Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama - President Obama's own White House administration - is now running a PROTECTION RACKET for FRAUDULENT BANKERS....

President Obama has now had two months to define is agenda and policy outlook.

And, unfortunately, after spending an entire year pledging to lead an administration determined to "CHANGE!" America for the better; WHERE IT REALLY COUNTS: on FOREIGN POLICY, NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY, AND Economic/FINANCIAL policy; President Obama has DEFINED HIMSELF and his administration as A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY of the ISRAEL LOBBY....
In particular, the RADICAL-RIGHT LIKUDNIK "Greater Israel to the banks of Euphrates" wing of Israel politics that were DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE, in FOMENTING HATE RHETORIC, for the ASSASSINATION of Prime Minister Rabin.

The complete documentation of the AIPAC, PNAC, Likudnik WAR-MONGERS & FINANCIAL-FLIM-FLAM STRANGLEHOLD on the Democratic Party would take a dozen volumes to detail in anything close to comprehensive detail, but a swift outline can be drawn simply by naming names of high officials in the "Democratic" (NOT!) Congress and Obama White House.
Another indiction is how thoroughly former President Jimmy Carter was EXCLUDED from official "Democratic" Washington during the past 8 years....

EVEN THOUGH it was CARTER'S Camp David PEACE PLAN which gave BILL CLINTON and America the platform President Clinton & his administration needed to win the favor and high esteem with which they are held in Israel even today.... NINE LONG YEARS into the PNAC Neo-Con LIKUDNIK NIGHTMARE that was the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Perle-Feith-Fleischer-Chertoff-Mukasey-Paulson Administation....
HALF of those above names having DUAL CITIZENSHIP with a foreign country despite representing America's "leadership" !!

Indeed, Bush Treasury Secretary HANK PAULSON, while not having dual citizenship with a foreign country, is the perfect icon of the SUBORDINATION of AMERICA's ENTIRE ECONOMY to the UNHOLY ALLIANCE of Likudnik "Neo-Conservatives" with oil- and Resource-extraction barons who have for centuries sought to KEEP LABOR as CHEAP AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE -including of course a 350-year legacy of SLAVERY in the New World to fuel the consumption appetites of first "Old World" Europe, and then America's own autocratic, would-be aristorcratic slave-masters and industrialists.

We will start to spell out the process whereby President Obama has made himself entirely subservient to his own GOLDMAN-SACHS economic team, from Emanuel to Rubins to Summers to Geithner, and to Geithner's Chief of Staff, the current #2 at Treasury, FORMER GOLDMAN-SACHS LOBBYIST ______ ______!

IN REFUSING TO RUN INTENSIVE INVESTIGATIONS of FINANCIAL FRAUD that have taken place over the past dozen years, President Obama is DENYING JUSTICE for TENS OF THOUSANDS of DEFRAUDED AMERICANS.... He is RUNNING A PROTECTION RACKET for those guilty of INTENTIONALLY USING BILLIONS of govt/fed dollars to "PUMP" the market, so savvy executives could CASH IN on INFLATED PROFITS at the expense of the life's savings for thousands (if not millions) of Working Americans.