Thursday, March 15, 2007

Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald quietly indicates his contempt for cowering Senate Democrats...

In the 2004 election the Bush-Rove-Libby-Cheney team beat a listless, lifeless, and apathetic John Kerry campaign by STONEWALLING the FBI investigation into the burgeoning scandal of the illegal "outing" of an undercover CIA agent by the Bush-Cheney White House - An illegal "outing," or publicizing to the public and America's enemies, the name and identity of an undercover CIA operative in order to intimidate, discredit, and silence ("smear") that CIA agent's war-critic husband, retired Ambassador Joseph Wilson. During the previous US-Iraq war (1991), Ambassador Wilson had been recognized by then President George H.W. Bush (Sr.) as a hero for negotiating the release of American and British hostage families from the grip of Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein, mere days or even hours before US bombs started falling on Bagdhad signalling the start of "Operation Desert Fury" the bombing of Iraq in that 1991 war. At a minimum, this historical tidbit indicates that Ambassador Wilson was no great friend of the Iraqi dictator, and would have had no "secret agenda" to minimize an Iraqi WMD threat to America, had one existed.

Federal Prosecutor PATRICK FITZGERALD has recently completed THE HEAVY LIFTING for the Democrats, PROVING in a DC court to a jury sympathetic to the defendent that indeed OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE from the very center of the Cheney-Bush White House had detered the federal "CIA outing" investigation - delaying that investigation until well past the November 2004 election, when the Bush-Cheney team were safely reinstated in the White House.

That is, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE from WITHIN the Bush-Cheney White House ALLOWED the Bush-Cheney ticket to win reelection in 2004... and STILL the cowering Senate Democrats pretend "nothing happened, no crime here".... the very talking points the Bush-Rove-Cheney White House issue to their defenders and supporters.

The Senate Democratic "leadership" is effectively JOINING the Republican Party in trying to SWEEP THE LIBBY TRIAL VERDICT under the carpet of history...

Of course, the dogged and courageous REPRESENTATIVE Henry Waxman is stepping up where chicken-hearted SENATE DEMOCRATS fear to tread, Representative Waxman asking Mr. Fitzgerald to comment on the larger implications of the Libby "guilty of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE from within the Cheney-Bush White House" scandal.

And in his quiet way, Mr. Fitzgerald has indicated that he has NO DESIRE to comment on the larger picture of the Libby conviction... the picture that is OBVIOUS TO THE ENTIRE WORLD, except that is to the cowering Democrat Senate "leadership."

- In 2000 former senator Al Gore REFUSED to use George W. Bush's dismal history against the sitting Texas governor, in part because Gore was smeared as "Going NEGATIVE!" by another former Dem. SENATOR, Bill Bradlee, in the Dem. primary contest through the early months of the 2000 election year.

- Then in 2004 SENATOR John Kerry REFUSED to use George W. Bush's many FLIP-FLOPS ("We will get Osama bin Laden dead or alive" / "I'm truly no longer that concerned about him anymore") against the self-proclaimed "war president"; even though those contrasting quotes were sitting there for the whole world to see at the official White House web site....

- ....just as Kerry also REFUSED to use the LIES TO WAR and illegal "OUTING" of a CIA agent scandals against the president or vice president in Kerry's anemic 2004 campaigning.

- Today, in March 2007, the quivering Senate Democrats still PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE the greater scandals coming from within the Cheney-Bush White House - of which the "OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE" and PERJURY convictions were only one part!

FOR SHAME! American politics IS now DEFINED by Democratic senatorial reluctance to CONFRONT the crimes and abuses from within the Bush-Cheney White House, and thus America's leadership and standing in the world are also DEFINED by the gross, flagrant, and systematic ABUSES of the Bush-Cheney-Rove White House, and the cowed vacillation of America's 'democratic opposition' leaders to confront those anti-democratic abuses.


Fitzgerald NOT talking [to Congress] about CIA leak case
By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer
Wed Mar 14, 8:03 PM ET;_ylt=AmPbwJxNwkBgm.BfTevBFjOyFz4D

WASHINGTON - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who spent years investigating the 2003 leak of a CIA operative's identity, told lawmakers Wednesday that he could offer little help during congressional hearings on the leak.

Rep. Henry Waxman (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., asked Fitzgerald last week to meet with members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which will hold hearings on the Bush administration's handling of CIA operative Valerie Plame's classified employment status.

Plame's identity was leaked to reporters after her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, began criticizing the Bush administration's prewar intelligence on Iraq.

In a letter to Waxman, Fitzgerald did not refuse to cooperate with the congressional probe but made it clear he had little to say.

"I do not believe it would be appropriate for me to offer opinions, as your letter suggests the committee may seek, about the ultimate responsibility of senior White House officials for the disclosure of Ms. Wilson's identity," Fitzgerald wrote.

As part of his investigation, Fitzgerald questioned President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and several journalists and senior White House aides. No one was charged with the leak, but Fitzgerald successfully prosecuted former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby for perjury and obstruction.

Fitzgerald said he was prohibited from discussing grand jury testimony and evidence that did not come out at Libby's trial, and he referred Waxman to the volumes of evidence made public during the monthlong trial.

"I appreciate the committee's important oversight interests but also trust that you will appreciate my position in the matter," Fitzgerald wrote.

A committee official said the Waxman still hopes to meet with Fitzgerald.

Plame is scheduled to testify before the committee. It would be the first time she has publicly answered questions about the case.

Unlike earlier independent counsels appointed under a now-expired law, Fitzgerald is not required to submit investigative reports to Congress.

Speaking briefly to reporters following Libby's conviction, Fitzgerald said no more charges would be filed, the case was complete and he was going back to his job as U.S. attorney in Chicago. He has not spoken publicly since about the case and has refused all interview requests.

"I think we should conduct this like any other criminal investigation: charge someone or be quiet," Fitzgerald said when he announced Libby's indictment.