAILED OFF to Chicago 'boutique investment bank' Wasserstein-Perella in 1998, a step ahead of the Clinton "Monica" impeachment (Emanuel almost certainly shoe-horned into that job by then Clinton Treasury Secretary, and former GOLDDAMN-SACHS CHAIRMAN, Robert Rubin), so too can President Obama EXPECT Emanuel to SAIL OFF to a directorship at Goddamn-Sachs or Citi, as Obama faces a FRANKENSTEIN right-wing backlash to his "trillions for bankers, NO OVERSIGHT bailouts" "economic policies" that would make the Tom DeLay/Ken Starr impeachment of President Bill Clinton look like a GARDEN PARTY by comparison!!!!!)
Lessons Learned in VA, CA and NJ in Election 2009:
Is Rahm Emanuel ORCHESTRATING a MASSACRE for Democrats in 2009?
By: Jane Hamsher Wednesday November 4, 2009 7:32 am
1993: Rahm is the architect of NAFTA
1994: Unions stay home after NAFTA. Democratic turnout poor, Democrats give up 54 seats in House.
2005: Rahm as head of DCCC recruits pro-war Dems, threatens to cut funds for any Dem who runs opposing the war
2006: Ned Lamont beats Joe Lieberman by opposing the war, opens the floodgates for candidates to buck Rahm & fuel Democratic takeover of House. Rahm’s pro-war candidates lose.
2007: Rahm blames failure of his pet pro-war candidates on immigration. Makes Freshmen co-sponsor anti-immigrant SAVE act.
2007: SAVE Act triggers Hispanic Caucus revolt on the floor of the House
2007: Rahm demands Democratic candidates inoculate themselves against expected GOP attacks by moving to the right on immigration.” Says Hispanics “don’t vote, ignore ‘em.”
2008: Hispanics provide Obama’s margin of victory in Florida, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado.
2009: Rahm Emanuel pushing “triggers” to kill President’s campaign promise of a public option in January
2009: Creigh Deeds reinacts Little Bighorn in Virgina after saying he’ll “opt-out” of public option and Democrats stay home
2009: Bill Owens endorses public option, pulls off surprising upset in district with GOP advantage
2009: John Garamendi defies beltway conventional wisdom that Democrat in CA-10 had to be conservative like Ellen Tausher to hold the seat, says he’ll vote against any bill that doesn’t have a public option (or has triggers), scores decisive win
2009: On behalf of banks, Rahm helps Democrats water down post-Enron investor protections in Sarbanes-Oxley
2009: Jon Corzine loses in the wake of “growing anti-Goldman [Sachs]” sentiment.”
2009: The day after the election, Senate Dems still pushing triggers.
Rahm doesn’t think about Democratic turnout. His reputation for “winning a Democratic majority” rests on his ability as a self-promoter to take credit for victories that happened in spite of him. The truth is that his “act more like Republicans” strategy just hasn’t worked out, and we’re getting whiffs of the disaster it spells for Democrats who follow it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The American Public is STARTING to HOLD the OBAMA "Democrats" RESPONSIBLE for the Economic crisis..... (duh)
The American public is STARTING TO BLAME the Obama "Democrats' for the Economic crisis, duh.
< According to the poll, 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, UP 6 points FROM May. >
"WHAT economic crisis?" cries Mr. Obama's hyper-inside-beltway, GoddamnSachs uber alles, Rahm Emanuel led 'economic advisors' wrecking cew?
And the American public "gets it," that, all his 2008 "Change!" rhetoric to the contrary, President Obama would RATHER TALK WITH BILLIONAIRE BANKERS, than do anything substantive for them.
What is REALLY STUPID about this, is that TIMMY McVEIGH BLEW UP the US federal government building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in..... April 1995. OVER TWO YEARS into Clinton's first-term presidency!!
Is Mr. Obama SO IGNORANT and shallow that he NEVER HEARD of Timmy McVeigh?
According to this Google/US government BLS (bureau labor statistics) chart, TODAY's US unemployment rate is FAR HIGHER than it was in 1994 & 1995, THE YEARS which TRIGGERED Timmy McVeigh's domestic terrorism bombing attack, because McVeigh, HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the US-Iraq Gulf 1 war, COULD NOT FIND A JOB!
1995, we remind, was nearly FOUR full years after the end of the Gulf-1 war, "The Good War" which saw relatively minimum US casualties, a war that was switfly fought and won (using the "Powell doctrine" of overwhelming force AND A STRICT EXIT goal) with a genuine alliance; a war that was soon over and returning veterans were treated like heroes.
Mr. Obama inherited a FAR WORSE SITUATION - TWO treasury-draining on-going wars, an entire financial system that was on the edge of MASSIVE BANKRUPTCIES for the largest banks and hedge funds; tens-of-THOUSANDS of wounded, traumatized, disabled, and combat stressed combat veterans returning to America; and, worst of all, a TEN YEAR GoddamnSachs-Wall Street led JIHAD to OUTSOURCE US INDUSTRY overseas, so American bankers and brokers could wallow in SHORT TERM PROFITS, even as they were DESTROYING the domestic US industrial econoomy.
While Mr. Obama has addressed the Wall Street & bankers' financial crisis, he has done very little to address unemployment, besides a few ill designed, sop-to-the-wind programs:
- Obama's "Stimulus Program" was LARDED WITH TAX CUTS and not nearly enough stimulus;
- the "cash for clunkers" was used to purchase many FOREIGN MADE cars and trucks;
- Mr. Obama has SABOTAGED genuine health care because he has NOT VOCALLY and PUBLICLY DEFENDED Medicare over the past 11 months
(Americans LOVE their VERY SOCIALIZED Medicare health insurance; and the VAST MAJORITY of Americans would LOVE for Medicare coverage to include those under 65 years of age - a CLEAR MAJORITY that President Obama REFUSES to speak up for)....
- nowhere in the US press/media will you hear ANYONE discussing "US INDUSTRIAL POLICY"
The Goddamn-Sachs led Wall Street banksters and Neo-Cons are trying to use President Obama to turn President Roosevelt's WWII era America as the "ARSENAL of DEMOCRACY" into an "arsenal of ever increasing, unpopular, OVERSEAS WARS, and NO democracy, the peons be damned!" in 2009 America!
In sum, Mr. Obama is turning himself, and his administration, in to the very "Ivy League, IVORY TOWER, bankers and wealthy first; arrogant, 'TAX & SPEND,' incomptetent bureaucrats; taxpayer-dollars to pay off connected cronies" party machine hack CARICATURE of Democrat elitism - if not abject corruption - that decades of Republican campaigns have tried to portray Democrats as.
Poll: Public SHIFTING BLAME for recession November 20, 2009
38 percent blame Republicans, 27 percent blame Democrats
In May, 53 percent blamed Republicans for economic mess
Rising federal deficit may partly explain shift, CNN polling director says
Only 18 percent say economic conditions are good
Washington (CNN) -- Nearly two years into the recession, opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn IS SHIFTING, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Friday morning indicates that 38 percent of the public blames Republicans for the country's current economic problems. In May, 53 percent blamed the GOP.
According to the poll, 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, UP 6 points FROM MAY, and 27 percent now say both parties are responsible.
"The bad news for the Democrats is that the number of Americans who hold the GOP exclusively responsible for the recession has been steadily falling by about two to three points per month," said Keating Holland, CNN polling director. "At that rate, only a handful of voters will blame the economy on the Republicans by the time next year's midterm elections roll around." [DUH!]
(continued at - http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/11/20/poll.recession/index.html )
< According to the poll, 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, UP 6 points FROM May. >
"WHAT economic crisis?" cries Mr. Obama's hyper-inside-beltway, GoddamnSachs uber alles, Rahm Emanuel led 'economic advisors' wrecking cew?
"WE have a stock market over Dow-10,000, ALL of our thieving banking friends are ROLLING in (taxpayer extorted) bonus billions, and they are pumping MILLIONS of dollars of FRESH NEW BRIBES into our 'Democratic' campaign coffers and Obama 2012 re-election funds - WE DON'T SEE any 'economic crisis' anywhere!"Which of course is exactly the problem. The "Change" candidate who PROMISED us that he would NOT ALLOW LOBBYISTS in HIS White House, has SURROUNDED HIMSELF with NOTHING BUT THE MOST CORRUPT, ENTITLED, CRIMINAL GANGSTER, jobs-smashing lobbyists in all of America. And the president, like his treacherous gangsters, JUST DOESN'T CARE about Americans LAID OFF, DENIED HEALTH CARE, or EVICTED from their mortgage foreclosed homes.
And the American public "gets it," that, all his 2008 "Change!" rhetoric to the contrary, President Obama would RATHER TALK WITH BILLIONAIRE BANKERS, than do anything substantive for them.
What is REALLY STUPID about this, is that TIMMY McVEIGH BLEW UP the US federal government building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in..... April 1995. OVER TWO YEARS into Clinton's first-term presidency!!
