Sunday, January 6, 2008

On the Defensive in New Hampshire Debate, Hillary all but Admits that LOBBYISTS RULE the Democratic Party....

On the defensive after her 3rd place finish in Iowa on January 3rd, Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire last night went on the attack against BARAK OBAMA's ties with big corporate donors... But in doing so, Hillary all but admitted that the Democratic Party is RULED BY LOBBYISTS, and that no matter how awful the bill that Republicans try to impose on the Democrats in the House and Senate, neither she nor any other Senator has sought to use THE FILIBUSTER power of the senate... much less in an aggressive fashion.

In criticizing Barak Obama for "changing positions over the course of four years," Hillary points out that the entire Democratic Party has a faceless, retreating agenda of "CHANGING ISSUES:

- sometimes against the Patriot Act, then voting for it
- sometimes against universal health care, now for it,
- sometimes AGAINST funding FOR IRAQ WAR, then voting $300 billion for it

"I just think it is fair for people to understand, that many of the charges that have been levelled not just at me but also at Senator Edwards are not totally unrelated to the very record you [Barak Obama] have"

THAT IS INDEED TRUE, Hillary: Barak Obama, John Edwards, AND YOU have ALL been guilty of "CHANGING [your position on] ISSUES" which means that 9 out of ten times, you either start out or end up on the side of Corporate America and their hired-gun lobbyists AGAINST American citizen, workers, students, and children - Americans who have little voice in the Bush-dominated Republican government that America has had to endure for the past half-dozen years.
And "obviously" (to steal Hillary's word), Hillary has a ZERO record of FILIBUSTERING ANYTHING from the (previous) 108th or 109th Republican dominated Congress, even though Republicans in the minority OR majority can FILIBUSTER ANYTHING THEY WANT, ANYTIME THEY WANT, and Democratic self-proclaimed 'leaders' like Hillary Clinton are POWERLESS, if not UNWILLING TO TRY, to CONFRONT that Republican OBSTRUCTION with similar methods. (i.e. use of veto, pocket-veto, not bringing war-funding bills to floor of House or Senate, etc.)