Thursday, December 31, 2009

The PNAC Committee To Ruin the World: Emanuel, Blankfein, Lieberman, Kristol

Well, here they are, America... the PNAC  so-called  "Project for a New American Century",  which of course (given that fully half of the PNAC signers were full-blown "Israel first" Likudniks, most of them with DUAL CITIZENSHIP),  should be called the "Project for ISRAEL UBER ALLES  Century."
   The biggest propaganda notion in America today is that there is ANY  "firewall" or difference between the RIGHT-WING Golddamn-Sachs FINANCIAL Neo-Cons (see Blankfein, Rubin, Summers, Emanuel, etc.) __MASQUERADING as "Democrats,"  and the RIGHT-WING, WARMONGERING  "more wars in Mideast"  UNREPENTENT Republican Neo-Cons  (see - Kristol, Lieberman, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Libby, Mukasey, Chertoff,  and their "AMEN CHORUS" at the NY Times, Washington Post, TIME magazine,  Newsweek magazine (owned by the Wash.Post group),  CNN (owned by Time/Warner),  Warner Bros. Hollywood studios, or other PNAC, Heritage Foundation, Olin & Cato foundation, & American Enterprise Inst. neo-cons,  etc., ad infinitum.)

  Next up:  Remember how the last scene in the WWII movie "The Battle of the Bulge" had the German commander hoping and praying for ENDLESS WAR??
   Well,  fast forward 50 years,  all four of the above are  hoping that their WAR PROFITEERING gravy train  extends forever, too....


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Emanuel/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Likudnik war to rule the world rolls on: US Death Squads shoot Afghan village family in middle-of-night assassination "visit"...

Well,  the relentless slow-burn genocide (aka Dick Cheney and  Paul Wolfowitz's "War on Terra")  in Afghanistan has rolled on for so long that,  as in so many totalitarian countries before,  the press/media is actually LETTING SLIP some of the real facts of the war, if only from the tedium of relentlessly  trying NOT to report the truth gets too tiresome at times.

  For example,  the US, er, "the coalition allied peace-and-freedom loving forces"  in Afghanistan are  now RUNNING DEATH SQUADS in  the war torn, US war-machine occupied country, Praise Jesus!
     Oh, wait... it's the London Times and  UK Guardian  publishing the story
  (and it's probably a "tactic" that has been on-going for years),  
so we can't really accuse the US propaganda 'news' media of actually  doing any real reporting.... but SOMEONE let the facts slip,  Uncle Sam is now operating by SADDAM HUSSEIN "we get to kill anyone we want" rules in Afghanistan,  Praise Be!   

  Hmm... HOW MANY MORE TRILLIONS  of US taxpayer extorted  "bailouts" dollars will President Obama shove into Rahm Emanuel & Robert Rubin's   Goddamn-Sachs accounts for THIS "job well done"??!
Western troops accused of executing 10 Afghan civilians, including children
December 31, 2009 
American-led troops were accused yesterday of dragging innocent children from their beds and shooting them during a night raid that left ten people dead. 
Afghan government investigators said that eight schoolchildren were killed, all but one of them from the same family. Locals said that some victims were handcuffed before being killed. 
  (PS:  WE here at DemNationUSA   CLAIM a SCALP: the COWARDLY WARMONGERS at PNAC -  Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Kristol,  Donald Kagan, etc. - multi-millionaire soulless war-profiteers all - ARE TOO COWARDLY to PAY their lousy   WEB-HOSTING BILL,  hoping that the world won't LINK their sordid names to THEIR  PRE-MEDITATED  IRAQ & Afghan WARS war crimes - and no one, anyone, mentioned the PNAC links as much as we have.)