According to this Google/US government BLS (bureau labor statistics) chart, TODAY's US unemployment rate is FAR HIGHER than it was in 1994 & 1995, THE YEARS which TRIGGERED Timmy McVeigh's domestic terrorism bombing attack, because McVeigh, HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the US-Iraq Gulf 1 war, COULD NOT FIND A JOB!
1995, we remind, was nearly FOUR full years after the end of the Gulf-1 war, "The Good War" which saw relatively minimum US casualties, a war that was switfly fought and won (using the "Powell doctrine" of overwhelming force AND A STRICT EXIT goal) with a genuine alliance; a war that was soon over and returning veterans were treated like heroes.
Mr. Obama inherited a FAR WORSE SITUATION - TWO treasury-draining on-going wars, an entire financial system that was on the edge of MASSIVE BANKRUPTCIES for the largest banks and hedge funds; tens-of-THOUSANDS of wounded, traumatized, disabled, and combat stressed combat veterans returning to America; and, worst of all, a TEN YEAR GoddamnSachs-Wall Street led JIHAD to OUTSOURCE US INDUSTRY overseas, so American bankers and brokers could wallow in SHORT TERM PROFITS, even as they were DESTROYING the domestic US industrial econoomy.
While Mr. Obama has addressed the Wall Street & bankers' financial crisis, he has done very little to address unemployment, besides a few ill designed, sop-to-the-wind programs:
- Obama's "Stimulus Program" was LARDED WITH TAX CUTS and not nearly enough stimulus;
- the "cash for clunkers" was used to purchase many FOREIGN MADE cars and trucks;
- Mr. Obama has SABOTAGED genuine health care because he has NOT VOCALLY and PUBLICLY DEFENDED Medicare over the past 11 months
(Americans LOVE their VERY SOCIALIZED Medicare health insurance; and the VAST MAJORITY of Americans would LOVE for Medicare coverage to include those under 65 years of age - a CLEAR MAJORITY that President Obama REFUSES to speak up for)....
- nowhere in the US press/media will you hear ANYONE discussing "US INDUSTRIAL POLICY"
The Goddamn-Sachs led Wall Street banksters and Neo-Cons are trying to use President Obama to turn President Roosevelt's WWII era America as the "ARSENAL of DEMOCRACY" into an "arsenal of ever increasing, unpopular, OVERSEAS WARS, and NO democracy, the peons be damned!" in 2009 America!
In sum, Mr. Obama is turning himself, and his administration, in to the very "Ivy League, IVORY TOWER, bankers and wealthy first; arrogant, 'TAX & SPEND,' incomptetent bureaucrats; taxpayer-dollars to pay off connected cronies" party machine hack CARICATURE of Democrat elitism - if not abject corruption - that decades of Republican campaigns have tried to portray Democrats as.
Poll: Public SHIFTING BLAME for recession November 20, 2009
38 percent blame Republicans, 27 percent blame Democrats
In May, 53 percent blamed Republicans for economic mess
Rising federal deficit may partly explain shift, CNN polling director says
Only 18 percent say economic conditions are good
Washington (CNN) -- Nearly two years into the recession, opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn IS SHIFTING, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Friday morning indicates that 38 percent of the public blames Republicans for the country's current economic problems. In May, 53 percent blamed the GOP.
According to the poll, 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, UP 6 points FROM MAY, and 27 percent now say both parties are responsible.
"The bad news for the Democrats is that the number of Americans who hold the GOP exclusively responsible for the recession has been steadily falling by about two to three points per month," said Keating Holland, CNN polling director. "At that rate, only a handful of voters will blame the economy on the Republicans by the time next year's midterm elections roll around." [DUH!]
(continued at - http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/11/20/poll.recession/index.html )
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Emanuel's INSANE Neo-Con CORRUPTION: Incites Right-Wing "PREPARE FOR WAR" - IN AMERICA! backlash billboard.....
The URGENCY for President Obama to TOSS HIS GOLDDAMN-SACHS BANKERS "economics advisors" out of the White House is OBVIOUS to ANYONE outside of the NY/Washington "conventional wisdom" bubble - the BLATANT THEFT of TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in the no-oversight "bailouts," in concert with the GoddamnSachs, neo-con approved "OUTSOURCE US JOBS to COMMUNIST CHINA" agenda (see our previous post), is WRECKING the US economy.
Those issues are now THE SIGNATURE POLICIES (_outsourcing_ US jobs as an "economics agenda," because that is what his GoddamnSachs bankers tell him to do; ALONG with the massive confiscation and redistribution upwards of wealth that is the GoddamnSachs BAILOUTS LARCENY) of the Obama administration!
(And note how the American press media whitewashes this vast economic theft: Here the very neo-con Washington Post owned Newsweek magazine decries "VULTURE CAPITALISM" - in Russia! The Post and Newsweek "IN" on the THEFT of TRILLIONS of dollars from AMERICAN households by the GolddamnSachs, et al bankers.)
The American public are NOT as deluded, delusional, or in support of these GROTESQUE "destroy America's economy" policies, as the NY Times, Washington Post, and other NY and "inside the beltway" 'major media' (corporate media) outlets would have us believe - the American public HATES the BAILOUTS FOR FRAUDULENT BANKERS, and OUTSOURCING US JOBS course America has taken under the NEO-CON STRANGLEHOLD of BOTH the Bush (Bush's Treasury Secretary, HANK PAULSON, was FORMER GOLDMAN-SACHS CHAIRMAN) and now the blatantly "GOLDDAMN-SACHS uber alles" Obama administration.
- Rahm Emanuel and President Obama have ROBBED __millions__ of "CHANGE!" voters of the FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT those voters THOUGHT they were getting from the "change you can believe in" candidate.
- Rahm Emanuel, Lawrence Summers, and Tim Giethner have HANDED OUT TRILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS to GODDAMN-SACHS, JP Morgan-Chase, Citi-bank, & other large banks, and PRETEND that a lousy $20 billion in paybacks here and there constitute "paid in full" return of all taxpayer billions.
- The Emanuel/GoddamnSachs NeoCons have LEFT KARL ROVE's hyper-partisan REPUBLICAN PROSECUTORS IN PLACE - this is SHEER RIGHT-WING TREACHERY from Mr. Obama's White House.
- The Emanuel NeoCons have been SABOTAGING genuine, "public option" health care reform for ELEVEN MONTHS NOW, because Emanuel and the other GolddamnSachs toadies have been ALLIED WITH the insurance industry & Big Pharma to GUT real reform, and shove the industry written "Baucus bill" down Democrats' throats in the senate and Congress. The SABOTAGE of a good argument for REAL reform, EMPOWERS the Right-Wing HATERS, even though MEDICARE already IS SOCIALIZED, IS very popular, and IS the BEDROCK of insurance industry PROFITS; because the insurance industry does not have to pay for health care for America's seniors, the most health-care needy segment of the population. AT EVERY TURN, the TREACHEROUS Rahm Emanuel EMPOWERS the RIGHT-WING attack talking points!
- the Emanuel, GoddamnSachs, Likudnik warmongering Neo-Cons in the Obama White House have been SABOTAGING a drawn-down of US troops in Afghanistan, DELAYING such a draw-down until it becomes POLITICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
- The treacherous Neo-Cons who infest and control the "Democratic" Party REFUSE TO SUPPORT an INDEPENDENT media network, DIVORCED from corporate ownership, which means that AT ANY TIME, pro-Democratic radio hosts and broadcasters like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow CAN BE CANCELLED by corporate media.
And now, the PREDICTABLE TREACHERY, if not TREASON, of the GoddamnSachs Neo-Con agenda - is inciting a "REVOLUTION & RESISTANCE" BACKLASH from the Radical Right... a RADICAL RIGHT that the TRAITOROUS Neo-Cons are ACTUALLY ALLIED WITH, tax-cuts-for-rich, NO OVERSIGHT BAILOUTS for BIG BANKS, OUTSOURCING US JOBS to COMMUNIST CHINA, and EXTORTIONATE, soaring health-care costs ARE ALL the core ELEMENTS of the Right-Wing agenda favored by the NY bankers, Israel "more US wars in Mideast" lobby, and all the other big-finance predators who have been LOOTING the US economy for the past dozen years.
Hat-tip to TYT (The Young Turks) news show host Cenk Uygur, for his catch of this INCITEMENT to VIOLENCE, war - IN America (TREASON!) being URGED by radical Right-Wing backers.
In another TYT video, Mr. Uygur tries to explain the FIFTY TRILLION DOLLAR loophole that Tim Geithner (AND RAHM EMANUEL) tried to ram in to the Congress Derivative Reform Bill... a FIFTY TRILLION DOLLAR LOOPHOLE for FOREIGN DERIVATIVES!!!
