Friday, October 30, 2009

What do Joe Lieberman, Tom Daschle, and EVAN BAYH all have in common? They are ALL WHORES for the 'health' INSURANCE industry... (and their wives are LOBBYISTS for same!)

  "Democrats"   IN BED WITH LOBBYISTS - literally!
The FIX is in:  President Obama is able to BETRAY  millions of voters crying out for RELIEF from the insane  'health' insurance FOR PROFIT system,  in part because his own administration, and so many Senators and Congressman, are BEHOLDEN TO the Big Financial lobbies including Big Pharma, HMOs and 'health' insurers.  This is vast, sell-out corruption on a titanic scale, but the DC Democrats, surrounded by so many fawning lobbyists - and in these three cases at least, literally IN BED with lobbyists - no longer care that the vast majority of Americans want some version of  a public, national health care system, whether a robust "Public Option" or what could simply be an expanded MEDICARE FOR ALL system - like our neighbors to the north (Canada) have, and as ALL OTHER major industrialized countries have - INCLUDING ISRAEL,  SUBSIDIZED by BILLIONS of AMERICAN taxpayer dollars!!!!!
TPMMuckraker reports:
Indiana "Democrat" Senator Evan  Bayh's Wife Made Millions As Board Member For Health Insurer 
Yesterday, Sen. Evan Bayh joined his colleague Joe Lieberman in suggesting that he may oppose health-care reform, citing concerns about the deficit. Bayh has long been one of the more conservative members of the Democratic caucus. But is his stance also affected by the fact that his wife has reportedly earned at least $2 million over the last six years as a member of the board of a major health insurer?
Susan Bayh's affiliation with Indianapolis-based WellPoint isn't news. But a new report on TheStreet digs into the details. It also finds that last year, Susan Bayh sat on four other corporate boards, in addition to WellPoint's. She received over $656,0000 in cash and stock for all her board work, around half of which came from WellPoint.
As the site puts it: "Susan Bayh's corporate directorships provide a significant chunk of the Bayh family income."
 Former "Democrat" Senator Tom Daschle - Senate MAJORITY LEADER, no less, until the Democrats were rolled by Republicans in the 2004 elections,  is also married to a high-priced Washington LOBBYIST, whose clients in 1999 (when her husband was still Majority Leader) included pharmaceutical company Amgen,  and tobacco companies Philip Morris and Lorillard .

 And of course the wife of  former "Democrat" Senator JOE LEIBERMAN - arch nemesis of TENS of  MILLIONS of Democratic voters and working- and middle-class American families -   is millionaire (high six-figure per year income)  DC  lobbyist Hadassah Lieberman. 

  What is most despicable about the above three, is that their WEAKNESS (Daschle) and outright TREACHERY (Lieberman and Bayh) focuses  American public resentment NOT at the Big Financials and Republicans where it belongs  (whose agendas these SELLOUT TRAITORS  REALLY represent), but instead at DEMOCRATS, who desired and worked for "change" in the 2008 campaign, only to be BETRAYED by the Obama "the FIX IS IN" White House and corporate "YELLOW-DOG" Democrats.

 ("Yellow-dog" "Democrats"  like  Bayh, Nebraska Senator BILL NELSON,   Louisiana Senator MARY LANDRIE,  Arkansas Senator  BLANCHE LINCOLN, and even North Dakota Senate Budge Committee Chairman KENT CONRAD, whose SWEETHEART LOANS from  mortgage loan industry bully COUNTRYWIDE  are now under investigation by the FBI.)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lieberman's BETRAYAL = OBAMA's TREACHERY: a Health Care SELLOUT to Insurance Industry blood-suckers...

The treacherous, lying,  deceitful   President Barack Obama SNATCHED DEFEAT from the jaws of victory this week,  ROBBING  millions of American families of the AFFORDABLE health-care they COULD have had...   health care   DIVORCED from insurance industry blood-suckers,   when the possiblity of a  "robust PUBLIC OPTION"  was   STRIPPED from  the House health care 'reform'   bill on Wednesday,   because  Republican-supporting  "Independent" Senator and serial traitor  Joe Lieberman  grabbed some media TV cameras and said he would FILIBUSTER  any reform that included a robust public option.