"Democrat" Congressman BARNEY FRANK's $4 TRILLION BAILOUT kiss to Big Banks.. THIS DECEMBER 2009!!

 new: MORE  Golddamn-Sachs FRAUD that President Obama is taking his cut from -
 (TODAY's news, on top of our below "bailouts" news!)
 Investors could only lose in Goldman's Caymans deals
 Well,  someone actually read all 1,279 pages of  "Democrat" Congressman BARNEY FRANK, and President Rahm Emanuel's, er, President Barack Obama's  latest WET-KISS GIVEAWAY... AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE, to the masters of America's economic destruction on Wall Street.
  THIS  particular bailout  ATROCITY is... IN ADVANCE!    It is a FOUR TRILLION dollar GIFT CARD,  "purchased" by Congressman Frank and the Emanuel/obama White House ON THE TAXPAYER's  tab,   that INVITES Goddamn-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase, and Citi-bank to WRECK the markets and economy AGAIN,  so they can once again BUY UP the broken pieces for pennies on the dollar.
   And this particular  "Right-Wing corporate whore Republicans  POSING as DEMOCRATS"    bailout ATROCITY, is in ADDITION to the  UNLIMITED BILLIONS  that President Obama has OBLIGATED TAXPAYERS to make good on Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac's trillion-dollar losses  (see graph below) with UNLIMITED new bailouts!
 < Speculators poured into shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Monday, the first day of trading after the Obama administration in effect gave the companies BLANCK CHECKS of checks of federal support. >,0,4542754.story
 the COWARDLY  "Democrat" Congress, and "Democrat" White House, TRULY ARE  TRYING to TURN AMERICAN TAXPAYERS into wage slaves, indepted for trillions, to stuff FRAUDULENT BANKSTERS ill-gotten coffers,  and no shame bonus billions  for-fraud-and-failure banksters.
Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank
by David Reilly, Bloomberg news 
   H.R. 4173, the financial-reform legislation passed earlier this month by the House of Representatives [is]   ...the baby of Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank.  [The]  House bill is meant to address everything from too-big-to-fail banks to asleep-at-the-switch credit-ratings companies to the protection of consumers from greedy lenders. 
  [In House Financial Services Committee Chairman Frank's bill]  There are huge giveaways insuring the government will again rescue banks and Wall Street if the need arises.

--  [It] supports the biggest banks. It authorizes Federal Reserve banks to provide as much as $4 TRILLION in emergency funding THE NEXT TIME  Wall Street CRASHES. So much for “no-more-bailouts” talk. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets this time around. The size of the fund makes the BRIBES in the Senate’s health-care bill look minuscule.

....More Bailouts
-- The bill also allows the government, in a crisis, to back financial firms’ debts. Bondholders can sleep easy -- there are more bailouts to come.
  (continued at)  -

Another story in the ongoing CRIMINAL FRAUD PROTECTION RACKET President Obama is running for Golddamn-Sachs: California taxpayers ON THE HOOK for MILLIONS from Golddamn-Sachs FRAUDULENT bond sales...

 Mr. Obama IS RUNNING A CRIMINAL FRAUD PROTECTION RACKET for Goddamn-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase, and Citi-bank, as YET ANOTHER  financial news story illustrates:
California Bonds Fail on "ADVICE" from Goldamn-Sachs
By Michael B. Marois
Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) -- 

For California Treasurer Bill Lockyer, the offer from Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. was too good to refuse. 
If California were willing to FORGO COMPETITIVE BIDDING  for a $4.5 BILLION bond offering, the banks PROMISED  more orders from individuals and a lower bill to the taxpayers. The firms insisted that by negotiating with them, the state would benefit from its special relationship with the Wall Street troika and wind up with what two underwriters called a salutary “buzz” to boost demand for the debt. 
When the October offering failed to sell as planned, California was forced to accept 8 percent LESS MONEY  than it needed and to PAY  as much as $123 million MORE in interest than the banks said was sufficient for the market. And the threesome made $12.4 million on the deal, contributing to record bonuses in the securities industry a year after getting a total of $80 billion in a federal bailout. 
  Well, at least the Bloomberg article doesn't perpetuate the US mainstream WHORE media FRAUD and propaganda,  that Golddamn Sachs, Citi, and JPM-Chase "only"  took $20 billion each in bailouts.... here the number "$80 billion in a federal bailout"  doesn't specify which company got how much,  but $80 billion is a hell of a lot more than $60 billion.