It is long past time for Democrats to understand: Tim Geithner, Lawrence Summers, and Rahm Emanuel HAVE GOT TO GO,
they are POISONING not only the Obama administration, but the entire "Democratic" Party brand - for DECADES, if not generations to come!
President Obama is INSANE if he thinks he can TAX the American public out of TRILLIONS of dollars of "bailouts," HAND those TRILLIONS of dollars OVER, no strings attached, to his GolddamnSachs, JPM, & other banker buds on Wall Street, and NOT EVEN GIVE the American public a RECEIPT, much less an I.O.U!
(much less protect American households, by intensive audits and financial fraud prosecutions, from the predatory and fraudulent financial scams which created the debt-bubble in the first place.)
In eleven months flat, under the treacherous 'leadership' of the Emanuel/Geithner/Summers White House, the Democrats have become SYNONYMOUS with trillions of dollars of BAILOUTS FRAUD, and as recently as last week, RAHM EMANUEL was GUTTING MORE REGULATIONS out of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill, and this week, we learn that Tim Geithner is trying to cram another, FIFTY TRILLION dollars DERIVATIVES loophole down Congress' throats!
The "Democratic" Party has been HIJACKED by the PRO-WARS, DEREGULATION, "Israel first" and NO ACCOUNTABILITY Rahm Emanuel & Joe Lieberman (et al) Neo-Cons, who (in refusing to prosecute massive financial fraud, or explain why "SOCIALIZED" Medicare is POPULAR among Americans) are actually INCITING Right-Wing resistance & violence, nearly as much as radical Right-Wing Southern & Western Republicans are!
Those issues are now THE SIGNATURE POLICIES (_outsourcing_ US jobs as an "economics agenda," because that is what his GoddamnSachs bankers tell him to do; ALONG with the massive confiscation and redistribution upwards of wealth that is the GoddamnSachs BAILOUTS LARCENY) of the Obama administration!
(And note how the American press media whitewashes this vast economic theft: Here the very neo-con Washington Post owned Newsweek magazine decries "VULTURE CAPITALISM" - in Russia! The Post and Newsweek "IN" on the THEFT of TRILLIONS of dollars from AMERICAN households by the GolddamnSachs, et al bankers.)
The American public are NOT as deluded, delusional, or in support of these GROTESQUE "destroy America's economy" policies, as the NY Times, Washington Post, and other NY and "inside the beltway" 'major media' (corporate media) outlets would have us believe - the American public HATES the BAILOUTS FOR FRAUDULENT BANKERS, and OUTSOURCING US JOBS course America has taken under the NEO-CON STRANGLEHOLD of BOTH the Bush (Bush's Treasury Secretary, HANK PAULSON, was FORMER GOLDMAN-SACHS CHAIRMAN) and now the blatantly "GOLDDAMN-SACHS uber alles" Obama administration.
- Rahm Emanuel and President Obama have ROBBED __millions__ of "CHANGE!" voters of the FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT those voters THOUGHT they were getting from the "change you can believe in" candidate.
- Rahm Emanuel, Lawrence Summers, and Tim Giethner have HANDED OUT TRILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS to GODDAMN-SACHS, JP Morgan-Chase, Citi-bank, & other large banks, and PRETEND that a lousy $20 billion in paybacks here and there constitute "paid in full" return of all taxpayer billions.
- The Emanuel/GoddamnSachs NeoCons have LEFT KARL ROVE's hyper-partisan REPUBLICAN PROSECUTORS IN PLACE - this is SHEER RIGHT-WING TREACHERY from Mr. Obama's White House.
- The Emanuel NeoCons have been SABOTAGING genuine, "public option" health care reform for ELEVEN MONTHS NOW, because Emanuel and the other GolddamnSachs toadies have been ALLIED WITH the insurance industry & Big Pharma to GUT real reform, and shove the industry written "Baucus bill" down Democrats' throats in the senate and Congress. The SABOTAGE of a good argument for REAL reform, EMPOWERS the Right-Wing HATERS, even though MEDICARE already IS SOCIALIZED, IS very popular, and IS the BEDROCK of insurance industry PROFITS; because the insurance industry does not have to pay for health care for America's seniors, the most health-care needy segment of the population. AT EVERY TURN, the TREACHEROUS Rahm Emanuel EMPOWERS the RIGHT-WING attack talking points!
- the Emanuel, GoddamnSachs, Likudnik warmongering Neo-Cons in the Obama White House have been SABOTAGING a drawn-down of US troops in Afghanistan, DELAYING such a draw-down until it becomes POLITICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
- The treacherous Neo-Cons who infest and control the "Democratic" Party REFUSE TO SUPPORT an INDEPENDENT media network, DIVORCED from corporate ownership, which means that AT ANY TIME, pro-Democratic radio hosts and broadcasters like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow CAN BE CANCELLED by corporate media.
And now, the PREDICTABLE TREACHERY, if not TREASON, of the GoddamnSachs Neo-Con agenda - is inciting a "REVOLUTION & RESISTANCE" BACKLASH from the Radical Right... a RADICAL RIGHT that the TRAITOROUS Neo-Cons are ACTUALLY ALLIED WITH, tax-cuts-for-rich, NO OVERSIGHT BAILOUTS for BIG BANKS, OUTSOURCING US JOBS to COMMUNIST CHINA, and EXTORTIONATE, soaring health-care costs ARE ALL the core ELEMENTS of the Right-Wing agenda favored by the NY bankers, Israel "more US wars in Mideast" lobby, and all the other big-finance predators who have been LOOTING the US economy for the past dozen years.
Hat-tip to TYT (The Young Turks) news show host Cenk Uygur, for his catch of this INCITEMENT to VIOLENCE, war - IN America (TREASON!) being URGED by radical Right-Wing backers.
In another TYT video, Mr. Uygur tries to explain the FIFTY TRILLION DOLLAR loophole that Tim Geithner (AND RAHM EMANUEL) tried to ram in to the Congress Derivative Reform Bill... a FIFTY TRILLION DOLLAR LOOPHOLE for FOREIGN DERIVATIVES!!!
It is long past time for Democrats to understand: Tim Geithner, Lawrence Summers, and Rahm Emanuel HAVE GOT TO GO,
they are POISONING not only the Obama administration, but the entire "Democratic" Party brand - for DECADES, if not generations to come!
President Obama is INSANE if he thinks he can TAX the American public out of TRILLIONS of dollars of "bailouts," HAND those TRILLIONS of dollars OVER, no strings attached, to his GolddamnSachs, JPM, & other banker buds on Wall Street, and NOT EVEN GIVE the American public a RECEIPT, much less an I.O.U!
(much less protect American households, by intensive audits and financial fraud prosecutions, from the predatory and fraudulent financial scams which created the debt-bubble in the first place.)
In eleven months flat, under the treacherous 'leadership' of the Emanuel/Geithner/Summers White House, the Democrats have become SYNONYMOUS with trillions of dollars of BAILOUTS FRAUD, and as recently as last week, RAHM EMANUEL was GUTTING MORE REGULATIONS out of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill, and this week, we learn that Tim Geithner is trying to cram another, FIFTY TRILLION dollars DERIVATIVES loophole down Congress' throats!
The "Democratic" Party has been HIJACKED by the PRO-WARS, DEREGULATION, "Israel first" and NO ACCOUNTABILITY Rahm Emanuel & Joe Lieberman (et al) Neo-Cons, who (in refusing to prosecute massive financial fraud, or explain why "SOCIALIZED" Medicare is POPULAR among Americans) are actually INCITING Right-Wing resistance & violence, nearly as much as radical Right-Wing Southern & Western Republicans are!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Obama's INSANE ARROGANCE & corruption (continued) - OFFSHORES $.85 BILLION of "bailouts" to CHINA windmill manufacturer..!! _INSANE_
Would ANY SANE "DEMOCRATS" LEFT IN CONGRESS, PLEASE explain to the current president, how INSANE it is, to "OFFSHORE" over three-quarters of a BILLION dollars, TO CHINA manufacturers, of OUR "bailouts" money?!
Hey, Chicago..!! You "OK" with your candidate guy... and his Rasputin Chief of Staff... shipping AMERICAN TAXPAYER BAILOUT dollars, BILLIONS of 'em, OFFSHORE to FOREIGN companies??
Hey, Chicago..!! You "OK" with your candidate guy... and his Rasputin Chief of Staff... shipping AMERICAN TAXPAYER BAILOUT dollars, BILLIONS of 'em, OFFSHORE to FOREIGN companies??
Hell if D.C. Didn't Offshore $849 Million in Stimulus for Windmills Already
By Leo Gerard, President, United Steelworkers, and VP, AFL-CIO
November 19, 2009
It turns out a Texas windmill farm developer's request last month for nearly half a billion in stimulus funds to create 2,000 jobs in China doesn't rank first on the audacity scale.
Shockingly for American taxpayers, and sadly for the staggering 10.2 percent of Americans who are unemployed, it doesn't even rank second.
