Saturday, April 3, 2010

TREASON: The GODDAMN-SACHS, JP Morgan ASSAULT on America & World Economies, LEAVES CHINA in the DRIVERS SEAT, China now buying up DEVALUED ASSETS WORLDWIDE, thanks to GS & JPM's TREASONOUS assault on American & World economies...

In the below video (part 2 of 3,  at 1:29 minutes in the video), former Wall Street broker, turned "financial commentator in exile" Max Keiser, explains how  "CHINA EYES INVESTMENTS IN Iceland" - China is TAKING ADVANTAGE of the ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION and FINANCIAL SABOTAGE forced on Iceland's economy  by the TREASONOUS  Wall Street financial EXTORTIONISTS and ECONOMIC HIT MEN operating out of  GOLDMAN-SACHS, JP Morgan-Chase, and other politically connected big NY & Wall Street banks...

Over at, (at 1:48 in video) former Wall Street broker (in self-imposed exile) Max Keiser explains that the JPMorgan-Chase &  Goldamn-Sachs ASSAULT on the American & world economies, is ALLOWING China to prowl the world, buying up valuable assets for PENNIES on the dollar.... BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of American dollars which China has amassed, from the TREASONOUS JPM & Goddamn-Sachs led SABOTAGE DECONSTRUCTION of the American industrial & manufacturing economy
(the "outsourcing" of entire factories, entire industries, to Communist China), so Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, Hank Paulson, Robert Rubin, and other JPMorgan & Goddamn-Sachs chairmen & executives can WALLOW in their looted, swindled, consumer- and taxpayer extorted multi-million dollar fortunes.
(over at today's Huffington Post,  Jeff Madrick gives a good beat-down of how Robert Rubin - former GoddamnSachs Chairman - and Alan Greenspan under both Clinton & Bush-II,  were at the "Passionate GREEDY heart" of America's DEREGULATED financial markets economic meltdown) -
  •  - all the above WITH the TREASONOUS, "we HATE AMERICANS!" blessings of FRED HIATT's Washington Post
  • and Arthur Sulzberger's equally treasonous, anti-American New York Times
  • and Rupert Murdoch's  "DESTROY America's standard of living" FOX "news"     
  • AND with the support  of the presidents (Bush & Obama and Clinton) of BOTH  "major" political parties, and their soulless armies of Neo-Con "we HATE AMERICA"  "Golddamn-Sachs uber alles"   finanical extortionist 'experts'  & economic hit-men  running America's economy into the ditch...
  •   AND of  the  Neo-Con INFESTED   Nancy Pelosi  "Democratic" (not!)  111th Congress,   with her "NO NEED for the PEONS to KNOW WHERE their 'BAILOUTS' trillions have gone"... 
  •  AND  of JOHN BOEHNER's and MITCH McCONNELL's  "HATE AMERICANS" Republican Party...
  ...  the very people who have DOMINATED Presidents Clinton, Bush, and now Obama's "economic policies" are  DESTROYING  America's &  the world's economies, and  thereby are FUNDING  China to go on a BUYING SPREE all over the world...  
bonus! New! Goddamn-Sachs "SWINDLE AMERICA" Chairman LLOYD BLANKFEIN, has his accounting trolls write up a 7-page letter, DENYING that Blankfein & his Goddamn-Sachs executives BET AGAINST CLIENTS.... after, that is, urging those same clients to INVEST in stocks, bonds, and "securities" that Goddamn-Sachs advised those clients to purchase!
  Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein signed the letter [denying premeditated FRAUD] to shareholders. Photo by Chip East/Reuters
  IF  Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama WERE NOT INSANELY CORRUPT, there would be MASSIVE  federal and congressional INVESTIGATIONS to SEE IF THERE WERE A DROP of truth to the above allegations;    and, if true, any Executives who SWINDLED investors with premeditation would IMMEDIATELY be seeing PRISON SENTENCES double or triple that which the Bush-II  Department of 'Justice' and SEC  IMPRISONED  Martha Stewart
  ....SPEAKER PELOSI, and BARACK OBAMA, are EVERY BIT AS CORRUPT as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and their Neo-Con "Hate Americans"  DoJ and Economic Extortion  minions were...