OBAMA the (lying) FRAUD: These are the men who PRESIDED OVER the ECONOMIC MELTDOWN of Sept. 2008, under then president George W. Bush.
(Paulson, left, Bernanke, Geithner)
Obama PROMISED us Americans "change" - but he REHIRED TWO (!!) out of THREE of these idiot Economic Saboteurs, to 'lead' HIS "Democratic" administration's "economic policy"** - which of course means he has given us MORE of BUSH-O-NOMICS!!
** "economic policy" - IF you call allowing Ben "judenfetzen" Bernanke to PRINT TRILLIONS of taxpayer obligated dollars, which land ONLY in the VERY PRIVATE bank vaults of the very private member/owner banks of the so-called "Federal' Reserve central banking cabal... an "economic policy."
Anyone who wonders why America's economy is sputtering, and EMPLOYMENT is in the TRASH (and getting worse) is AN IDIOT: the American economy is sputtering, and America's jobs outlook is DISMAL, BECAUSE the LYING FRAUD "in pocket of GS, JPM, Fed banksters" Obama, is CONTINUING the DESPISED "tax cuts for rich in time of war" economic policies of radical right-wing Republican president George W. Bush"... ON STEROIDS, of the trillions of dollars of taxpayer obligated "BAILOUTS," and "FREE MONEY FROM FED to bankers" "Quantitative Easings" which DEVALUE the savings, pensions, & paychecks (and, guess what... HOME VALUES, too!) of ordinary Americans.
(In concert with, that is, Bob Rubin, Larry Summers, and Phil Gramm's "DEREGULATION" LICENSE TO LOOT, pillage, rape, plunder, & eviscerate American households savings "Gramm Leach Bliley Act" and "Commodity Futures 'Modernization' Act" of 1999 & 2000 - the proximate cause of the 2008 market meltdowns; just as the earlier, similarly Wall Street + Texas pushed DEREGULATION of America's smaller Savings & Loans led directly to the Bush-I Recession & 1992 market meltdowns and economic malaise.)
To repeat, using "bailouts" and Fed "Quantitative Easing" FREE MONEY FROM FED to failed, bankrupt, insolvent (but Con-gress, media, & presidents bribing) banksters, with not a lick of oversight, audits, or claw-back for our missing billions... (anyone seen Mary Schapiro or Gary Gensler?)
idiot OBAMA is pushing... BUSH-o-nomics ON STEROIDS, 2&1/2 years after Bush departed Washington in ignomy !!