That's because Washington already has doled out hundreds of millions in stimulus funds to foreign renewable energy firms. Of the $1.05 billion in clean energy grants awarded by D.C., $849 million -- 84 percent -- went to foreign wind companies, according to an analysis by Russ Choma of the Investigative Reporting Workshop...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Heckuva Job there, Obama-bushie!" Foreclosure rate HITS RECORD HIGH Nov 2009.....
President Obama arrives South Korea this week: President Obama visiting Asia is not the problem... it's his administration's appearance to DO NOTHING to ease the pain and trauma of THOUSANDS of FORECLOSURES nationwide, that makes his overseas trip look all the more cruel and arrogant.
Is this the Marie Antoinette "LET THEM EAT CAKE," administration... or the Bushie-Brownie "LET 'em DROWN IN DEBT!" administration?!
In our previous column columnist Robert Scheer (who courageously continued to investigate and report on Bush administration malfeasance, even though his diligent reporting got him fired from from the LA Times in 2005) asked "what has become of our beloved 'community organizer' and 'Change!' candidate of 2008?"
Well, the answer is now in: President Obama is either a MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, programmed from years ago to BETRAY the Democratic Party into eternal subjugation to the soulless money & death & destruction war lobbies; or he has been the victim of an ALIEN ABDUCTION body-snatching, with a soulless alien automaton replacing the human Obama with a programmed, soulless shell of a person.
HOW ELSE could you explain a headline - ELEVEN MONTHS into the charismatic, "Democratic," populist, progressive, former community-organizer president's first term of office -
"MORTGAGE DEFAULTS, FORECLOSURES, REACH RECORD HIGHS" - and NO ONE in that president's White House expressed ANY advance concern?
NO stage-managed message to massage down the bad news, "Yes, October was bad, BUT HERE is our plan to turn the numbers around"?
NOTHING? WORSE than nothing - the president is photographed out on the golf course, or bowing to the Japanese emperor on a high-visibility foreign trip, AMERICAN HOME-OWNERS TOSSED IN THE STREET BE DAMNED?!
Otherwise, we simply CAN'T AVOID the conclusion that Mr. Obama is the "Democrat" version of Republican Ohio Secretary of State KEN BLACKWELL, who in the 2004 election helped Republicans DISENFRANCHISE tens of thousands of Black Ohio voters.... Like Mr. Blackwell in 2004, it is hard to avoid the conclusion today, that "President Obama" - OR WHOMEVER is standing in for him - IS SELLING his own fellow Black Americans (the ones stuck lower on the economic totem pole, anyways) DOWN THE RIVER, for a few (tens of) millions of dollars of "campaign donations," and with his ARROGANT, MALIGNANT NEGLECT of their ECONOMIC DISENFRANCHISEMENT, at the hands of Mr. Obama's OWN bankster, ganster, thieveing economic "disaster capitalism" profiteers.
So all we can say is - "HECKUVA JOB THERE, Obama-bushie".... "or whomever you are!"
(But in the name of all that is holy, PLEASE, Obama-bot or whomever you are, don't let them photograph you having dinner in a 5-star Baton Rouge restaurant!)
Postscript: Immediately after we wrote the above - NOT before, honest! - we found this excellent HuffingtonPost.com article - "Black legislators in Congress SHUT DOWN President Obama-Bushies' "Finance Reform" bill, a much ballyhooed farce championed by "Heckuva Job Timmy" (Treasury Secretary Geithner) that is, upon closer look, AND AS TO BE EXPECTED, nothing but a sham and a farce that members of the Black Congressional Caucus would not be caught dead, in this economic climate, going home to defend.
Mortgage Defaults, Foreclosures Reach Record Highs
U.S. housing crisis hits new level
Problem mortgages hit new high at 14 percent
U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Reach a Record High
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"BIG SCARY" poll numbers for Democrats - "How's that RAHM EMANUEL SABOTAGE of America's economy working out for you, Pres. Obama?"
How's that RAHM EMANUEL SABOTAGE of (genuine) Health Care reform, Bailouts supervision, and ECONOMIC RECOVERY (JOBS, NOT 'bonuses' for FRAUDULENT BANKERS) working out for you, President Obama?"
(above photo from Robert Scheer's "President Obama is now a SHILL for bankers and lobbyists" column at TheNation.com. Mr. Scheer was FIRED from the LA Times in 2005, for writing that then President George W. Bush was A SHILL for the predatory Big Finance and war lobbies.)
IF you want to see those poll numbers CONTINUE to CRATER, just keep listening to your "BACKSTABBING Joe Lieberman ON STEROIDS" WH Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel!
And, Mr. President, if you CONTINUE to TURN A BLIND EYE to VAST, consumer & household crushing FINANCIAL FRAUD by the Big Banks & hedge funds in America's critical financial markets, then you would DESERVE to be TORMENTED by new, Republican, KEN STARR like partisan impeachment investigations in 2011, if Republicans sweep back the House majorities... just like they did in 1994.
D-Day for Dems: Create Jobs OR LOSE
By Brent Budowsky, theHill.com
The new Gallup poll shows Republicans pulling ahead of Democrats in generic preference for the 2010 congressional elections by a margin of 48 percent to 44. These numbers are “big scary” for Democrats.
These numbers are “big scary” for Democrats...
(above photo from Robert Scheer's "President Obama is now a SHILL for bankers and lobbyists" column at TheNation.com. Mr. Scheer was FIRED from the LA Times in 2005, for writing that then President George W. Bush was A SHILL for the predatory Big Finance and war lobbies.)
IF you want to see those poll numbers CONTINUE to CRATER, just keep listening to your "BACKSTABBING Joe Lieberman ON STEROIDS" WH Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel!
And, Mr. President, if you CONTINUE to TURN A BLIND EYE to VAST, consumer & household crushing FINANCIAL FRAUD by the Big Banks & hedge funds in America's critical financial markets, then you would DESERVE to be TORMENTED by new, Republican, KEN STARR like partisan impeachment investigations in 2011, if Republicans sweep back the House majorities... just like they did in 1994.
D-Day for Dems: Create Jobs OR LOSE
By Brent Budowsky, theHill.com
The new Gallup poll shows Republicans pulling ahead of Democrats in generic preference for the 2010 congressional elections by a margin of 48 percent to 44. These numbers are “big scary” for Democrats.
These numbers are “big scary” for Democrats...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Serious Question: As Americans go HUNGRY, Does Rahm Emanuel's LOOTING of American economy, rise to level of Treason?
Greetings America, meet your new Overseers!
That knocking you hear IS the wolf at your door: it is Rahm Emanuel & Lloyd Blankfein's army of eviction, foreclosure, and cancelled health-insurance agents -
Like a horde of army ants tossing your family's life possessions out on the curb; raiding your pension with coordinated hedge-fund "pump & dump" attacks; cancelling your health insurance because you are now old enough to actually need medical care; outsourcing your job (with fun & gusto) to Communist China (and telling you that "Of COURSE you shouldn't expect to make A DIME more than those in a Communist Gulag slave-labor work camp make" - the NY Times' Tom Friedman makes a mint selling that junk), and, when all their other quasi- "free market" Loot & Plunder schemes have, indeed, driven most of America back onto the planatation, back into Hooverville, THEN the "financial wizzards" of Wall Street GO DIRECTLY to their BRIBED & OWNED CONGRESS,and just BLATANTLY EXTORT ___trillions $$___ of American household dollars, FROM taxpayer wallets & savings accounts, TO their Wall St. (and offshore) executive accounts, in the form of $20 trillion TWENTY+ TRILLION DOLLARS of taxpyayer EXTORTED "Bailouts so Blankfein & Emanuel's loan-shark enforcers can CORNER and swindle YOUR life's savings!
Just like those despised "untermensch" terrarist Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem getting EVICTED by "settlers" - with the machine-gun and bulldozer backing of the US taxpayer funded Israel Army and US war machine, Praise Jesus!
With today's scathing release of the TARP Inspector General's oversight report -
(good brief review at ZeroHedge)
Those not closely connected to Goddamn-Sachs, JP Morgan-Chase, Citi-bank, Wells-Fargo, BoA, (and a few other mega-large, connected financial instutions) have all wailed a plaintive scream -
"For how much longer will President Obama persist in listening to the disastrous 'advice' of his promoted way-beyond-incompetence Treasury Secretary, Timmy Geithner, and President Obama's even more treacherously destructive Rasputin, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel?Even uber- Clintonista/Obamabot/AIPAC/NY/DC big donors & Manhatten & inside-beltway neo-con-lite establishment Dem liberals are wearing sack-cloth & ashes and wailing plaintively about the RISING HORRORS of this economy.
