Sunday, November 13, 2011

US Politicians, under the thrall of the evil Jewish war lobby, are THE BIGGEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE in ALL of Human history...

U.S. Politicians, under the thrall of the evil Jewish war lobby (and here, here, here, and here ) -
 (this last link the Wolfowitz/Perle/Feith/Libby/Bill Kristol/Robert Kagan Jewish war lobby 'PNAC' "blueprint for Iraq war" published in 1998 - 5 full years before their proxies, Bush, Cheney, & Rumsfeld, were in position to make their Iraq war lust a reality),
  ...are THE BIGGEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE in ALL of Human history... 

the AIPAC, israel-'american'  jewish war lobby, which is one & the same with the economy wrecking, treasury looting GS, jpm, 'Federal' Reserve fiat MONEY PRINTING banking and peon debt extortion cabal.... 

America's ONE PARTY DICTATORSHIP: with both Hillary, Pelosi, Emanuel "Democrats" (above),  AND
McCain, Boehner, Cantor (et al, ad naseum) Republicans PIMPING "BOMB IRAN NOW!" (below) on behalf of their Jewish war lobby paymasters (who have access to TRILLIONS of fiat money, printed-out-of-thin-air Fed Bernanke dollars to bribe every politician on earth) - America is, de facto, RULED by the insane Jewish war lobby.... 

U.S. Politicians Are The Biggest Threat To World Peace In Human History
by Saman Mohammadi,  The Excavator
November 13, 2011

The world is on the verge of World War III. There is no question about that.
Russian geopolitical analyst Konstantin Sivkov, Vice President of the Academy for Geopolitical Issues, says WWIII “has already begun” and that it ”will take lives of hundreds of millions people worldwide.”
U.S. politicians want to start World War III more than anyone else.They want to appear tough and they think attacking countries like Iraq and Iran without any reason is tough.
These are sick and sociopathic politicians who have a dangerous love affair with Israel and War.

Israel and War are for U.S. politicians what milk and cookies are for Santa Claus.
If Bibi and Israel says jump, U.S. politicians say “how high?” That is the nature of the special relationship between the U.S. Congress and Israel. 
   [video link of subservient, "U.S. Con-gress clapping like trained seals for Netanyahu" ]

Some politicians are victims of Israeli and media brainwashing, and brainwashing by the CIA and Pentagon. Some are afraid to criticize Israel because they’ll be called anti-Semitic and won’t get re-elected.
So ignorance and cowardice are two big reasons why U.S. politicians say what they say.
Another reason is they are flat out criminals who are complicit in war crimes. They know the truth about 9/11 and want a world war because it serves their paymasters’ agenda for global government.
Guys like Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are 100 percent traitors and criminals who deserve the death penalty.
When Israeli war criminal Bibi Netanyahu spoke at the U.S. Congress back in May, U.S. congressmen treated him like a god from Mars. They sat there and allowed a foreign tyrant publicly disrespect a sitting American president.
Obama is a liar and a traitor, but still, the Office of the President is sacred and allowing a foreign war criminal like Bibi to disrespect it on the floor of the Congress amounts to treason. 

Republican presidential candidates are the worst. They are calling for Hitlerian aggression against Iran without presenting any evidence that Iran represents a threat to America. 
  [note: with Obama's ENTIRE presidency, his ENTIRE White House staff, composed of Bob Rubin, Larry Summers, and Rahm Emanuel Likudniks/Rubinites (Jewish war lobby & Golddamn-Sachs financial swindlers), and with Hillary Clinton being a shameless shill for the jewish war lobby,    Obama is THE ONLY PERSON at any significant level in American government who has RESTRAINED a U.S. or israel attack on Iran thus far...! ]
Rick Santorum “Calls for a ‘Preemptive Strike’ if Iran Is Developing Nuclear Weapons.”
Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are “willing to attack Iran to prevent them from getting nukes.”
Herman Cain says the U.S. should attack Iran at any moment it wants without any provocation.
Richard Silverstein writes:
Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (Turner Overdrive), attempting to outdo her rivals in fawning obeisance to Israeli interests, claimed that with Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions:
"The table is being set for worldwide nuclear war against Israel." 
Frankly, I don’t know who’s worse, the megalomaniacs in Tel Aviv plotting a military strike against Teheran or their enablers within the far-right confines of the Republican Party.
It is a good thing nobody is watching these Republican debates.
With the exception of Ron Paul, these candidates are the worst leaders that America has to offer.
They feel shame when they make a mistake when delivering one of their lies, like Perry did the other night about the three federal agencies he wants to cut, but they don’t feel any shame when declaring that America should use nuclear weapons against Iran and potentially kill millions of people.
These weirdos can’t be considered as just puppets of the elite. They are criminal traitors whose dangerous and stupid talking points will bring the world to the abyss.       


 bonus: Under the relentless influence of the Jewish owned media in America -

 -  the Sulzberger owned "Judith Miller mega-phones Dick Cheney's lies-to-war"  New York Times, the Meyer/Graham "WHITEWASH CRIMES of the 'Federal' Reserve bankers" Washington Post, the Hollywood "war is honorable" Hollywood media propaganda empire, the Sam Zell owned LA Times, Chicago Tribune, and Florida 'Sun' papers -

-  the ignorant, hate-whipped, and deluded American public prefers racist, theocratic thug Israel Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU to the "current"  (interchangeable & disposable, as far as the Jewish war lobby is concerned) U.S. president (Barack Obama). 
  [note to ignorant and/or treasonous American "fundamentalist" Christians: Netanyahu's Likud & "Orthodox" Jews DO NOT believe in "freedom of religion": try to EVANGELIZE CHRISTIANITY in the land of Christ... and you will be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED by the Jewish war state (if not beaten half to death by the insane jewish rabbis!) ]

  Netanayahu first became Prime Minister of Israel in 1995...  only after his HATE WHIPPED, DEMAGOGUED, RACE-BAITED  supporters shot, killed, murdered... ASSASSINATED!!  his rival, then Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.