Monday, December 28, 2009


We were going to post the title and link to the Martin Lewis commentary, on how  the OBAMA |'DEMOCRATS'  are TOO COWARDLY to FRONTALLY CONFRONT the Republican OBSTRUCTION and FILIBUSTER threat,  thereby ROBBING  millions of Democratic  and "CHANGE!" minded Independent (and even a few million former Republican!)  voters of a GOOD media & legislative FIGHT,    but we thought better of it, "we've already shouted that headline a dozen times by now, and Americans are just TOO STUPID and/or APATHETIC   to notice HOW THEY ARE BEING ROBBED of  genuine  improvements to  their health care system,  by Mr. Obama's  INSANELY, BLATANT TREACHERY." 

  Although anyone who still has two working neurons would KNOW, that Mr. Obama WOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT today, had not  PRESIDENT JOHNSON  __CONFRONTED__ an  FAR MORE POWERFUL & COHESIVE   _SOUTHERN FILIBUSTER_  to obtain passage of the VOTING RIGHTS Act, and CIVIL RIGHTS Act, of 1964 and 1965 respectively.

  (And, long before that bit of recent American history, Mr. Obama would NEVER have become president in 2009, had not ABRAHAM LINCOLN courageously CONFRONTED the Southern  EXPANSION OF SLAVERY in his 1860 presidential race.)
   How can an alleged  Harvard "bright boy" student and  CONSTITUTIONAL LAW PROFESSOR, no less, have SO LITTLE APPRECIATION for the USE OF THE FILIBUSTER  by those who would, literally,  "keep him down on the plantation" (if not in chains) if they could?!  
 Which is to say,  "How could Mr. Obama have SO LITTLE APPRECIATION for those who COURAGEOUSLY CONFRONTED and BEAT the Southern  Slave States seccesionists  and/or SEGREGATIONIST filibuster?"  

   Well,  we've rethought our reluctance to post the above headline, and link,  after we read this  Fairfield Weekly op-ed by Rick Kepler comparing  JOE LEIBERMAN to ousted Pennsylvania Republican Senator RICK SANTORUM.
  And we realized (again), that it is ONLY THE SHEER TREACHERY of President Obama, PRETENDING  that HIS  "genuine reform" efforts WERE SABOTAGED by Joe Lieberman, when in fact,  Mr. Obama was, and has been, "IN" on THE TREACHERY AND SABOTAGE, since day one of his presidency, back in January 2009.  
  It is Mr. Obama's  SHEER TREACHERY, which is MAKING  JOE LIEBERMAN the PIVOT VOTE on health care for MILLIONS of Americans,   Mr. Obama's  COWARDLY TREACHERY
(trying to make Lieberman bear the blame for OBAMA's own   treachery, putting LOBBYISTS and   "profits for insurers OVER the needs & desires of MILLIONS of American families, the CLEAR 59% MAJORITY of American voters!")   is de facto MAKING JOE LIEBERMAN _THE VOICE OF__ the "Democrat" Party!

  Well, here it is  - what the "Change" guy is REALLY all about:  LETTING  JOE LIEBERMAN SPEAK for HIS ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION.
  Mr. Obama,  JOE LIEBERMAN  _ALREADY_  SABOTAGED  MILLIONS of Democratic voters in 2000... and you are now letting HIM __COMMAND__ your White House BULLY PULPIT, and SABOTAGE the needs and desires of MILLIONS MORE  Democratic & Independent voters today?! 
  While Santorum's brand of douchebaggery was a kind of pencil-necked bravado, Lieberman's is a sort of nagging, self-contradictory grumbling. On health care reform, he opposes the public option, though he promised to help "get universal health insurance" in 2006, and [Lieberman opposes] the expansion of Medicare to those as young as 55, though he supported that in September, and he's threatened to kill either by joining a Republican filibuster, though he once called filibustering "not the way to run the greatest deliberative body in the world."  
 Mr. Obama is a GENUINELY STUPID PERSON, for first  LETTING  RAHM EMANUEL  HIJACK his presidency, and now,  to enact that treacherous Rahm Emanuel agenda,  Mr. Obama is... LETTING "TRAITOR JOE" Lieberman  effectively SPEAK FOR THE WHITE HOUSE! 

