Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, IN HER OWN WORDS, notices GIGANTIC WAR COSTS of Bush-Cheney's war. SO, Madam Speaker, WHERE IS THE FIGHT?

Again we insist, Madam Speaker, that you NOTICE the UNCONSITUTIONAL ATROCITIES of this Bush-Cheney White House, and that you FULFILL YOUR OATH to OPPOSE such Constitution-gutting criminal conduct by the US government!

<< The Military Commissions Act. Warrantless wiretapping. Shredding of Habeas Corpus. Torture. Extraordinary Rendition. Secret Prisons. >>
(posted by Senator Chris Dodd at his website)

To which WE add: PERJURY before Congress re Lies-to-war; using AL QAIDA as an EXCUSE TO ATTACK IRAQ, while Al Qaida's actual leader ROAMS FREE (and sends VIDEOS on eve of American elections) FOUR YEARS into the Afghanistan war; using MERCENARY SOLDIERS under United States DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY; and of course BILLIONS in war contracts spending corruption.


Colossal Cost of Iraq War Grows Every Day

by Speaker Pelosi
October 22nd, 2007

Demanding nearly $200 billion for Iraq while vetoing health care for 10 million children exemplifies the Bush Administration’s misplaced priorities. On key issues – from the Iraq war to children’s health insurance – the President continues to oppose the will of the American people and obstructs the New Direction Congress’ bipartisan agenda.

For the cost of less than 40 days in Iraq, we could provide health care coverage to 10 million children for an entire year.

The colossal cost of this war grows every day – in lives lost, dollars spent, and to our reputation around the world. The American people long ago rejected the President’s planned 10-year occupation of Iraq and want the Administration to provide a concrete plan to bring our troops home.

The choice is between a Democratic plan for responsible redeployment of our troops and the President’s plan to spend another trillion dollars for a 10-year war in Iraq. We must end this war.