Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pelosi's FRAUD: Nancy Pelosi and her Congress PRETEND they can't stop Bush administration CRIMINAL conduct. That farce has now been exposed as FRAUD

Speaker of the House and "opposition party" "leader" NANCY PELOSI - all PEARLS and SMILES for Bush. In a rare photo that cuts through thousands of pages of "major media" narrative and official Washington spin, Nancy Pelosi shows her true colors: living the life of an American millionaire power-broker is far more important to her than taking a principled stand against the in-your-face lies, abuses of power, and outright atrocities of the Bush-Cheney administration.

The two favorite themes of inside-the-Beltway official- (government) and major-media Washington are:

#1. "NOTHING WRONG HERE!" - We here at DemNationUSA sound deranged just trying to outline Mr. Bush's gross abuses of power. His gross neglect of responsibilities to the public and US Constitution; his outright criminal conduct over the past 80 months since he took office in the White House on the heels of the atrocious Scalia-court ruling voiding Florida election law... after Mr. Bush went running to the US Supreme Court in the first place, delaying a legal Florida vote recount for over three weeks, until the Supreme Court ruled that it was too late to run the statewide vote recount as Florida election law demanded (for all elections where the winning margin was less than .5%, at the request of the losing candidate).
Among the many other atrocities besides the stolen votes of election 2000 that the "Major Media" paints as underserving of consideration or comment (much less outrage) was Mr. Bush's ONE MONTH VACATION before 9-11, when both Bush and Cheney were warned, in person, by CIA Director George Tenet that not only had Al Qaida gone unpunished as of July 2001 for the October 2000 suicide bomb attack on the Navy destroyer USS Cole in a Yemen harbor, but that Al Qaida was now planning a new, MORE SPECTACULAR ATTACK on AMERICA ITSELF.
Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney's ONLY response to this KNOWN THREAT (a threat that should have been amplified when Al Qaida CALLED IN A THREAT to hijack an airliner over Europe in order to use it as a flying bomb to attack the presidents asembled at the G8 economic summit in early July 2001) was to "order" Attorney General Ashcroft to STOP FLYING PUBLIC AIRLINERS that same month, late July of 2001...
(LIKE BAIT for a terrorist attack on America? Such a terrorist attack would provide a CAUSUS BELLI and justification for a war that the PNAC "Project for a New American Century" think-tank had dreamed up and obsessed upon for an invasion of Iraq, which goals Mr. Cheney himself had expressly signed on to with his signature on the PNAC "Statement of Principles"STATEMENT of PRINCIPLES" on June 3rd, 1997, and which 8 months later (if without Cheney's express signature for that 2nd PNAC document) would call for "removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power" by US military force.)
The gross, if not deliberate, dereliction-of-duty leading up to the 9-11 attacks, and the LIES-to-WAR (corrupted, alarminst WMD 'intel') used by Mr. Bush and his administration to push America in to attacking Iraq (with what can only be described as a cruel, incompetent, if not sadistic occupation plan) are only two of the major issues that the Washington and National Media REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT -
WITH THE COMPLICITY of the "see no evil, hear no evil, and for heaven's sake, SPEAK NO EVIL" Congressional Democrats.
(Who, indeed, were perfectly willing to let the Bush-Cheney White House OBSTRUCT the creation of a 9-11 Commission, until 9-11 widows did the heavy lifting to drum up support for such an investigation into the gross failures leading to and on 9-11-2001.)
These are only two examples of the "Major Media" having a relentless ability to say "NOTHING WRONG HERE, MOVE ALONG, MOVE ALONG" which the Democrat "leadership" continually buys in to and legitimizes as "sound policy."

#2. Washington, DC favorite MYTH number two:

BOTH of these notions - that there is nothing wrong in America, and that the Democrats COULDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT any wrongs even if there were any - are COMPLETE PROPAGANDA.