  HOORAY! for Barack Obama!  Things like  MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WANTING RELIEF from HEALTH INSURERS  -  a CLEAR MAJORITY of OVER 59% of Americans - DON'T MEAN A THING to him!   Things like  GIVING TRILLIONS to Wall Street and Big Bankers, who GLOAT and WALLOW IN  their ill-gotten BAILOUT BILLIONS BONUSES -  DON'T MEAN A THING to him - even as MILLIONS of homeowners face the TERROR of EVICTION, JOB LOSSES, and LACK OF HEALTH CARE, those EVICTIONS, in particular, coming since the banks, FLOATING ON A CUSHION of taxpayer-extorted bailout billions, DON'T EVEN WANT TO TRY  to HELP homeowners stay in their homes. 
  And now, Mr. Obama is  ALLOWING the DESPISED JOE LIEBERMAN to speak, not only for the "Democratic Party" in general, BUT FOR THE "OBAMA" White House IN PARTICULAR! 
  MR. OBAMA, WHY DON'T YOU JUST CEDE your Imperial White House Crown TO Mr. Lieberman (god knows, the traitor S.O.B. thinks he deserves it), and go STRAIGHT to your "CONSULTING JOB" at Goddamn-Sachs now?! 

Sunday, December 27, 2009

BLOOD on RAHM EMANUEL & Robert Rubin's hands: opponents of US - CIA, Israel - Mossad Sponsored DICTATORSHIP COUP in Honduras BEING KILLED in increasing numbers...

 Honduras, US SUPPORTED  dictatorship COUP regime, now KILLING  opponents IN INCREASING NUMBERS:  Neo-Con DEATH SQUADS ON THE MARCH, with big WET-KISS of APPROVAL, by Hillary, Obama, and the Emanuel-Rubin Golddamn-Sachsers.

There can be no doubt:   President Barack Obama is the current HANK PAULSON in Washington, DC:  the non-Jewish FRONT MAN for GOLDDAMN-SACHS; in Obama's case, he has SUBORDINATED himself and made himself SUBSERVIENT to the perfectly defined ROBERT RUBIN Goddamn-Sachs agenda,  for kickback slush-fund campaign donations that will (he believes), bring him MORE POWER, in the exact same way that HANK PAULSON was the rare  _non-Jewish_ Chairman,  or FRONT-MAN, for Goddamn-Sachs, in return for which Paulson received nearly $500 million - a HALF BILLION DOLLARS -  in stock and stock options for his 15 years at Goddamn Sachs, and in return for which,  Paulson literally  opened the Treasury purse-strings, and DELIVERED TO  Golddamn Sachs the contents of the ENTIRE  US TREASURY, in  $100-billion dollar chunks (which, in propping up first Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and then other major financial firms on Wall St., kept Golddamn's stock, and, more importantly, the rest of the financial firms' stocks, afloat) 
 culminating in the  Bush-Paulson-Pelosi  $700 BILLION "bailouts" of Wall Street in September 2008,  followed a week later by BEN BERNANKE  issuing ANOTHER  $630 BILLION  in "LIQUIDITY INJECTIONS"   for a total of American working-stiff taxpayers being OBLIGATED to MAKE GOOD ON - in taxes on REAL production or assets siezed - of  nearly  $1.5 TRILLION dollars, in the space of just over a week, on top of all the PREVIOUS "bailouts" of Fannie, Freddie, and Bear-Stearns, etc.

  BARACK OBAMA is NOW FULFILLING the SAME function as  HANK PAULSON was in 2008,    which is to say that ROBERT RUBIN is effectively driving  Obama's  "economic" policy,  and  Obama's other  Rubin-allied Neo-Con,  RAHM EMANUEL, is EFFECTIVELY DRIVING EVERYTHING ELSE in the Obama presidency.

  Which is why Obama has SUPPORTED the MURDEROUS, DICTATORSHIP COUP in Honduras - because  GODDAMN SACHS and the US Neo-Con/Israel Likudnik establishment and front organizations (including Goldamn Sachs) are  BEHIND the coup in the first place.

