Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Despite NIE report that IRAN has DISBANDED its Nuclear program since 2004,"DEMOCRATS" IGNORE Bush White House months-long "BOMB IRAN NOW" agenda!

AS USUAL, the "DEMOCRAT PARTY" and "major-media" can take an actual news story, and SPIN IT to 180-degrees from the truth. In this case, the just released NIE report indicates that President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and the Bush administration HAVE BEEN LYING about Iran's alleged NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM for MONTHS, in their quest for a shred of an excuse to unleash a torrent of bombs (including possibly/probably NUCLEAR bunker-buster bombs).
Sure enough, the AIPAC SENATORS: RON WYDEN, Dianne FEINSTEIN, Chuck SCHUMER, and of course JOE LIEBERMAN, are completely UNPERTURBED: THEIR LUST TO BOMB IRAN will just have to be nurtured along for another dozen months, until SOME NEW PROVOCATION will give them the REAL war they so feverishly lust after.

Now that the NIE has released its report "Iran nuclear program has been DISMANTLED since 2004" the AIPAC/K st./neo-con/War-lobby wing of the Democrat Party has JOINED the Bush White House/major media narrative, that Iran was, is, and remains in hte future a "DANGEROUS ADVESARY" that justifies on-going US war preparations, if not immediate bombings or other attacks. Since such attacks may be carried out as effortlessly as pushing the button on a 1,000 missile cruise-missile strike, the JOE LIEBERMAN WING of the Party STILL REMAINS in the driver's seat for the next 12 months, as America rushes in to election 2008 wondering "CAN THE DEMOCRATS _SNATCH DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY_ in YET ANOTHER presidential election?"

Just today, Oregon "Democrat" Senator RON WYDEN was on the Ed Schultz radio show, parroting the "IRAN IS DANGEROUS!" meme, which is to say, to JOIN the WHITEWASH that President Bush and Vice President Cheney have been LYING about Iran's "NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM!" threat for at least the past 2 years.

In siding with the AIAPC/neo-con/war-lobby talking points (WHITEWASH of the administation's "IRAN wmd program A THREAT TO AMERICA! lies) Mr. Wyden, and the Democratic Party, are ACCOMPLICES to those lies.

From Hersh's November 27, 2006 piece in the New Yorker:

The Administration’s planning for a military attack on Iran was made far more complicated earlier this fall by a highly classified draft assessment by the C.I.A. challenging the White House’s assumptions about how close Iran might be to building a nuclear bomb. The C.I.A. found no conclusive evidence, as yet, of a secret Iranian nuclear-weapons program running parallel to the civilian operations that Iran has declared to the International Atomic Energy Agency. (The C.I.A. declined to comment on this story.)
The C.I.A.’s analysis, which has been circulated to other agencies for comment, was based on technical intelligence collected by overhead satellites, and on other empirical evidence, such as measurements of the radioactivity of water samples and smoke plumes from factories and power plants. Additional data have been gathered, intelligence sources told me, by high-tech (and highly classified) radioactivity-detection devices that clandestine American and Israeli agents placed near suspected nuclear-weapons facilities inside Iran in the past year or so. No significant amounts of radioactivity were found.

A current senior intelligence official confirmed the existence of the C.I.A. analysis, and told me that the White House had been hostile to it. The White House’s dismissal of the C.I.A. findings on Iran is widely known in the intelligence community. Cheney and his aides discounted the assessment, the former senior intelligence official said. “They’re not looking for a smoking gun,” the official added, referring to specific intelligence about Iranian nuclear planning. “They’re looking for the degree of comfort level they think they need to accomplish the mission.” The Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency also challenged the C.I.A.’s analysis. “The D.I.A. is fighting the agency’s conclusions, and disputing its approach,” the former senior intelligence official said. Bush and Cheney, he added, can try to prevent the C.I.A. assessment from being incorporated into a forthcoming National Intelligence Estimate on Iranian nuclear capabilities, “but they can’t stop the agency from putting it out for comment inside the intelligence community.” The C.I.A. assessment warned the White House that it would be a mistake to conclude that the failure to find a secret nuclear-weapons program in Iran merely meant that the Iranians had done a good job of hiding it. The former senior intelligence official noted that at the height of the Cold War the Soviets were equally skilled at deception and misdirection, yet the American intelligence community was readily able to unravel the details of their long-range-missile and nuclear-weapons programs. But some in the White House, including in Cheney’s office, had made just such an assumption—that “the lack of evidence means they must have it,” the former official said.