Sunday, March 11, 2007

repost: Dem Lawrence O'Donnell personifies the STUPIDITY of Democrats: advocates PARDON for Libby's OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE conviction!

We can barely capture our sputtering outrage, as the COWARDLY Senate Democrats HIDE behind the Republican senator's use of the FILIBUSTER - an excuse the senate Democrats now invoke every 5 seconds to justify DOING NOTHING!

(See our previous post, where former Democratic presidential candidate GEORGE McGOVERN accuses the Democratic Senate of being "LILY LIVERED"!)

The Cowardly Senate Democratic leadership REFUSES, REFUSES, REFUSES to fight back, to fight fire with fire; to play hardball: They COULD use their OWN FILIBUSTER POWERS to OBSTRUCT _ANY_ SENATE BUSINESS... to GRIND THE US GOVERNMENT TO A HALT... but they clearly are SCARED to do to.

Thus, in the court of American and world opinion, the REPULBICANS have the POWER OF THEIR CONVICTIONS, but the COWARDLY DEMOCRATS HIDE - do NOTHING - by crying "The Republicans used the filibuster on us, there is NOTHING we can do, Wah Wah!!"

Unfortunately, LAWRENCE O'DONNELL gives us a glimpse into the psychology of the cowering Senate Democrats. O'Donnell has been a FIGHTING Democrat, advocating strong, confrontational Dem policies and tactics in the 2006, BUT O'Donnell has been WRONG in some of his predictions and projections in the past (many of which are archived in his column at the

BUT NOW O'Donnell is THE VERY FIRST DEMOCRAT TO ADVOCATE a _PARDON_ for the Vice President's CONVICTED former Chief of Staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, just this past week CONVICTED of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and PERJURY!

Mr. O'Donnell.. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHAT do you, the Democratic Party, or America GAIN by your speaking about, in favorable terms, a PARDON for Mr. Libby's PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE CONVICTIONS??!

Mr. Libby is actually guilty of far worse than perjury and obstruction of justice; at the Vice President's behest, and in a corrdinated, systematic, and premeditated effort, he DISCLOSED to the press, and thereby to the public and to America's enemies, the identity of not only an undercover CIA agent ("NOC" = "non official cover" spy, may be arrested and tried for espionage by foreign governments with NO support from the US government), BUT her ENTIRE COVER COMPANY, "Brewster Jennings Energy Consultants," thereby endangering every foreign contact that cover company ever had!

And Lawrence, the Democrats, and the press seem to forget... 'Scooter' Libby was not only the Vice President's Chief of Staff, HE WAS ALSO a senior, senior advisor to the president concurrently!

Mr. O'Donnell personifies the STUPIDITY of the Democrats... trying to take upon themselves the onus of Bush-Cheney's BOTCHED war, while giving Bush and Cheney a FREE PASS on their character defects, their lies, their lies-to-war, their illegal and immoral vendettas against opponents (of which the CIA "outing" scandal, alone, was but one series of crimes), and of course the blatant and flagrant CORRUPTION that saturates the Bush-Cheney adminsitration, from Cheney's HALLIBURTON stock portfolio to Bush's close ties to ENRON, to "privatizing" the Army and the war in Iraq (the later, employing mercenaries, a war crime that was specifically enumerated against the British king in the American Declaration of Independence), to putting an unqualified crony in charge of America's disaster preparation agencey (FEMA), the list of Bush-Cheney corruptions is endless.

Mr. O'Donnell may be an experienced and qualified congressional staffer, but like the Democrats in general, he seems blind to the first rule of law and politics: GO AFTER YOUR ENEMY's WEAKNESSES!

O'Donnell and the Democrats are trying to use what they PERCEIVE as Bush-Cheney's biggest weakness - the Iraq war - as the center of their opposition to the Bush-Cheney administration. But in fact America IS AT WAR, and thus the Democrats are actually going after the Bush administration's strongest strength - as COMMANDER IN CHIEF in time of war.

And thus the Democrats IGNORE Bush and Cheney's greatest weakness - their awful, atrocious record of selling out America to oil profiits, tax cuts to billionaires, outsourcing American jobs for short-term stock gains, corruption, and illegal, cruel vendettas against opponents.

Thank you, Mr. O'Donnell, for a TEXTBOOK example of Democrats going out of their way to LEGITIMIZE Bush-Cheney CRIMES, in this case your speaking up, where NO comment is needeed, for a PARDON for the PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE charges that helped the Bush-Cheney administration 'win' their 2006 re-election campaign.

(Mr. Libby's bio as a senior Democratic Senate staff leader is available at the HuffingtonPost website, click our URL link, below,)


Jury Pardons
Lawrence O'Donnell

The President's speechwriters will be quoting last night's MSNBC transcripts when they write the pardon statement for Irve Lewis Libby. The most powerful pardon advocate Libby now has on his side is not the Vice President, not a senator, not a former senator-actor, but juror No. 10, Ann Redington who told Chris Matthews on Hardball, "I don't want him to go to jail." Redington said she would like Libby to get a pardon.

In the next hour, HuffPo's favorite juror, Denis Collins, said on Countdown that he agreed with Redington. "We had a lot of sympathy for Libby," said Collins. "If Mr. Libby was pardoned, I would have no problem with that." Collins went on to say that he thinks Libby is a "a very decent, nice person"--pure gold for the Bush speechwriters.

That does it. With the jury that convicted Libby instantly supporting a pardon, there is no room left for reasonable doubt that Bush will pardon Libby.