Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama's THREE TRILLION DOLLAR THEFT: wants to give his Goldman-Sachs con-men THREE TRILLION taxpayer dollars....

Robert Scheer - the excellent, intreped _journalist_ FIRED by the LA Whore Times for actually _reporting_ on the insane Right-Wing policies of the Cheney-Bush administration - gives us a number for OBAMA's LARCENY to date:
THREE TRILLION DOLLARS to date, since Then SENATOR Obama VOTED FOR the HANK PAUSLON BAILOUTS PLAN (aka the "Of Goldman-Sachs, BY Goldman-Sachs, FOR Goldman-Sachs Bailout Plan") With Obama's team of INSANELY CORRUPT, ENTITLED, & FAILED BANKERS, just now massaging the WHORE media, CORRUPT Congress - and now their own complicit, compliant new president - for MORE TRILLIONS to come....
- WHITEWASHING _CRIMINAL CONDUCT_ of the Bush administration..
- MAKING TAXPAYER BILLIONS of "Bailout" DOLLARS _OFF LIMITS_ for taxpayer accountability...
- ENABLING THEFT of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF VALUE from American investments that have VANISHED due to MARKET FRAUD...

Barely TWO MONTHS into his new administration, & President Obama is GIVING THE GRANT administration a RUN FOR THE MONEY in SHEER CORRUPTION department!
Scheer reports:
< The good news on the government’s “No Banker Left Behind” program is that, according to the special inspector general’s report on Tuesday, the total handout to date is still less than 3 trillion dollars. It’s only $2.98 trillion, to be precise, an amount six times greater than will be spent by federal, state and local governments this year on educating the 50 million American children in elementary and secondary schools.

The bad news is that even greater amounts of money are to be thrown down what has to be the world record for rat holes. >