Sunday, February 26, 2012

Obama is a WHORE to the BANKERS & Jewish Financiers who OWN his presidency: his FORECLOSURE settlement is a TRAVESTY of American law...

  (updated 2-27-2012,  bottom this post) 

Barry Ritholtz at the (jewish owned Meyer/Graham) Washington Post discloses the sad, sordid details: Obama & Eric Holder's "foreclosure settlement" with the big banks is a TRAVESTY of American law

 Obama is a WHORE to the Rothschilds dominated so-called  "Federal' Reserve very privately owned banking cartel, just as Bush & Cheney were WHORES to the  "Project for a New 'American' [ISRAEL UBER ALLES] Century" Jewish war lobby that answered (and still answers)  to Israel demagogue mass-murderer prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the billionaire humanity-despising jewish financiers who bankroll Netanyahu & his Likud party race-baiting, hate-mongering, theocratic supremacist warmongers. 

  America is now a ONE PARTY DICTATORSHIP: vote "Democrat" or Republican, you will get Jewish warmongers and Jewish financial swindlers ruling America with an iron fist...
  just as Al Capone - the immigrant thug who became the strong-arm of the Meyer Lansky/Lucky Luciano crime mob - RULED Chicago and the entire American Midwest during the height of Capone's gangster/mob/murder  power spree.

  And the TREASONOUS "israel uber alles" PIGS at the WHORE Washington Post, WELL UNDERSTAND what is going on - they provide the sordid details in this Barry Ritholtz op-ed -  but Post editors refuse to MAKE THE SUBVERSION OF AMERICA's LAWS into a front-page issue worthy of in-depth investigation -  as they made President Clinton (who actually CREATED AMERICAN JOBS)  the FOCUS of RELENTLESS smear-mob investigations, even trying to CRIMINALIZE President Clinton's overnight guest list as the so-called "Lincoln bedroom scandal"
 (not to overlook the whore Meyer/Graham Washington Post & Sulzberger whore New York Slimes hyperventilating over the MOSSAD  Monica Lewinsky/LINDA TRIPP HONEY-TRAP, which these despicable Neo-Con traitors DID SUCCEED in making in to an AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS with the impeachment of President Clinton based on no more than this Mossad instigated honey-trap.)
(see here for a previous Rothschilds instigated honey-trap - how British MP Sir Dilke was blocked from a potential path to become his party's leader, and Gladstone's successor as PRIME MINISTER of GREAT BRITAIN at the very height of British imperial power... by a sex-scandal that conveniently eliminated him, the opponent of the husband of Rothschild's heiress Hannah Primrose.) 

Foreclosure settlement a FAILURE OF LAW, a triumph for bank attorneys
By , Published in Washington Post,  February 25, 2012
The banker who review... these  [STRINGENT FORECLOSURE DOCUMENTATION] files fills out and signs an affidavit, which is then notarized. It is the written equivalent of sworn testimony in court. Judges take affidavits extremely seriously. False affidavits bypass the entire fact-finding and legal process, and the result can be a miscarriage of justice. Anyone who lies on one commits perjury, a felony punishable by jail time.
At least, they used to get jail time. 

Before the settlement, we learned that  nearly  every aspect of the robosigned documents was false. None of the details were ever reviewed. The signatures attesting to the review of the documents were fabricated — made by someone other than the person whose name was on the document. Neither person — the supposed signatory to the document nor the hired forger — ever validated the facts of each case. All of the safeguards put in place to make sure foreclosures were done correctly and legally were bypassed. Even the notary stamps were bogus — they were not real, and not signed by a notary to validate that the signer and the signature matched..... (cont'd)      

     confirms the substance of our above post a day or two later: 
to repeat,  "IT DOESN'T MATTER if you vote 'Democrat' or Republican - you will get hired appartchiks of the Goddamn-Sachs + JP Morgan (the two main front-banks for the Rotschield's owned so-called 'Federal' Reserve very privately owned banking cabal)  Big Finance swindlers, extortionists, and fiat-money/fractional-reserve-banking DEBT SLAVERY loan-shark overlords; 
  ...who are  also the financiers & enablers of the insane, insatiable, anti-human Likud/Neo-Con nuclear extortionist Jewish supremacist war lobby:  
Hacked Email Reveals Democrats Remain Clueless on Obama’s Bankster Ties
Kurt Nimmo,  
February 27, 2012 
 As Zero Hedge rightly notes, the latest Wikileaks dump – a collection of emails hacked from Stratfor by Anonymous – is a dud. It consists of liberals whining about Obama and calling him a “pussy” for not confronting the so-called right side of the one party system that serves the bankster elite.
Hacked Email Reveals Democrats Remain Clueless on Obamas Bankster Ties
One comment in particular reveals that the so-called left encamped in the district of criminals remains completely and hopelessly out of touch with reality. It suggests Obama “could also tell the banks to go screw themselves.” 

How is it possible Democrats still do not realize Obama is owned by the banksters and he does not tie his shoes in the morning without first consulting them?
Evidence is bountiful.
Soon after Barry,  the CIA groomed candidate,  was selected and trotted out with messianic fervor,  Open Secrets posted a list of his top contributors, including: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, UBS and Morgan Stanley.  

Obama is still the preferred candidate of the money masters.
“Obama has brought in more money from employees of banks, hedge funds and other financial service companies than all of the GOP candidates combined,” reports the Washington Post[!!!]
Reports that bankers are turning against Obama “are exaggerated and overblown,” according to one top banking exec cited by the Post. He said “it probably helps from a political perspective if he’s not seen as a Wall Street guy.”

Obama’s light chiding of banks and his supposed anti-Wall Street rhetoric are nothing but more election season nonsense designed to once again fool Democrats as another dog and pony show masquerad[e]  as an election approaches.  
Clueless and mesmerized Democrats digest the propaganda without question because they want to believe Obama is a savior and champion of the supposed left despite the fact Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve call the shots, same as they would if a Republican sat in the Oval Office.