      What NO media commentators in America are pointing out - not even those at the most "liberal" and lefty blogs -  is that this MURDER of a robust, government run health care program   (what could have been Medicare,  _expanded_  for all citizens who wanted it, including those less than 65 years of age)  HAS Mr. Obama's FINGERPRINTS all over it.

  Indeed,   Mr. Obama sent his  leg-breaking ENFORCER,  uber- "investment banker" and Democratic skull-crusher RAHM EMANUEL, out to KILL  the robust public option in behind-the-scenes "negotiations" with other  health care reform OBSTRUCTORS,  like so-called "Democrats" Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus  Indiana  Senator Evan Bayh, and Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson.
   (What all three of these Right-Wing  "Democrat" Senators have in common, is that they all BASH "SOCIALIZED health-care" as incompetent, evil, and anti-American... even as their  constituents over 65 LOVE  Medicare, and would vote those corrupt and serially  lying senators OUT of office in a New York minute, if any of the three tried to kill Medicare.)
  In plain English,   Joe Lieberman would NOT have made his  FILIBUSTER threat, WITHOUT the TACIT SUPPORT...... IF NOT BEHIND SCENES ENCOURAGEMENT, of the Obama/Emanuel White House.

     WORSE than the mere MURDER of a genuine, expanded-Medicare public option, is that Mr. Obama ROBBED  Democratic voters OF THE FIGHT that would have portrayed Senator Lieberman and Republicans as the  INDUSTRY protecting, health-care reform killing  OBSTRUCTIONISTS that they are.

  In an America where style often trumps substance,  where Hollywood fantasy is often confused for reality, where the media is the message,  Emanuel/Obama co. ROBBING Democratic voters of a GOOD HEALTH CARE FIGHT,  a fight to  GIVE the VICTIMS of insurance care denial some voice, some national media attention -  is far more TREACHEROUS  and destructive than even giving away BILLIONS of dollars to the Big Pharma and insurance industries.   (As much as THOSE billions of dollars EMPOWER the anti-democratic  obstructionists in future health-care battles.)
  Mr. Obama and Mr. Emanuel ROBBED Democratic voters of what could and should have been a SPECTACULAR  media fight,   because they are BOTH IN THE POCKET  of the INSURANCE, HMO,  Big Pharma, and other big financial  industries. 

     Indeed, OBAMA's TREACHERY distills down to one simple equation: For handing  Big Pharma and the insurance companies BILLIONS of MANDATED  taxpayer 'health' insurance bills,  Obama and the Emanuel White House will get some (lousy)  TENS of MILLIONS of dollars of INDUSTRY CAMPAIGN DONATIONS in 2008.... aka   industry  KICK-BACK, SLUSH-FUND BRIBES, for KILLING  the desires of millions of American families to have  what the rest  of the industrialized world already has: a GUARANTEE of health care, paid for out of taxpayer dollars, DIVORCED from insurance industry profiteers and blood-suckers. 

     The  1,500 page  Pelosi/'Democrat'/Obama  'health care reform'  bill is a MONSTROSITY of a PIG of a bill, that has BARACK OBAMA's  MURDEROUS, BLOODY,  Public-Option KILLING fingerprints all over it...
      We COULD have had a two or three page bill,  EXPANDING Medicare, to cover  Americans UNDER the age of 65. 
  Instead we get  Obama & Emanuel's TREACHERY, DECEIT, BACK-STABBING,  SNATCH-DEFEAT-FROM-JAWS OF VICTORY  _murder_ of the Public Option, the bill that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans wanted.

  For a few million dollars in industry BRIBES, the DC 'Democrats'  have ROBBED American voters of expanded Medicare, and instead given us  a 1,500 page, INDUSTRY  written PIG of a bill, that won't even go into affect for FIVE  long, bloody years.

