While we don't agree with Mr. Denninger on many of his economic positions - in particular, we feel that UNIONS MUST have the right to demand COLLECTIVE BARGAINING in negotiating wage & benefits contracts; and, further, we feel that the era of GREAT AMERICAN ECONOMIC GROWTH post WWII differed from all previous (boom-bust) eras, in having HIGH, UNION-SCALE WAGES
(in concert, actually, with MASSIVE GOVERNMENT SPENDING in the Cold War nuclear & conventional weapons arsenals, and the largest-construction-project-in-world-history U.S. interstate highway system, which was an is the BEDROCK, the life-sustaining skeletal structure of what "free market capitalism" economy we still have) - which WELL PAID WORKING Americans FUELED the great American CONSUMER "free market" economy which "won the Cold War" -
- in this blog, Mr. Denninger takes up where America's treacherous (if not blatantly treasonous) "major media" leaves off: POINTING OUT the SPECIFICS of how GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS (both elected officials & unelected bureaucrats) RAM POLICIES, PROGRAMS, and "bailouts" down the public's throats, despite vast public desire for more open, equitable, and (small-d) democratic alternatives - in this case, merely a law clarifying that BANKS MUST ABIDE BY EXISITING LAWS, and NOT FORECLOSE on a home when they DO NOT HOLD the legal mortgage note!
The Post and Times..... CNN, Newsweek, TIME, Fox "news," and America's other "major media" outlets are COLLUDING and CONSPIRING with VAST, American economy gutting FINANCIAL CRIMES: they IGNORE the THOUSANDS of examples of BOUGHT & BRIBED (by bankers & financial hoodlums) legislators USING THEIR POWERS to SHAFT MILLIONS of American citizens, consumers & taxpayers...
Arizona State Rep Ms. McLain (R-3rd): A Putrid Viper
by Karl Denninger, founder/publisher, (The) MarketTicker.org
April 24, 2011
Here's the architect of gutting SB1259, which would have required that banks coming to foreclose prove they actually held the debt.
The original bill is here:
SB 1259 - Introduced Version - Arizona State Legislature via MyGov365.com
It was gutted and replaced with a completely unrelated bill [by Ms. McClain] after passing the Senate 28-2.
This is how you got screwed Arizona - through an in-your-face act of Monarchy by one Representative McLain, who arrogated the entirety of the Democratic process even within the committee she chairs to herself, and abused that authority to financially **** every Arizona homeowner who is facing foreclosure. Vote? What's a Vote? We don't need any stinking votes! McLain is the chair and she's arrogated herself King!
You're simply not going to believe the audacity displayed by this bag of venomous pus.
Only one question remains for Arizona residents: Are you going to sit for being screwed raw by this putrid viper or will you stand and do something about it?