    RAHM EMANUEL, ROBERT RUBIN, and the pathetic president obama ALL HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS,  anmd,

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Obama & Emanuel's DICTATORIAL TREACHERY: Their "Health Care 'Reform'" ATROCITY of a bill, WILL GIVE "Liberalism" A VERY BAD NAME for a generation to come...

 update:   President Obama's  (de facto or explicit, it doesn't really make a difference) APPROVAL of   "BONUS PAYCHECKS" for the top dozen executives at Fannie May and Freddie Mac,
 and crossposted from AP  here
is a textbook example of President Obama's TREACHEROUS  WET-KISS alliance with the big financial corporations, and a huge STAB IN THE BACK for Democratic & Independent (and millions of Republican) voters HOPING for some "CHANGE" from Washington in election 2008.  
  The just announced bonuses  amount to between $4 MILLION and $5 MILLION   in CASH for each of those Fannie & Freddie executives, who won't be paid in stocks, because Fannie & Freddie stocks ARE NEARLY WORTHLES - EVEN AFTER the American taxpayers have been forced to SHELL OUT OVER $111 billion dollars - ONE-HUNDRED and ELEVEN BILLION dollars of taxpayer-extorted bailouts!  to Fannie & Freddie,  and even as Mr. Obama has INSANELY,  TREACHEROUSLY done NEXT TO NOTHING to use those tens of billions of dollars to KEEP home-owners and mortgage holders IN THEIR HOMES... even as foreclosure & eviction  BRING THE PRICES of NEIGHBORING HOMES in a community down, by the sight of  vacant homes standing idle and deteriorating! 
  Mr. Obama is now on the side of those corrupt sheriffs, over-zealous (corrupt)  tax-collectors, and fraudulent bankers  & loan-sharks  WHO CREATED the conditions that led to  SHAY's REBELLION of 1787,   and the WHISKEY REBELLION of  1791,  except that Mr. Obama has none of President Washington's record of leadership and sacrifice as the commanding general during the Revolutionary War as he sides with the financial predators, who SOCIALIZE THEIR LOSSES, as they use the cusion of taxpayer billions to FORECLOSE on,  EVICT from their homes, and GUT the social safety net of American citizens.

 Will President Obama and the RAHM EMANUEL/Goddamn-Sachs White House (and their subservient "Democratic" Congress and senate) 
 GIVE "LIBERALISM" a BAD NAME, for a generation to come?   
That's  the question posed by  former Democratic Congressional Hill staffer Lawrence O'Donnell
(also creator of the "West Wing" TV drama series and current MSNB "Countdown" news show guest anchor) in his comments on  on Tuesday's MSBC's  "Morning Joe" show, as captured by (video available at)

   That is now, sadly, an entirely appropriate question, and entirely plausible scenario, because the Obama/Emanuel White House is now trying to ram a "MANDATES"  infested  "health care 'reform'" bill down distressed (not to say "distraught") American health-care  consumers' throats,  and, just Christmas day,  we learned that the INSANE  Emanuel/Obama/GoddamnSachs  White House wants to INSTITUTIONALIZE __UNLIMITED BAILOUTS__ to corporate banks, via a "new plan" for   UNLIMITED bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's financial losses!

  You read that correctly,   not $100 billion in bailouts,  not the  $400 billion in bailouts of 3 weeks ago, ,  not even the new,  $800 BILLION ($400 billion each)  in "bailouts" for Fannie Mae  and Freddie Mac that the White House floated just last week, but now the "new" news out of the Emanuel White House  is that the new "support" for  Fannie & Freddie  losses is   POTENTIALLY ___UNLIMITED___ taxpayer funded "bailouts" for Fannie & Freddie!
  Note how the Wall Street Journal writes up this looming atrocity (and how their headline downplays or fudges the astounding possibility of ANOTHER, UNLIMITED, INSTITUTIONALIZED "bail out") using the time-tested major media buzz words such as "continued strength and stability"  and "controversial" (to make critics sound like whiners),  and  "reassuring,"  as in "market[s] would find a larger commitment from the Treasury reassuring."  

   Well, of course they would!  The FINANCIAL OVERLORDS who RULE the Congress,  the Senate, the Obama White House (and who previously ruled  the Bush-Cheney White House and Republican congress & senate)  will find it "REASSURING"  that the Government WILL  __continue__ to  EXTORT TAXPAYERS,  for potentially UNLIMITED BAILOUTS,  WHENEVER  "the market" makers, bankers,  large hedge funds, and "investment institutions"  make  their bad bets!