   Becasue  THAT'S HOW THINGS WORK in Mr. Emaneul's  Washington,  2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama's pledges to "CHANGE Washington!" be damned.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Congressman Charlie Wilson, of "Charlie Wilson's War": TIME for US military to EXIT Afghanistan....

  update, Oct. 27:   A US State Department officder, Mathew Hough,  a former Marine officer with combat experience in Iraq and as a US civilian authority in  Afghanistan, has resigned  from the State Department,  PROTESTING  Washington & Tel Aviv's  OPEN-ENDED US WAR &  OCCUPATION of Afghanistan,  as the pro-wars Washington Post reports:

  Retired Congressman Charlie Wilson, the heroic if hard-partying Congressman portrayed by Tom Hanks in the movie "Charlie Wilson's War"  and  who bucked  the CIA &  Washington establishment to supply  effective weapons to Afghanistan's Mujahdeen "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" during the 1980s  Russian (Soviet/Red Army) invasion of Afghanistan,  now CONDEMNS  the  "STRATEGY" of the Washington & Tel Aviv  Neo-Cons who have so BOTCHED the US occupation in Afghanistan,  and calls for the United States to withdraw that occupation starting immedicately.  
             Congressman Wilson (retired) explains that the US occupation in Afghanistan is taking up where the Soviet (Russian) Communist Red Army left off:   an OCCUPATION ARMY that enrages local Afghans with every  wedding, funeral, or civilian home BOMBED by US bombs, killing civilians and  CREATING  THREE or more TIMES AS MANY new resistance fighters as a given action kills.
  In related news,  anti-war protesters marched on October 4th to protest the 9th year of the Afghanistan war, including a "March of the Dead"  to highlight the ACTUAL COSTS of the botched US occupation of Afghanistan - those Afghan AND AMERICANS KILLED by the war, whose deaths have been CENSORED by America's now Goebbels-esque corporate, warmongering media.  Over 60 protesters were arrested when they refused to submit to Washington's  serial  criminalization and censorship of protests.
Former U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson coming to Scranton to discuss war in Afghanistan
By Josh McAuliffe, Staff Writer, Scranton Times
Published: October 6, 2009

The U.S. military's ongoing conflict in Afghanistan is a movie Charlie Wilson has seen before, and he isn't thrilled with where the plot of this one is going.

"I think they're looking at us more and more like occupiers," he said.

"I want to make them understand the dilemmas the (Obama) administration is under," Mr. Wilson said. "It's a very tough situation."
 Mr. Wilson,  now 76 has been out of congress  since 1997, and is two years removed from a heart transplant.

Hundreds Demand End to Afghan and Iraq Wars, Close of Guantanamo and Bagram,  61* Arrested at the White House

October 5, 2009

WASHINGTON - October 5 - As the U.S. led war in Afghanistan begins its ninth year this week, 61 were arrested bringing a strong message to the White House that war, torture and drone bombing are outrageous, unacceptable and must end immediately. National anti-war groups and people from around the country joined together to say “No to War in Afghanistan. No to Torture and Vengeance.”

Then, hundreds of people gathered this morning in McPherson Square for song, poetry and rousing speeches to kick off a day of action. Led by the “Mourn the dead, heal the wounded, end the wars” banner, those gathered then marched to the White House in a solemn procession, carrying large photographs of war victims, signs and banners.

As the “March of the Dead” wound through the crowd wearing white masks and carrying the names of dead U.S. service people and Iraqi and Afghan war victims, more than 20 people dressed at Guantanamo prisoners assembled near the White House fence. Members of “Witness Against Torture,” a group committed to the shuttering of Guantanamo and the quickly enlarging Bagram air base in Afghanistan, many chained themselves to the fence. On their backs, they wore the names of Guantanamo detainees cleared for release who remain detained under the Obama administration despite the White House’s heralded decision to shutter the prison. 
The group read the names of those killed in war and newspaper accounts of U.S. bombings and their devastating consequences in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
All those who remained on the White House sidewalk were eventually arrested. In total, 61people were taken into police custody as the readings of the names of the dead—a tragic litany of war—continued.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Treachery, Betrayal, and Deceit from the Obama White House...