In fact, Nancy Pelosi is now what experienced DC commentator PAT BUCHANAN calls "THE AIPAC GIRL" - she is now a CHARTER MEMBER of the neo-con WAR LOBBY.
http://www.postchronicle.com/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=11&num=70952 Pelosi is now FULLY COMMITTED to the NEO-CON AGENDA, the agenda of THREATS and FORCE as the FIRST TOOLS of American diplomacy and international policy; of America DICTATING its desires to ANY country in the world, and to backing up those desires with IMMEDIATE THREATS of military or economic confrontation.
But sadly, Nancy Pelosi's pathetic "WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT Mr. Bush's War and international threats" neo-con corruption extends far deeper than merely following Senator Joe Lieberman's example of RUNNING as an ANTI-WAR MODERATE, and then RULING (or legislating taxpayer dollars and military lives) as a CHICKEN-HAWK CONSERVATIVE.

For, as author PETER BREWTON wrote in his landmark book "THE MAFIA, THE CIA, and GEORGE BUSH" in 1992 about the first President Bush (Sr.) - DEMOCRATIC CORRUPTION is INSTITUTIONAL.
From 1992 to 2001 to 2007, the top circle of the "Democratic" Party are EVERY BIT AS MUCH ABOUT FLEECING TAXPAYERS on behalf of big-donor corporate lobbyists, as the Republcian Party's avowedly kleptocratic agenda (tax cuts for billionaires at public expense, i.e TRANSFERRING WEALTH from America's working-class citizens TO THE WEALTHY) is.
Which makes the Democrats, who PRETEND to be about progressive taxation and economic fairness, far worse.

Here is author Brewton's summary:

The [1980a Savings-and-Loan scandal] was a MASSIVE TRANSFER of WEALTH from the American taxpayers to select groups of extremely rich, powerful people.
For unlike Watergate and Iran-Contra, this was a BI-PARTISAN SCANDAL. There was NO OPPOSITION PARTY to push for an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. In fact, the same group of wealthy, powerful businessmen, centered in Houston, that encircle Republicans like George Bush and James A. Baker III, also encircle Democrats like Jim Wright and Lloyd Bentsen.

This S&L scandal is the vehicle for telling the story about these leading American politicians and businessmen. But the relationships between these individuals and HOW THEY CONTROL and MANIPULATE PUBLIC and PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS IS THE BIGGER STORY. Unless we know who these people see, and understand how they operate, we can all look forward to MORE S&L-type DEBACLES TO COME.

JUST AS LLOYD BENTSEN _HELPED_ Vice President George H.W. Bush KEEP THE S&L SCANDAL _OUT_ of the DC press corpse and national news, SO TOO DOES NANCY PELOSI _HELP_ George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove KEEP THEIR CRIMINAL SCANDALS _OUT OF THE NEWS_ (much less do they endure any serious consequences.)

Note how Mr. Brewton writes, in 1992, that there WILL BE REPEAT INSTANCES of Democratic "leaders" ENABLING REPUBLICAN CORRUPTION.

Note how, in 2007, Nancy Pelosi and her CORRUPT "moderate" Democrats, in both the House and Senate, USE THE EXCUSE of Mr. Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq AS COVER to help the Bush-Republican Party ram BILLION DOLLAR SUBSIDIES and outright gifts for corporate America down American taxpayer throats, from the multi-billion dollar BIG PHARMACEUTICAL boondoggle (that stopped American grandparents from crossing the border into Canada to purchase the identical prescription drugs at cheaper prices, at that) to the "CREDIT REFORM" bill which legalized userous credit terms and predatory credit policies; to of course using the multi-billion dollar WAR SPENDING ITSELF - which the Bush administration has repeatedly shown is usually a CASH COW for its own crony, connected contractors, companies like Halliburton, Blackwater, Bechtel, and Enron (before it collapsed from fraud).
HELL - NANCY PELOSI and the DC Democrats are SO CORRUPT, they can't even expose the links between DICK CHENEY's HALLIBURTON STOCK OPTIONS and the way Mr. Cheney's options GO UP IN VALUE with every billion-dollar no-bid, no-oversight contract Cheney hands to his 'former' company!