This is SHEER CORPORATE COMMUNISM, or to be more precise,
MEDIEVAL FEUDALISM, with the stamp of approval of all the usual suspects at the Emanuel/GoddamnSachs/obama administration,  in "major media," and in the insanely corrupt, conflicted, and treacherous  "Ivy League" academic insitutions, which are SUPPOSED to be riding shotgun on the  press/media, but are in fact ALLIED WITH the press/media, Congress,  and Big Finance  in TRYING to EXTORT and DEFRAUD  as much wealth from the American public as is humanly possible -   ENRON FRAUD,  writ large!

  Here's a hint,  direct quote from the WSJ,   of the real story we have tried to outline above:
  "Some Republicans are angry the administration is EXPANDING the potential size of THE BAILOUT  without having a plan for eventually ending the federal government's role in the companies."
 This is  UNLIMITED GOVERNMENT  PAYOUTS,  to Fannie & Freddie, who are buying up bad loans, WRITTEN by PRIVATE banks!  
  This is PURE SOCIALISM of   PRIVATE banks losses!
   THIS IS RAHM EMANUEL and GODDAMN SACHS, turning the entire US government INTO a  "MEDIEVAL  EXTORTION and SUPPRESSION of the peasants & serfs" system,  just as "indentured servants" was once a polite way to say "white slaves." 

  The in-bed-with-Wall-Street  Wall Street Journal reports:
U.S. Move to Cover Fannie, Freddie Losses Stirs Controversy
By James R. Hagerty and Jessica Holzer 

December 26, 2009
The Obama administration's decision to cover an UNLIMITED AMOUNT  of LOSSES at the mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the next three years STIRRED CONTROVERSY over the holiday. [this is not 'controversy' - it is GIVING  BILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS away, with NO OVERSIGHT - more bailouts madness, a SHEER ATROCITY,  and the WSJ  _downplays_ the insanity by calling it merely "controversial," implying that those who are being critical are  causing  the "controversy," and not the other way around!]
The Treasury announced Thursday it was removing the caps that limited the amount of available capital to the companies to $200 billion each.
UNLIMITED ACCESS to BAILOUT FUNDS   through 2012  [FOR THREE MORE YEARS!]  was "necessary for preserving the continued STRENGTH and STABILITY of the mortgage market," the TREASURY SAID.  Fannie and Freddie purchase or guarantee most U.S. home mortgages and have run up huge losses stemming from the worst wave of defaults since the 1930s.
  The worst part of the above GODDAMN-SACHS/Emanuel ATROCITY,  is that it is NOT IN THE LEAST BIT concerned with HOME  BUYERS and MORTGAGE HOLDERS - who, DESPITE the guarantees of UNLIMITED BAILOUT BILLIONS for the banks,  will STILL FACE FORECLOSURE and EVICTIONS by the banks in 2010, just as they have seen RECORD FORECLOSURES & EVICTIONS in 2009, because this is PURE EXTORTION, LARCENY,  and PROFITS for THE RICH
and ONLY the connected, autocratic, kleptocratic, feudal, extortionate wealthy and their "TRUSTS" and monopoly cartels and financial stranglehold on the US Congress, banking system, and press/media.

  THIS IS PURE, ROB the working taxpayer, to ENRICH the RICH (and especially Goddamn-Sachs & JPMorgan-Chase)  BY the Emanuel/Goddamn-Sachs White House, and there are STILL "Liberals" and "Democrats" DEFENDING  Emanuel/Goddamn-Sachs SERIAL EXTORTION racket  and BRIBERY of our congress, White House, and press/media! 