 update:  tonight Congressional aide  Brent Budowsky reports that  3  REPUBLICAN members of the House Judiciary Committee  voted Wednesday TO REPEAL  (health) insurance industry  ANTI-TRUST  EXEMPTIONS   for health  insurance companies.
   IF  REPUBLICANS  can understand an argument that  INSURANCE INDUSTRY MONOPOLIES are DESTRUCTIVE to delivering Health Care in America...  WHY can't the Obama/Emanuel/GoldmanSachs White House make that argument, FORCEFULLY, REPEATEDLY, and STEAM-ROLLING  over other Republican or "Con-servative Democrat" opposition to genuine Health Care reform -
 - NOT the "con-servative"  "Blue-Dog" INDUSTRY written bill being pushed by insurance industry TOADY  Senate Finance Chair Max Baucus??

The FIX IS IN.  President Obama, at the behest of  the INSURANCE INDUSTRY  and his NY/Wall Street/Goddamn-Sachs banksters,  is TRYING TO HELP  Republicans  SABOTAGE  the "Public Option'  health access for MILLIONS of American families.

   The TREACHERY and DECEIT is that Mr. Obama has BEEN TRYING TO SABOTAGE  the 'public option'  -  a government-run insurance program that would be similar to Medicare, but would be available to Americans not yet 65 years of age  -  for MONTHS now,   but DOES NOT HAVE THE COURAGE OR CONVICTION to come out and say so.

    USING PURE DECEIT, Mr. Obama MAKES PUBLIC PLEDGES   _FOR_  the public option, while BEHIND THE SCENES,  Mr. Obama  ENCOURAGES  Senate Finance Chairman MAX BAUCUS to KILL the option,  and,  when American public DEMAND for the option continues to GROW instead of diminish,  Mr. Obama sent his  head fixer, enforcer, arm-twisting extortion meister (aka White House Chief of Staff)  Rahm Emanuel over to the senate yesterday, TO  DISCOURAGE   Senate Majority Leader  "HAPLESS HARRY" Reid from supporting the public option! 

     Is there ANYTHING  MORE PATHETIC, in ALL of American politics,  than seeing OSTENSIBLE Senate "Majority LEADER"  Hapless Harry,  saying  "there  will be a decision made" -  implying that HE is NOT making the decisions ??!!! 

     Yes, there IS something MORE PATHETIC:  the notion that MILLIONS of Americans THOUGHT they were getting "CHANGE" from a  NEW PRESIDENT,  but were instead given  MORE INSURANCE INDUSTRY EXTORTION of America's  Health Care crisis !!!!

  FOR SHAME!  Is Mr. Obama SO ARROGANT, that he believes he is being "HOLY" as he PUBLICLY PROCLAIMS SUPPORT for the Public Option, while WORKING  ENERGETICALLY to KILL IT,  behind the scenes?!
  To repeat: PURE TREACHERY, DECEIT, and BETRAYAL by the President who is a WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY of  Goldman-Sachs.

   below, the REAL REPUBLICAN  Health-Care agenda:  IF  American CHILDREN don't have PREMIUM "health insurance,"  they should just GO AHEAD AND DIE if they need major  medical procedures to stay alive.

  WHY  CAN'T the Obama administration POUND this  REPUBLICAN AGENDA  _DOWN_ Republican throats, and MAKE EVERY REPUBLICAN IN AMERICA  _DISAVOW_    Bill Kristol and Eric Cantor's  "GO AHEAD AND DIE" comments??
   Here  the video of  uber-Likudnik (war-mongering, Israel-first) NY/Wall St.  Right-Wing Republican BILL KRISTOL saying of an American child whose life was saved, after he had been DENIED MEDICAL PROCEDURES by the hospital/insurance industried,  ONLY because his mother fought a PAPER-WORK BLIZZARD to obtain funding for the life-saving surgery via an unknown bureaucratic program called "SCHIP"...  Kristol says  "HOW PATHETIC  IS THAT"  that the young man was able to BREAK the RIGHT-WING  MONOPOLY CONTROL of the media's  pro-industry airwaves, and get his life-saved message out to millions of American TV viewers. 
     Just to drive home how EXPLICITLY  GHOULISH  right-wing Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol is,  earlier, at 1:00 in this video, Kristol says