So it is time to step back and ask: "Was RAHM EMANUEL's pointing of President Obama to the infamously incompetent (then NY Fed Bank President) Tim Geithner to be Treasury Secretary in January 2009 _merely_ a case of over-the-top INSIDER CORRUPTION.... or does Rahm Emanuel really see himself as a DICTATORIAL OVERLORD, AN AGENT of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND FOREIGN BANKING INTEREST's occupation, whose MISSION is to complete the Goddamn-Sachs, JP Morgan/Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, BoA (et al) steamroller CRUSHING of America's high-wage, upward mobility society, in to a wage-slavery and abject poverty society such as that enjoyed by Palestinians in the West Bank & Gaza?"
(Because, well, that IS what mega-financial, bribe the kings & govenments, booms-&-busts, pump-&-dump, inflate-&-deflate-entire-economies financial titans do.)
We ___exaggerate__, you say ??
Try THESE MSNBC and NY Times headlines -
"Hunger in U.S. at a 14-year high"
"NYT: 1 in 7 households struggles to put enough food on table"
Got that? RAHM EMANUEL, Timmy Geithner, Lawrence Summers, and President Obama's Goddamn-Sachs "economics team" have just overseen the TRANSFER of some TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS (of "real" obligated debt, taxes, and wealth taken OUT of American households) FROM American taxpayers, TO the Big Financials... and we have headlines about "HUNGER" stalking American homes ?!
After WWII, American taxpayers paid American farmers to feed & almost ALL of EUROPE!!!
But 60 years later, after President Obama's Emanuel cronies have dished out TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of household taxpayer dollars to their partners, cronies, and (make no mistake) kickback, slush-fund,
Seriously, THIS is THE BEST, that the "best and the brightest" can do?!!!
Bill Kristol is not only the uber- Right-Wing Republican who gave Wolfowitz and Cheney their "PNAC" Think Tank where they could publicly (and semi-legitimately) broadcast their "INVADE IRAQ NOW!" war-lust way back in 1997 and 1998, but of course Bill Kristol is also the super Neo-Con Likdunik who thought that SARAH PALIN would be the Republican Party & John McCain campaign's IDEAL VP CANDIDATE in 2008.
Sarah Palin - as in "Alaska Governor Sarah Palin" - whose husband Todd joined the ALASKA SECESSIONIST PARTY" !!!!!
The uber- Neo-Con Republican wet-dream candidate for the 2008 ticket, was an incompetent woman who supported the secessionist, "NEW CIVIL WAR in AMERICA" agenda!!
The RAHM EMANUEL so-called "Democrat" "treat 'em Americans like the DIRT PEONS they are" neo-con agenda, is IDENTICAL with the BILL KRISTOL, "let's CRIMINALIZE and destroy ANYONE WHO OPPOSES the US wars in mideast" radical-right Likud agenda.
(hello, Paul Wellstone and Prime Minister Rabin.)
(here's the video of Bill Kristol sneering, at 59 seconds into this video, "Whenever I hear of a HEARTLESS ASSAULT on American children, I TEND TO THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA" - he is talking about then Pres. Bush VETOING the 'schp' health insurance program for America's low-income children - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqObdWSv5lg )
In this galary of Blankfein, Lieberman, Emanuel, Kristol (et al) ROGUES - IF NOT ABJECT TRAITORS - Timmy Geithner is actually the honest fool, he is Bush to Emanuel's Cheney, a useful idiot who actually believes what his Goddamn-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase, Citi & Wells Fargo handlers tell him.
IF the above sounds a tad con-spir-a-torial (and your humble editors here have been studying the psychology of 20th Century mass-murderous, mass-media propaganda, hyper-nationalistic, industrialized war dictators for the past 30+ years), below is an arbitrary but well stated comment from ZeroHedge (bottom this post) that is a slightly more rational cry for sanity for America's econmic leadership, which echoes (first), the comments at Max Keiser's widely watched around the world video blogs (MaxKeiser.com) over the past several weeks -
(our paraphrase):That is actually a TRANSFER of NEARLY THIRTY TRILLION DOLLARS from American households TO Wall Street: the original five- or more trillion dollars of overinflated, overpriced mortgage loans, inflated home values, and credit card debt LOOTED out of American households, MUCH OF WHICH WAS PREDATORY if not FRAUDULENT debt; and then the $20+ trillion that has been DIRECTLY TRANSFERRED, FROM TAXPAYER pockets, TO the Big Finance predators; that is, over & above Wall Street and ; Goddamn-Sachs, (et al's) original frauds DEFRAUDED millions of Americans out of their savings & paychecks... ALL the above with RAHM EMANUEL's blessing, all for some LOUSY $10- , $20-, or $30 million dollars in bribes, KICKBACK, SLUSH-FUND "campaign donations" to the Obama campaign warchest for 2010 and 2012 electioneering!
"In September 2008, Congress could have _forgiven_ EVERY HOME MORTGAGE, AND _every_ credit card outstanding balance, for $11 trillion dollars."
"Twelve months later, the Emanuel/Obama/geithner 'ECONOMICS' crew has GIVEN AWAY Twenty+ TRILLION DOLLARS, to mega-banksters only, with nothing to show for it but the entire American economy EVEN MORE in tatters than it was in late 2008" !!!!
(an open letter to President Obama, a comment from over at ZeroHedg.come) -
The time is now to remove Geithner. His actions in the matter described are deplorable. Virtually NOBODY IN THE WORLD gives [him any] credibility, particularly on the "strong dollar" mantra. He has jumped the shark and is a pathetic embarrassment to the USA, which is quickly becoming a banana republic.
The time is now to let the term of Bernanke expire; for the love of all that is sane, WHY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING to this man WHO COULD NOT EVEN SEE THE SUBPRIME CRISIS?
[Note: Max Keiser and other broker/dealers saw the Fannie Mae/Freddia Mac debacle coming, and shouted at the top of their lungs about the looming disaster. Rahm Emanuel, by contrast, was paid over $300,000 for a 14 month stint as a Freddie Mac DIRECTOR - a stint not completely clear of the SCANDAL that Emanuel's own home-town paper wrote up as "Freddie Mac Scandals BEGAN DURING Emanuel's WATCH" =
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/politics/obama/chi-rahm-emanuel-profit-26-mar26,0,5682373.story ]
Why are you allowing him to keep rates at zero, devalue the dollar, and trade off the future of the USA so that a small group can make a fortune running up risk assets?
Start listening to Volcker and like minded people Mr. President.
[note 2: Paul Volker helped inflict THE OPPOSITE CALAMITY on the Carter administration, SUPER-HIGH interest rates which killed the economy just as badly as the current transfer of wealth to Big Financials has done these past 2 years.]
If you do, we have a chance. If you don't you and your party will be thrown out during the next election because americans realize that they are being robbed of their future by a wall street/banking oligarchy.
Obama's Health Care "Reform" TREACHERY, BETRAYAL, and SHEER DECEIT - "reform" bill an Insurance industry Slush-Fund, Kick-Backs, GRAFT & Bribery FRAUD
So you thought that President Obama's "Health Care Reform" package would ACTUALLY bring REAL 'reform'.... to YOUR health care, to your family's insurance premiums and medical coverage?
THIS lousy bill, is THE BEST that Team Obama, and the vaunted "tough guy" "Rhambo" Rahm Emanuel can come up with? - SELLING ENTIRE SWATHS of America DOWN THE RIVER, WITHOUT A FIGHT, for a pathetic bill that won't even start until 2013?
The NEW YORK NEO-CON warmongering TIMES, and the Washington COWARDLY LYIN', Neo-Con backstabbing POST, will have to work overtime to put Lipstick on THIS Emanuel, Neo-Con, Goddamn-Sachs, Wall Street, Big Finance & Insurance Industry written extortionist PIG of a "plan."
Hate to steal a line from Politico, but "THINK AGAIN!" you American deluded, s***-fed, kept-in-dark, "another one born every minute" suckers!
Politico has the down & dirty:
Politico has the down & dirty:
Except for the sheer tragedy of American DYING, and being DRIVEN IN TO BANKRUPTCY, by the predatory, scavenger, vampire nature of our current 'health' care system, you almost have to laugh:POLITICO: [Obama's] Health Reform's HIDDEN LAND MINES
by Carrie Budoff Brown & Chris Frates
Monday, November 16, 2009
After all the controversy over the public option, people might think that everyone can sign up right away if Congress passes health reform.
Or that insurance premiums will go down.
Or that they’ll be able to shop around for insurance if they don’t like what their company offers.
Think again.
When it comes to the public option, for instance, only about 1 in 10 Americans will be eligible, mainly people who don’t get insurance through work. Only about 6 million are expected to enroll. The plan doesn’t even start until 2013.... http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1109/29555.html
THIS lousy bill, is THE BEST that Team Obama, and the vaunted "tough guy" "Rhambo" Rahm Emanuel can come up with? - SELLING ENTIRE SWATHS of America DOWN THE RIVER, WITHOUT A FIGHT, for a pathetic bill that won't even start until 2013?