The Emanuel/Baucus/Lieberman/insurance-lobby written "Health Care 'Reform' bill"  that has President Obama's stamp of approval, and that just passed the Senate with a 60-39 vote on Christmas eve, is an ATROCITY of a bill that will see Democrats OUSTED from their House and Senate majorities in record numbers - just as the previous Congressional Democrat's  resounding  DEFEATS in 1994 handed the House majorities to Newt Gingrich's "Contract on America"  Republicans.
  This  scenario has already been outlined by Jane Hamsher, among others, in her "Is Rahm Emanuel  Orchestrating A MASSACRE of Democrats in 2010?"  November  2009 editorial at

"The problem" with America's  (government) "leadership" today,  which is to say "the problem" with the "Democratic" Party (which currently controls the House, Senate, and White House, which IS the US government), is that there are millions of  so-called "Democrats" and "liberals" out there, who abjectly FAIL to see that there is NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING "liberal" about the Rahm Emanuel and Golddamn-Sachs White House, except that they have  HIJACKED the Congress' token Black (African-American) Senator, and, now that former Senator Obama is president, the Emanuel/Goddamn-Sachs crew are  using  him (Obama)   as a FRONT to PRETEND that they are "liberal" and "Democratic"!
  To begin with,  Mr. Obama has ALREADY handed over, literally, UNCOUNTED TRILLIONS of  taxpayer dollars in "BAILOUTS" -  in the form of "bailouts,"  "loan guarantees,"  low interest rates (approaching 0%,  _zero_ percent!),  and (for example), the 'right' of large banks to keep extorting Ameica's credit-card and banking finance customers; if  not in the form of  other outright gifts  and corporate favoratism.

  It is simply astounding how the insanely corrupt corporate  ("major")  press-media can report   "Golddamn-Sachs,  JPMorgan-Chase, Citi,  Wells Fargo" (and/or other big banks)  have "paid back $20 billion dollars"  each in  bailout funds... and then flat out assert that "all the BAILOUTS have been REPAID in FULL" !
  The US "major media" CAN NOT  or will not  even report  on  the TOTAL  "BAILOUTS" cost to US taxpayers... the "major media" is SO CORRUPT, that they can not even give the American public a ballpark figure on the "Bailouts" total, which is   THE STORY for the past 2 years, and THE STORY for the coming decade!
  Even if five large banks paid back $20 billion each (which they haven't) this would still amount to only  $100 billion - a mere PITTANCE in the TOTAL "bailouts" funds for which American taxpayers have been EXTORTED into paying by the bought, bribed, and owned congress - total bailouts estimated at well over  TWENTY TRILLION taxpayer EXTORTED dollars!
 (That's nearly 2 times the ENTIRE annual US GDP.) 
  The above  "bailouts" financial atrocity,  to repeat,  TRILLIONS of dollars EXTORTED from American taxpayers, by the Bush-Cheney &  Obama-Emanuel administrations, and a corrupt, bribed Congress, are only a part of the story, for in "Health Care"  "reform,"
 President Obama has BEEN IN THE POCKET of  BIG INSURANCE COMPANIES from day one as well...
 ...there is NOTHING "LIBERAL" about  Obama's  "Health Care reform"  plan, except that it PRETENDS to give some 30 million Americans  insurance coverage,  who don't have coverage today.

  But this, too, is a FRAUD, a con, and a FARCE, because there are NO LIMITS to insurance companies DROPPING those in that 30 million pool,  who would   be needing expensive health care in the future,  just as AETNA  'health' insurance company, which has _already_ DONATED $244 MILLION to the Obama led "Democratic" campaign coffers for 2010,
 CANCELLED 'health' insurance coverage, for  650,00 Aetna customers
 (which is to say, "American citizens")  - as we reported here at DemNationUSA and others reported  earlier this month!

  Meanwhile,  EVERYONE ELSE in America's catastrophic 'health care' system will STILL BE PREY to up to   20% annual rate hikes, TWENTY PERCENT annual insurance premium rate hikes,   modified or restrained ONLY by  theoretical, clunky,  government  "REGULATORY"  agency oversight, which will  HAVE NO TEETH in the face of massive insurance & finance lobbies' pressure:
   as WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN, THE   "government oversight agency" charged with  OVERSEEING the financial and "securities" market - the SEC -  has been ABJECTLY INCOMPETENT at doing so over the past eight or nine years... EVEN with the TITANIC WARNING SALVO of  ENRON's  collapse from SHEER FINANCIAL accounting FRAUD, 
the so-called "ENRON ACCOUNTING" made possible by the "ENRON LOOPHOLE" in the  Commodity Futures 'Modernization' Act......
   (SIGNED in 2000,  by so-called "liberal"  Democrat President BILL CLINTON's SIGNATURE! )

