Tuesday, September 20, 2011

IDIOT obama: MORE PEOPLE IN POVERTY TODAY than when he became president.. but he PRETENDS NOT TO NOTICE??? (except his lame, "all the money goes to my bankster pals" "jobs" bill)

  ho hum.  WHAT has the current president of the United States been smoking?

   WHY is he STILL LISTENING, to the IDIOTS in his administration,  who are WRECKING the economy?  

  Just the facts -  MORE AMERICANS are IN POVERTY TODAY, than when the previous bubble-boy idiot president (george w. "election thieving," 9-11 Dereliction-of-Duty  bush)  left office in January 2009.

   And, as we've said 10,000 times before,  Mr. Obama may have PROMISED us "CHANGE" in every waking moment of his 2008 presidential election campaign - but in Henry Kissinger & Bob Rubin career appartchik toady TIMMY GEITHNER,  and in BEN shalom BERNANKE at the Fed,  Mr. Obama is a two-faced weasel: he has  DELIVERED TWO of Bush's ECONOMY KILLING HACKS, to the TOP of HIS  (obama's)administration's economic 'leadership' !!!!!
From ProPublica:
* The number of Americans earning below the poverty line in 2010: 46.2 million people
* Official U.S. poverty rate in 2007, before the recession: 12.5 percent
* Official U.S. poverty rate in 2009: 14.3 percent
* Official U.S. poverty rate in 2010: 15.1 percent
* Last time the poverty level was this high: 1993
* Poverty line in 2010: $22,314 for a family of four, or $11,139 for an individual
* Rough amount people in poverty are living on per week: $200 or less
* Poverty rate in the American suburbs: 11.8 percent, the highest since 1967
* Percentage of the population making less than half the poverty line in 2010: 6.7 percent
* Percentage of the population making less than half the poverty line in 2007, before the recession: 5.2 percent
* Poverty rate for white Americans in 2010: 13 percent
* Poverty rate for African Americans in 2010: 27.4 percent
* Real median household income in 2010: $49,445
* Decline in median household income since 2009: 2.3 percent
* Decline in median household income since before the recession: 6.4 percent
* The last time median household incomes have been this low: 1996
* Real median household income in 1999, in 2010 dollars: $53,252
* Median income for full-time male workers in 2010: $47,715
* Median income for full-time male workers in 1973, in 2010 dollars: $49,065
* Official unemployment rate in August 2011: 9.1 percent
* Total number of unemployed people in August: 14 million
* Number of people who were employed part-time for economic reasons in August 2011: 8.8 million
* Number of people not counted in the labor force who wanted work: 2.6 million
* Net jobs created in August 2011: 0
* Total number of long-term unemployed people as of August 2011: 6 million
* Number of unemployed workers per job opening, as of July 2011: About 4.34 (3.2 million openings and 13.9 million unemployed people in July 2011)
* Total number of uninsured Americans in 2010: 49.9 million
* Percentage of Americans who didn’t have health care in 2010: 16.3 percent
* Percentage of Americans who didn’t have health care in 2007, before the recession: 15.3 percent
* Percentage of children who were uninsured in 2010: 9.8 percent
* Percentage of children in poverty were are uninsured in 2010: 15.4 percent
* Percentage of American households that had enough to eat throughout the year in 2007: 88.9 percent
* Percentage of American households that had enough to eat throughout the year in 2010: 85.5 percent