The NEW YORK NEO-CON warmongering TIMES, and the Washington COWARDLY LYIN', Neo-Con backstabbing POST, will have to work overtime to put Lipstick on THIS Emanuel, Neo-Con, Goddamn-Sachs, Wall Street, Big Finance & Insurance Industry written extortionist PIG of a "plan."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Obama's Insane "KICKBACKS, Corruption, & GRAFT" Emanuel-Geithner-Golddamn-Sachs crew are WRECKING America's Economy
(left) - Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's de facto "economic hit-men coordinator, finance-industry loan-sharking graft-meister, and economy-wrecking de-industrialization czar".... where "czar" = DICTATOR!
IF President Obama's Rahm Emanuel, Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin, Goddamn-Sachs, Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke "US economics leadership" team are TRYING to WRECK the US economy worse than it was when they inherited it from President Bush & Hank Paulson in January 2009 - well, they are doing a grade-A, bang-up, smashing, heckuva job!
Ten Years After The Repeal Of the Glass-Steagall Act, not only are Obama's insane Rahm Emanuel-led wrecking crew minions NOT working to restore the "sane, boring, & SAFE" banking laws that the Glass-Steagall regulations were before the were repealed (by the Goddamn-Sachs and other Big Banks financed Phil Gramm Right-Wing Republican "deregulation!" crew in the late 1990s) to America's critical-to-the-economy local and regional banks, but the insanely greedy Emanuel crew is STILL WREACKING "DEREGULATION" havoc as we speak -
(here graft-meister Emanuel shoves massive EXEMPTIONS to some few remaining Sarbanes-Oxley financial regulations laws through - this past week!)
EVEN AS the Neo-Con (Emanuel & Goddamn-Sachs whitewashing) New York Times reports:
"Off the Charts: Job Losses Mount, Enduring and Deep."
To repeat, IF Rahm Emanuel WERE TRYING to WRECK the US economy, and destroy American jobs and employment revenues (taxes & wages), HE IS DOING A FANTASTIC JOB.
The ONLY question left to ask is, "Well, are Mr. Emanuel and his Goddamn-Sachs Neo-Con wrecking crew boys TRYING to WRECK America's economy... or are the merely as INCOMPETENT as George W. Bush and "heck-uva Job Brownie?"
And, sad to say, THERIN LIES THE TRUTH: in August 2005 then FEMA Director Michael Brown's GROSTESQUE INCOMPETENCE as Hurricane Katrina rain swelled rivers broke through New Orleans levees, and drowned hundreds of victims of New Orleans in raging floods, was not simple incompetence: it was yet another example of the Neo-Cons INTENTIONALLY WRECKING American society in order to turn millions of Americans into DISENFRANCHISED, economically subjugated peons.
THE BEST THING you can say about Rahm Emanuel, Timmy Geithner, and Barack Obama's mismanagement of the US economy - TRILLIONS for Wall St. and connected corporations, CRUMBS for America's working families - is that they are merely incompetent.
Scratch deeper, though and Obama's treacherous Neo-Cons are INTENTIONALLY WRECKING the America of high-wages, job security, upward mobility, and economic fairness - they have NO INDUSTRIAL POLICY, they are INTENTIONALLY WRECKING the productive portion of the US economy, to create "a new normal" of ECONOMIC DISPARITY, joblessness, gutted pensions, and nationwide poverty.
PS - did we forget to mention, THE INSANELY CORRUPT President Obama is PRETENDING NOT TO NOTICE the BRIBERY penalties against JP Morgan/Chase Bank, for, well, USING BRIBES to sell $3.2 billion in OVERPRICED sewer bonds to Alabama's Jefferson County?
Oh, that's right... Mr. Obama's SEC are the ones who allowed JP Morgan/Chase to pay the penalty fines - while not admitting any wrongdoing!
For his insane, "JP Morgan Chase uber alles - over and above the taxpayers of Jefferson County, Alabama" FAILURE to demand the SEC pursue justice to the full measure of law, ALONE, President Obama DESERVES TO BE IMPEACHED - even if the Bush-Cheney Republicans were just as insanely corrupt.
post-script: Are RAHM EMANUEL and TIM GEITHNER the NEW "Heckuva Job, Brownie" insane incompetence and in-your-face corruption, Bushian, American economy killing wrecking crew?
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE: this sequence of photos illustrates that after Hurricane Katrina left SEVERE FLOODS in its wake as it passed over Florida on August 25, 2005, the hurricane continued into the Gulf of Mexico, where, due to the Gulf's warm waters, it spun up in power and intensity, at one point CREATING THE LOWEST barometric PRESSURES EVER RECORDED in the Atlantic basin,
= the most powerful hurricane potential ever recorded! Despite everyone on earth knowing that this huge and dangerously powerful hurricane was heading DIRECTLY FOR America's Mississippi & New Orleans Gulf Coast, President Bush and his Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency Director - Michael "Heckuva Job, Brownie" Brown DID NOTHING of the magnitude warranted by the looming disaster to prepare for it - President Bush was FORCED to sit through a FEMA slide-show in the critical days before the hurricane hit - and offered NOT ONE BIT of URGENCY to direct and pre-position disaster relief preparations before the disaster hit, to repeat, President Bush & his FEMA Director Michael Brown WERE WARNED IN ADVANCE that Katrina's hurricane force winds & rains would LIKELY STRESS New Orleans fragile levee system - threatening MASSIVE FLOODS. Instead of prepared, Director Brown was comically, tragically, insanely corrupt and NOT prepared for the disaster everyone knew could befall New Orleans: Coast Guard rescue helicopters in Florida were GROUNDED in the first critical hours after Katrina passed, because they did not have federal authority to fly to New Orleans. Even as large, heavy, vulnerable _network satellite news trucks_ were able to drive directly up to the New Orleans Superdome, and TELEVISE, LIVE he misery, suffering, and death there, "Heckuva Job" Brownie's FEMA __ORDERED_ a fleet of 100 Wal-Mart DONATED bottled water trucks, NOT to go to New Orleans - they were instead DIVERTED to some inland communities far less devastated than New Orleans - as Director Brown boasted, in e-mails from barely affected Baton Rouge, that he was enjoying 5-star dinners at top Baton Rouge restaurants!
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE was the HALLMARK of FEMA Director Michael Brown "Heckuva Job Brownies' 'Leadership'" during the post Katrina flooding disaster of New Orleans, and DIVERTING precious resources - taxpayer BAILOUT billions of dollars - from RESCUING the WORKING American economy, to BAILING OUT insanely criminal corruption, graft, bribery, and FRAUD on Wall Street - is now the HALLMARK of Rahm Emanuel's insane Goddamn-Sachs wrecking crew "economics advisors."
IF President Obama's Rahm Emanuel, Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin, Goddamn-Sachs, Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke "US economics leadership" team are TRYING to WRECK the US economy worse than it was when they inherited it from President Bush & Hank Paulson in January 2009 - well, they are doing a grade-A, bang-up, smashing, heckuva job!
Ten Years After The Repeal Of the Glass-Steagall Act, not only are Obama's insane Rahm Emanuel-led wrecking crew minions NOT working to restore the "sane, boring, & SAFE" banking laws that the Glass-Steagall regulations were before the were repealed (by the Goddamn-Sachs and other Big Banks financed Phil Gramm Right-Wing Republican "deregulation!" crew in the late 1990s) to America's critical-to-the-economy local and regional banks, but the insanely greedy Emanuel crew is STILL WREACKING "DEREGULATION" havoc as we speak -
(here graft-meister Emanuel shoves massive EXEMPTIONS to some few remaining Sarbanes-Oxley financial regulations laws through - this past week!)
EVEN AS the Neo-Con (Emanuel & Goddamn-Sachs whitewashing) New York Times reports:
"Off the Charts: Job Losses Mount, Enduring and Deep."
To repeat, IF Rahm Emanuel WERE TRYING to WRECK the US economy, and destroy American jobs and employment revenues (taxes & wages), HE IS DOING A FANTASTIC JOB.
The ONLY question left to ask is, "Well, are Mr. Emanuel and his Goddamn-Sachs Neo-Con wrecking crew boys TRYING to WRECK America's economy... or are the merely as INCOMPETENT as George W. Bush and "heck-uva Job Brownie?"
And, sad to say, THERIN LIES THE TRUTH: in August 2005 then FEMA Director Michael Brown's GROSTESQUE INCOMPETENCE as Hurricane Katrina rain swelled rivers broke through New Orleans levees, and drowned hundreds of victims of New Orleans in raging floods, was not simple incompetence: it was yet another example of the Neo-Cons INTENTIONALLY WRECKING American society in order to turn millions of Americans into DISENFRANCHISED, economically subjugated peons.
THE BEST THING you can say about Rahm Emanuel, Timmy Geithner, and Barack Obama's mismanagement of the US economy - TRILLIONS for Wall St. and connected corporations, CRUMBS for America's working families - is that they are merely incompetent.