DON'T BELIVE US? JUST ASK Speaker Pelosi to ACCOMPANY YOU ON A TRIP DOWN TO NEW ORLEANS.. and ask her "HOW CAN BILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS have been spent on the 'RECONSTRUCTION' of New Orleans... when they HAVEN'T EVEN REMOVED TONS and TONS of trash and debris that is still stinking up entire neighborhoods there TWO YEARS LATER?"

Maybe we should call those piles of stinking, decaying flood debris in New Orleans neighborhoods "THE BUSH-PELOSI MONUMENT TO AMERICAN CORRUPTION, 2007."


Peter Brewton, introduction to "The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush" 1992


Something very significant happened during our country's savings-and-loan crisis, the greatest financial disaster since the Great Depression. It happened quietly, seretly, without any fanfare and attention. It happened before our eyes, yet we knew it not.

What we all missed was the massive transfer of wealth from the American taxpayers to select groups of extremely rich, powerful people. What these people had in common - unknown to the American public - were their symbiotic relationships to the Mafia and the CIA, and to the two most prominent, powerful politicians from Texas, President George W. Bush and Senator Lloyd Bentsen.

This small cabal of businessmen realized that the S&Ls were going the way of the dinosaurs. They recognized that S&L's couldn't survive under rapid inflation and high interest rates. So they decided to exploit the situation for their own purposes, with help from, and rewards for, the Mafia, the CIA, and their favorite politicians. They probably figured that the insulation and protection these powerful institutions and individuals conferred upon them, in addition to all the endemic protection within the financial, judicial, political, and journalistic systems, made them invulerable. They were probably right.
For unlike Watergate and Iran-Contra, this was a BI-PARTISAN SCANDAL. There was NO OPPOSITION PARTY to push for an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. In fact, the same group of wealthy, powerful businessmen, centered in Houston, that encircle Republicans like George Bush and James A. Baker III, also encircle Democrats like Jim Wright and Lloyd Bentsen.

This information enables one to view the 1988 election, in which not one cross word was ever spoken about the savings-and-loan debacle, in a whole new perspective. It was not merely a fortuitous coincidence that both Bush, the Republican nominee for President, and Bentsen, the Democratic nominee for Vice President, were part of, and beholden to, the same group of Houston businessmen. Even if the Democrats lost the presidential election, as they did, Bentsen could still win re-election to his Senate seat under the so-called "LBJ rule." The Houston boys, as usual, had their bets covered.
(If Democrats had won in 1988, this book would be entitled "The Mafia, the CIA, and Lloyd Bentsen," for Bentsen and Bush are two interchangeable peas in a pod. They have many friends, business associates and campaign donors in common. The story of the most important ones they share begins this book.)
BUT BUSH WON IN 1988, AND ONE OF THE REASONS HE DID WAS HIS ABILITY TO KEEP THE S&L DEBACLE _OUT_ OF THE POLITICAL DEBATE. He was assisted in this by none other than Bentsen, as we shall see. They both had much to hide. Bush in particular. Not only were the many of the President-to-be's friends involved - along with his two sons - but Bush himself, as Vice President, had PERSONALLY INTERVENED in the federal regulation of a dirty Florida savings and loan that was being looted by people with connections to the Mafia and CIA. This S&L ultimately failed, costing taxpayers nearly $700 million.

This S&L scandal is the vehicle for telling the story about these leading American politicians and businessmen. But the relationships between these individuals and HOW THEY CONTROL and MANIPULATE PUBLIC and PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS IS THE BIGGER STORY. Unless we know who these people see, and understand how they operate, we can all look forward to MORE S&L-type DEBACLES TO COME.

Pete Brewton, Introduction to "The Mafia, CIA & George Bush: The untold Story of America's Greatest Financial Debacle" 1992.