Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lieberman to Endorse WAR-HAWK John McCain for president.... because Lieberman is first and foremost a neo-con War Hawk....

HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE, for those 70% of American voters who reject the open-eneded, blank-check, unlimited blood-and-treasure war, to DEMAND that their Democratic candidates and elected officials NOT cave in to, or abjectly JOIN THE WAR PARTY? Connecticut Democratic voters HAD AN OPPORTUNITY to reject the NEO-CON, endless-war priorities of Joe Lieberman... but thousands of them voted for Lieberman anyways, thinking (based on millions of dollars of his corporate-funded campaign advertisements) that Lieberman was "a moderate" who would provide a restraining influence on the Bush-Cheney-Republican War Party.

Once again, we point out the BEDROCK of American politics this decade: the ALLIANCE of AIPAC neo-cons in the Democratic Party, with the most authortarian, unilateral, totalitarian, extra-legal elements of the Bush-Cheney-Republican Party.
At the 'bipartisan" annual AIPAC convention in Washington DC this past March 2007 that featured speakers from the top tiers of both Democrat and Republican parties, AIPAC attendees gave STANDING OVATIONS and APPLAUSE for Vice President Dick Cheney's MOST BOMBASTIC "BOMB IRAN NOW!" rhetoric:

In his "New Confederate Century," "Armegeddon," and "A Choice of Traditions" chapters, author Michael Lind LAYS OUT IN DETAIL the ALLIANCE of the AIPAC/Likudnik NEO-CONS with the Southern, reactionary-right neo-Confederates in the landmark book "MADE IN TEXAS: George W. Bush and the Southern Takeover of American Politics."
(click our link, or search "Made in Texas: George W. Bush and Southern..." for the google-books link)
(Unfortunately, the Googlebooks free on-line preview does not include those most important chapters.) The similarities of these two "Herrenvolk" nation/clans is that they both believe in exterminating or subjugating the enemy; they are both unapologetic about slavery or economic exploitation, and they both believe that they have god in their hip pocket, and that indeed in bringing about world-wide confrontation (if not conflagration) they are doing 'his' work.


Lieberman to endorse McCain

By: Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin
Dec 16, 2007 02:57 PM EST
Updated: December 16, 2007 04:56 PM EST

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (Conn.), who was on the national Democratic ticket in 2000, will cross the aisle to endorse Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) tomorrow, Republican sources said.

The two will appear together on NBC's "Today" show tomorrow, then at an 8 a.m. town hall meeting in Hillsborough, N.H. They will talk with reporters after the meeting.

The move, which will help cultivate McCain's moderate status, is an effort to draw attention to the McCain campaign, which needs a splash. Otherwise, it does not make sense for McCain because it will only remind core Republicans why they distrust him.