Scratch deeper, though and Obama's treacherous Neo-Cons are INTENTIONALLY WRECKING the America of high-wages, job security, upward mobility, and economic fairness - they have NO INDUSTRIAL POLICY, they are INTENTIONALLY WRECKING the productive portion of the US economy, to create "a new normal" of ECONOMIC DISPARITY, joblessness, gutted pensions, and nationwide poverty.
PS - did we forget to mention, THE INSANELY CORRUPT President Obama is PRETENDING NOT TO NOTICE the BRIBERY penalties against JP Morgan/Chase Bank, for, well, USING BRIBES to sell $3.2 billion in OVERPRICED sewer bonds to Alabama's Jefferson County?
Oh, that's right... Mr. Obama's SEC are the ones who allowed JP Morgan/Chase to pay the penalty fines - while not admitting any wrongdoing!
For his insane, "JP Morgan Chase uber alles - over and above the taxpayers of Jefferson County, Alabama" FAILURE to demand the SEC pursue justice to the full measure of law, ALONE, President Obama DESERVES TO BE IMPEACHED - even if the Bush-Cheney Republicans were just as insanely corrupt.
post-script: Are RAHM EMANUEL and TIM GEITHNER the NEW "Heckuva Job, Brownie" insane incompetence and in-your-face corruption, Bushian, American economy killing wrecking crew?
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE: this sequence of photos illustrates that after Hurricane Katrina left SEVERE FLOODS in its wake as it passed over Florida on August 25, 2005, the hurricane continued into the Gulf of Mexico, where, due to the Gulf's warm waters, it spun up in power and intensity, at one point CREATING THE LOWEST barometric PRESSURES EVER RECORDED in the Atlantic basin,
= the most powerful hurricane potential ever recorded! Despite everyone on earth knowing that this huge and dangerously powerful hurricane was heading DIRECTLY FOR America's Mississippi & New Orleans Gulf Coast, President Bush and his Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency Director - Michael "Heckuva Job, Brownie" Brown DID NOTHING of the magnitude warranted by the looming disaster to prepare for it - President Bush was FORCED to sit through a FEMA slide-show in the critical days before the hurricane hit - and offered NOT ONE BIT of URGENCY to direct and pre-position disaster relief preparations before the disaster hit, to repeat, President Bush & his FEMA Director Michael Brown WERE WARNED IN ADVANCE that Katrina's hurricane force winds & rains would LIKELY STRESS New Orleans fragile levee system - threatening MASSIVE FLOODS. Instead of prepared, Director Brown was comically, tragically, insanely corrupt and NOT prepared for the disaster everyone knew could befall New Orleans: Coast Guard rescue helicopters in Florida were GROUNDED in the first critical hours after Katrina passed, because they did not have federal authority to fly to New Orleans. Even as large, heavy, vulnerable _network satellite news trucks_ were able to drive directly up to the New Orleans Superdome, and TELEVISE, LIVE he misery, suffering, and death there, "Heckuva Job" Brownie's FEMA __ORDERED_ a fleet of 100 Wal-Mart DONATED bottled water trucks, NOT to go to New Orleans - they were instead DIVERTED to some inland communities far less devastated than New Orleans - as Director Brown boasted, in e-mails from barely affected Baton Rouge, that he was enjoying 5-star dinners at top Baton Rouge restaurants!
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE was the HALLMARK of FEMA Director Michael Brown "Heckuva Job Brownies' 'Leadership'" during the post Katrina flooding disaster of New Orleans, and DIVERTING precious resources - taxpayer BAILOUT billions of dollars - from RESCUING the WORKING American economy, to BAILING OUT insanely criminal corruption, graft, bribery, and FRAUD on Wall Street - is now the HALLMARK of Rahm Emanuel's insane Goddamn-Sachs wrecking crew "economics advisors."
Saturday Night Live pokes a hole in notion that RAHM EMANUEL is a "TOUGH GUY" - Emanuel's version of Passing "Health Care Reform" is to GIVE AWAY THE FARM...
The administration of president Barack Obama is SO INSANELY CORRUPT, DECEITFUL, TREACHEROUS, ARROGANT, and down-right dictatorial (just like the Cheney-Bush administration) that the only sane way to document their hate-Americans treachery is with humor and comedy. Herewith is SNL's "Obama's mighty Health Care 'REFORM' means GIVING UP THE SHIP to the obstructionist Republicans - WITHOUT A FIGHT!" skit -
As we have said before, Mr. Obama and his Emanuel/Rubin/Summers/Geithner/GoldmanSachs/Bernanke "economics team" are SO INCREDIBLY CORRUPT & incompetent, that they will not even TRY to make the argument that Social Security & Medicare are both VERY SOCIALIZED, VERY POPULAR, and, in the case of Medicare taking seniors - the most medically costly segment of the population OUT of the "private insurance" risk pool - we American taxpayers were ALREADY _SUBSIDIZING_ "private profits" for the despicable "health insurance" industry, DECADES before Bush & Obama's $20+ _trillion_ dollars of Wall Str. "SOCIALIZED LOSSES, taxpayer SUBSIDIZED private corporate profits" bailouts of 2008 & 2009.
As we have said before, Mr. Obama and his Emanuel/Rubin/Summers/Geithner/GoldmanSachs/Bernanke "economics team" are SO INCREDIBLY CORRUPT & incompetent, that they will not even TRY to make the argument that Social Security & Medicare are both VERY SOCIALIZED, VERY POPULAR, and, in the case of Medicare taking seniors - the most medically costly segment of the population OUT of the "private insurance" risk pool - we American taxpayers were ALREADY _SUBSIDIZING_ "private profits" for the despicable "health insurance" industry, DECADES before Bush & Obama's $20+ _trillion_ dollars of Wall Str. "SOCIALIZED LOSSES, taxpayer SUBSIDIZED private corporate profits" bailouts of 2008 & 2009.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Obama's Deceitful SABOTAGE of GENUINE "Health Care reform" passes House...

Mr. Obama is showing himself to be a narcissistic liar and fraud, combining the worst elements of Dick Nixon and Bill Clinton (if not Dick Cheney himself), as last night's passage of Obama's health care 'reform' ATROCITY, by the Pelosi House Democrats illustrates.
At Mr. Obama's insistence - which is to say "at the prodding of RAHM EMANUEL, the GOLDDAMN-SACHS BANKERS, and the 'health' insurance lobbyists who OWN Mr. Obama" - the Pelosi "Democrats" have passed an 1,900 page ATROCITY of a bill, a bill that WILL HANG LIKE A DEAD ALBATROSS, like a flaming "necklace" around the necks of Democratic candidates for years to come, because, given the possibility to pass GENUINE reform, Obama's gangsters have instead shoved a 1,900 page "MAKE WORK FOR LAWYERS" bill that will positively affect only a few million consumers; will continue to see FAR HIGHER prescription costs for for American consumers (even for American produced drugs!) than our Canadian neighbors pay, and will actually soak ANOTHER $900 BILLION from American wallets in to insurance industry profit ledgers, because, like Rahm Emanuel and Joe Lieberman, President Obama is actually a Right-Wing Establishment "loot the peons" Republican POSING as a "liberal" Democrat, and doing the dirty work of Big Pharma, the Insurance industry, the Big Finance robber bankers, and the Republicans, in the process.
PURE SABOTAGE of a "public option" (expanded Medicare system) and lower prescription drug prices, so Mr. Obama bankster gangsters can extort a few million dollars in bribes from the insurance industry and Big Pharma - forcing American families to pay BILLIONS MORE in health care costs - Mr. Obama is a narcissistic, ego-driven liar.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Rahm Emanuel & Joe Lieberman see America's health care crisis as "PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES" for their "bribes & kickbacks" donors...
America's de facto DICTATOR, or Health Care "reform" killing CZAR: (And "SHAME on President Obama!" for ABDICATING his "Change!" pledges and promises, to this family-wrecking big finance hit-man & banking industry hatchet man.)
What RAHM EMANUEL WANTS, Rahm Emanuel gets, whether seeing "liberal" and Democratic voters ARRESTED for protesting his dictatorial, health-care reform killing OBSTRUCTION & SABOTAGE,
or getting a FILIBUSTER THREAT from his buddy JOE LIEBERMAN,
or MILLIONS of dollars of insurance industry KICK-BACK, slush-fund BRIBES - "donations" to continue to OBSTRUCT simple, expanded Medicare genuine Health Care reform, as the front-man for his Goldman-Sachs and 'health' insurance industry extortion con-artists, economic hit-men, and financial fraudsters.
(We can't get the video embed of this emotional video, of burly US capitol police ARRESTING Senator Lieberman's Connecticut constituents, for demanding that Sentor Lieberman STOP TAKING INDUSTRY BRIBE "donations" from insurance companies to KILL genuine health-care reform.)
Damn right its personal.
