The treacherous, lying, deceitful President Barack Obama SNATCHED DEFEAT from the jaws of victory this week, ROBBING millions of American families of the AFFORDABLE health-care they COULD have had... health care DIVORCED from insurance industry blood-suckers, when the possiblity of a "robust PUBLIC OPTION" was STRIPPED from the House health care 'reform' bill on Wednesday, because Republican-supporting "Independent" Senator and serial traitor Joe Lieberman grabbed some media TV cameras and said he would FILIBUSTER any reform that included a robust public option.
What NO media commentators in America are pointing out - not even those at the most "liberal" and lefty blogs - is that this MURDER of a robust, government run health care program (what could have been Medicare, _expanded_ for all citizens who wanted it, including those less than 65 years of age) HAS Mr. Obama's FINGERPRINTS all over it.
Indeed, Mr. Obama sent his leg-breaking ENFORCER, uber- "investment banker" and Democratic skull-crusher RAHM EMANUEL, out to KILL the robust public option in behind-the-scenes "negotiations" with other health care reform OBSTRUCTORS, like so-called "Democrats" Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, and Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson.
(What all three of these Right-Wing "Democrat" Senators have in common, is that they all BASH "SOCIALIZED health-care" as incompetent, evil, and anti-American... even as their constituents over 65 LOVE Medicare, and would vote those corrupt and serially lying senators OUT of office in a New York minute, if any of the three tried to kill Medicare.)
In plain English, Joe Lieberman would NOT have made his FILIBUSTER threat, WITHOUT the TACIT SUPPORT...... IF NOT BEHIND SCENES ENCOURAGEMENT, of the Obama/Emanuel White House.
WORSE than the mere MURDER of a genuine, expanded-Medicare public option, is that Mr. Obama ROBBED Democratic voters OF THE FIGHT that would have portrayed Senator Lieberman and Republicans as the INDUSTRY protecting, health-care reform killing OBSTRUCTIONISTS that they are.
In an America where style often trumps substance, where Hollywood fantasy is often confused for reality, where the media is the message, Emanuel/Obama co. ROBBING Democratic voters of a GOOD HEALTH CARE FIGHT, a fight to GIVE the VICTIMS of insurance care denial some voice, some national media attention - is far more TREACHEROUS and destructive than even giving away BILLIONS of dollars to the Big Pharma and insurance industries. (As much as THOSE billions of dollars EMPOWER the anti-democratic obstructionists in future health-care battles.)
Mr. Obama and Mr. Emanuel ROBBED Democratic voters of what could and should have been a SPECTACULAR media fight, because they are BOTH IN THE POCKET of the INSURANCE, HMO, Big Pharma, and other big financial industries.
Indeed, OBAMA's TREACHERY distills down to one simple equation: For handing Big Pharma and the insurance companies BILLIONS of MANDATED taxpayer 'health' insurance bills, Obama and the Emanuel White House will get some (lousy) TENS of MILLIONS of dollars of INDUSTRY CAMPAIGN DONATIONS in 2008.... aka industry KICK-BACK, SLUSH-FUND BRIBES, for KILLING the desires of millions of American families to have what the rest of the industrialized world already has: a GUARANTEE of health care, paid for out of taxpayer dollars, DIVORCED from insurance industry profiteers and blood-suckers.
The 1,500 page Pelosi/'Democrat'/Obama 'health care reform' bill is a MONSTROSITY of a PIG of a bill, that has BARACK OBAMA's MURDEROUS, BLOODY, Public-Option KILLING fingerprints all over it...
We COULD have had a two or three page bill, EXPANDING Medicare, to cover Americans UNDER the age of 65.
Instead we get Obama & Emanuel's TREACHERY, DECEIT, BACK-STABBING, SNATCH-DEFEAT-FROM-JAWS OF VICTORY _murder_ of the Public Option, the bill that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans wanted.
For a few million dollars in industry BRIBES, the DC 'Democrats' have ROBBED American voters of expanded Medicare, and instead given us a 1,500 page, INDUSTRY written PIG of a bill, that won't even go into affect for FIVE long, bloody years.
Becasue THAT'S HOW THINGS WORK in Mr. Emaneul's Washington, 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama's pledges to "CHANGE Washington!" be damned.