Friday, October 19, 2007

Senator HARRY REID should RESIGN as Dem Senate Leader: CHRIS DODD, SINGLEHANDEDLY, holds up telecom SURVEILLANCE bill...

SENATOR CHRIS DODD illustrates THE BETRAYAL of Senate Majority 'leader' HARRY REID - Dodd, SINGLEHANDEDLY, holds up the TELECOM SURVEILLANCE IMMUNITY bill, while in the normal Democratic RETREAT, SURRENDER, and FAIL fashion, Harry Reid CAN NOT DEFINE THE REPUBLICANS as "OBSTRUCTIONIST" on ANY issue....

The ONLY question is - just how much in Harry Reid's version of "LEADERSHIP" worth to George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Republican Party?
$100 million?
$200 million?
$300 million?
EVERY TWO YEARS, the Democratic "leaders" and candidates solicit millions of dollars in donations from Democratic voters... and every year, the "leadership" not only hands a princely sum of that amount over to the very media robber barons (Rupert Murdoch/Fox 'news', CBS/Viacom, General Electric/NBC, etc) whose agenda is ANTITHETICAL to most Democratic voters... but then, given the VAST AMOUNTS OF CORRUPTION, LIES, OBSTRUCTION, and INCOMPETENCE coming from the Bush White House, the Democratic "leadership" can't even INSIST on FAIR MEDIA COVERAGE regarding TORTURE, ILLEGAL SPYING, Lies-to-war, electronic vote fraud, Nine TRILLION dollar US government deficits; New Orleans hurricane victims paying mortgages on homes they are not even allowed to rebuild - the list of Bush-Republican ATROCITIES the Demcoratic "leadership" FAILS to bring to public and media scrutiny is ENDLESS.

HARRY REID and NANCY PELOSI are, easily, worth HALF A BILLION DOLLARS ($500 million) to the Republican/corporate-media/Bush White House spin machine, in the media/PR battle they NEVER FAIL TO LOOSE.

(It is ONLY the gross impact of 7 straight years of Bush-Cheney folly; starting with stolen election 2000, on to Dereliction of Duty 9-11-2001; on to Lies-to-War 2002, on to gross failure to administer a peaceful occupation, to today's running hte US military and economy into the ground, that has seen the Democrats gain a tenuous control of the Senate and House.)


Senator Chris Dodd Takes Stand Against Telecom Immunity

Posted by Richard Esguerra

In the face of news that the Senate Intelligence Committee intends to approve new surveillance legislation that includes immunity for telecoms that participated in the NSA's illegal domestic surveillance program, reported in both the Washington Post and the New York Times, Senator Chris Dodd has taken a stand: he will be putting a "hold" on any such legislation, to prevent it from being considered by the broader Senate. EFF commends Senator Dodd for standing up for Americans' privacy rights and demanding that companies that broke the law be held accountable. You can do your part to help in the fight against telecom immunity -- visit our Action Center today!