It's not bad enough that Rahm Emanuel is a PRO-WARS Right-Wing Neo-Con warmonger MASQUERADING as a "Democrat" - he is also a Joe Lieberman clone, a BIG FINANCE EXTORTIONIST, masquerading as a "moderate" (much less "liberal") allegedly concerned with working class voter paycheck issues.
Indeed, in video (we are unable to find at the moment) from his senate re-election campaign in 2006, the LYING, DECEITFUL Senator Joe Lieberman told Connecticut voters, "Send ME back to the Senate instead of Ned Lamont, because _I_ will be ABLE TO DELIVER the UNIVERSAL, SINGLE-PAYER health care reform that Connecticut families need and want."
Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Lieberman - here's your own personal bodycount, You are both doing a GREAT job as America's LEADING, actual, Health Care reform killing OBSTRUCTIONISTS & EXTORTIONISTS - BLOOD MONEY for Goldman-Sachs, Aetna, and United Health Care; scraps & crumbs for America's families -
THAT'S the LIEBERMAN-EMANUEL agenda that they and their families can be proud of -
TRILLIONS of dollars to "BAIL OUT" the corrupt & fraudulent Big Bankers and financial flim-flam con-men who went BANKRUPT but for taxpayer bailouts; a mere $900 billion in CRUMBS (most of which will go to industry profits) of an industry written 1,900 page Obama "reform" ATROCITY that Emanuel is trying to shove down America's throat.
Emanuel & Lieberman: THE LEADING HEALTH-CARE REFORM KILLERS in America, as the number (millions) of Americans who will be TRAUMATIZED at skyrocketing 'health insurance' premiums - which is to say UNAFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE - will continue to grow, even with the lousy, insanely corrupt 1,900 page Obama Health Care GIVEAWAY-to-insurance industry "reform" ATROCITY.
Names of those who have DIED - AMERICANS who have DIED - so JOE LIEBERMAN and RAHM EMANUEL can get INSURANCE INDUSTRY KICK-BACKS from Insurance industry blood-suckers - just a tiny portion of the 45,000 who DIE EVERY YEAR, of whom 17,000 are AMERICAN CHILDREN.
ENJOY your BLOOD-MONEY and KICKBACKS, Emanuel & Lieberman!
Study: Lack of health care insurance a factor in 17,000 [American] child deaths
Names (a fraction of the tens of thousands) of Americans WHO HAVE DIED of TREATABLE ILLNESSES, because the RAHM EMANUEL and JOE LIEBERMAN CORRUPTION and EXTORTION political bribery racket sees those lives as no more than expendable "PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES" -
Robert Gregory
49, Port St Lucie, Fl 34953
Cristina Orta
65, Apopka, Fl
Barabara Ann Walker
56, North Carolina
Russell (j.j.) Johnson
44, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Bill Sheridan
50, Bend, Or
Bob Gregory
49, Port St Lucie
Christine Caldwell Townsend
39, Germantown Oh
Lorene Bradshaw
54, Duncan, Ok
Randy "skip" Eichhorst
52, Elgin, Il
Myra Horner
79, Laguna Beach, Ca
Lorraine Scarpace
59, Anahola, Hawaii
Dom Bruscino
57, West Palm Beach Florida
Annie Jean Woods
53, Selma, Al
Rosie Lee Shannon
72, Selma, Alabama
Mary Andrews
39, Laurel, Md
Jean Claire Aldridge Sullivan
53, Omaha, Ne
Susan Martinez
69, Albuquerque, Nm
George Klacsanzky
47, Seattle
Peter John Pennnock
62, Roseville, California
Estelle Hatley
58, Minneapolis, Mn
Patrica A Frazee
56, Anderson, In
Barton Simon
52, Northridge, Ca
George Joseph Barton
2 days old, Memphis, Tn
Peter John Pennnock
62, Roseville,
Kris Arb
46, Englewood, Co
Robert Collatos
55, L.a., Ca
Jamie Doyle Stimpson
44, Wyandotte, Michigan
(continued at) http://namesofthedead.com/fulllist.php
What RAHM EMANUEL WANTS, Rahm Emanuel gets, whether seeing "liberal" and Democratic voters ARRESTED for protesting his dictatorial, health-care reform killing OBSTRUCTION & SABOTAGE,
or getting a FILIBUSTER THREAT from his buddy JOE LIEBERMAN,
or MILLIONS of dollars of insurance industry KICK-BACK, slush-fund BRIBES - "donations" to continue to OBSTRUCT simple, expanded Medicare genuine Health Care reform, as the front-man for his Goldman-Sachs and 'health' insurance industry extortion con-artists, economic hit-men, and financial fraudsters.
(We can't get the video embed of this emotional video, of burly US capitol police ARRESTING Senator Lieberman's Connecticut constituents, for demanding that Sentor Lieberman STOP TAKING INDUSTRY BRIBE "donations" from insurance companies to KILL genuine health-care reform.)
Damn right its personal.
It's not bad enough that Rahm Emanuel is a PRO-WARS Right-Wing Neo-Con warmonger MASQUERADING as a "Democrat" - he is also a Joe Lieberman clone, a BIG FINANCE EXTORTIONIST, masquerading as a "moderate" (much less "liberal") allegedly concerned with working class voter paycheck issues.
Indeed, in video (we are unable to find at the moment) from his senate re-election campaign in 2006, the LYING, DECEITFUL Senator Joe Lieberman told Connecticut voters, "Send ME back to the Senate instead of Ned Lamont, because _I_ will be ABLE TO DELIVER the UNIVERSAL, SINGLE-PAYER health care reform that Connecticut families need and want."
Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Lieberman - here's your own personal bodycount, You are both doing a GREAT job as America's LEADING, actual, Health Care reform killing OBSTRUCTIONISTS & EXTORTIONISTS - BLOOD MONEY for Goldman-Sachs, Aetna, and United Health Care; scraps & crumbs for America's families -
THAT'S the LIEBERMAN-EMANUEL agenda that they and their families can be proud of -
TRILLIONS of dollars to "BAIL OUT" the corrupt & fraudulent Big Bankers and financial flim-flam con-men who went BANKRUPT but for taxpayer bailouts; a mere $900 billion in CRUMBS (most of which will go to industry profits) of an industry written 1,900 page Obama "reform" ATROCITY that Emanuel is trying to shove down America's throat.
Emanuel & Lieberman: THE LEADING HEALTH-CARE REFORM KILLERS in America, as the number (millions) of Americans who will be TRAUMATIZED at skyrocketing 'health insurance' premiums - which is to say UNAFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE - will continue to grow, even with the lousy, insanely corrupt 1,900 page Obama Health Care GIVEAWAY-to-insurance industry "reform" ATROCITY.
Names of those who have DIED - AMERICANS who have DIED - so JOE LIEBERMAN and RAHM EMANUEL can get INSURANCE INDUSTRY KICK-BACKS from Insurance industry blood-suckers - just a tiny portion of the 45,000 who DIE EVERY YEAR, of whom 17,000 are AMERICAN CHILDREN.
ENJOY your BLOOD-MONEY and KICKBACKS, Emanuel & Lieberman!
Study: Lack of health care insurance a factor in 17,000 [American] child deaths
Names (a fraction of the tens of thousands) of Americans WHO HAVE DIED of TREATABLE ILLNESSES, because the RAHM EMANUEL and JOE LIEBERMAN CORRUPTION and EXTORTION political bribery racket sees those lives as no more than expendable "PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES" -
Robert Gregory
49, Port St Lucie, Fl 34953
Cristina Orta
65, Apopka, Fl
Barabara Ann Walker
56, North Carolina
Russell (j.j.) Johnson
44, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Bill Sheridan
50, Bend, Or
Bob Gregory
49, Port St Lucie
Christine Caldwell Townsend
39, Germantown Oh
Lorene Bradshaw
54, Duncan, Ok
Randy "skip" Eichhorst
52, Elgin, Il
Myra Horner
79, Laguna Beach, Ca
Lorraine Scarpace
59, Anahola, Hawaii
Dom Bruscino
57, West Palm Beach Florida
Annie Jean Woods
53, Selma, Al
Rosie Lee Shannon
72, Selma, Alabama
Mary Andrews
39, Laurel, Md
Jean Claire Aldridge Sullivan
53, Omaha, Ne
Susan Martinez
69, Albuquerque, Nm
George Klacsanzky
47, Seattle
Peter John Pennnock
62, Roseville, California
Estelle Hatley
58, Minneapolis, Mn
Patrica A Frazee
56, Anderson, In
Barton Simon
52, Northridge, Ca
George Joseph Barton
2 days old, Memphis, Tn
Peter John Pennnock
62, Roseville,
Kris Arb
46, Englewood, Co
Robert Collatos
55, L.a., Ca
Jamie Doyle Stimpson
44, Wyandotte, Michigan
(continued at) http://namesofthedead.com/fulllist.php
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