 At every step of the way in the abysmal "health care reform" process of 2009, Mr. Obama NEVER CHALLENGED the Republicans as "OBSTRUCTIONISTS" - as a Repub. President SURELY would have challenged Dems who, for example, opposed another TAX CUT for WEALTHY.... ....and, at every step of the way, Mr. Obama ENABLED the "Blue Dogs" and Joe Lieberman.... ...because EVERY step of the way, Mr. Obama was IN LEAGUE with the ('health') INSURANCE COMPANIES, OVER the needs and desires of millions of American citizens, consumers, and voters... 
 ....A clear 59% of Americans want SOME form of government single payer health care, whether it is a "Public Option" health insurance, or an EXPANDED Medicare, or whatever.
  (note:  even Right-leaning notes that even voters in "conservative, southern state" Arkansas are AT ODDS with their "Democratic" Senator Blanche Lincoln's OBSTRUCTION of a Public Option type of reform bill....  56% of Arkansans, according to a Research 2000 poll.
 Remember, ALL these polls showing great public support FOR a   "Public Option,"  are IN SPITE of an atmosphere created by the national news "major media," the Republicans, corporate America, AND the Obama White House and Senate "Democrats," BADMOUTHING the public option at every opportunity,  for the past  twelve long months!) 

 In TYPICAL DICTATORIAL FASHION, Mr. Obama and his soulless minions are saying, "WELL, IF you don't pass our bill, THIRTY MILLION Americans won't have ANY health care that this bill provides."
This CRUEL tactic by team Obama is WRETCHED, because the flip side of the coin is it FORCES THEM to acknowlded that OVER TWENTY MILLION Americans _STILL_ will have not health care after their lousy bill... and the vast majority of other Americans WILL SEE NO IMPROVEMENT in their health care, as the 650,000 customers who were JUST DENIED re-issuance of AETNA policies PROVES. (See our previous post.)

 THIS IS PURE DEMAGOGUE DICTATORSHIP: STIFFING  & CRUSHING  the will of the majority, and using some millions of victimized (by current "health care DENIED" system) Americans to hold  EVERYONE ELSE HOSTAGE.
  And those "LIBERALS" and "DEMOCRATS" who REFUSE to  face the facts that GODDAMN-SACHS is a RIGHT-WING company, with NO, NO, NO "liberal" or democratic tendencies whatever,  that  has now HIJACKED both the Obama White House AND the "Democratic" Congress,  are going to be PARTY TO the  BRANDING of the "Democrats"  and  "LIBERALS,"  as the DICTATORIAL,  insatiably greedy,  ruthless, predatory,  financial parasites and predatory MEDIEVAL FEUDALISTS that the Golddamn-Sachs are.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New York Times FINALLY does their job - reports on topic of our previous post, the GOLDDAMN-SACHS vast PREMEDITATED FINANCIAL FRAUD that destroyed entire swaths of US markets...

Our previous  headline read
 and after MONTHS upon MONTHS of urgent, frantic,  downright hysterical reporting from sources all over the web, including  financial insiders who understand the process, the  very Neo-Con NEW YORK TIMES    _finally_ gets around to noticing the CRUX of America's economic nightmare:   The  "economists" that Mr. Obama has choosen to "lead"  his administration's  economic policy, are the very FINANCIAL SWINDLERS who have, with premeditation, DEFRAUDED  millions of American households, out of  TRILLIONS of dollars of  investments, savings, home-values, and social-safety net programs.  
Banks [GOLDDAMN-SACHS!] Bundled Bad Debt, Bet Against It and Won
By Gretchen Morgenson & Louise Story
Published: December 23, 2009 
<...Mortgage-related securities, [code] named Abacus... were... first intended to protect Goldman from investment losses if the housing market collapsed. As the market soured, Goldman created even more of these securities, enabling it to pocket huge profits.
Goldman’s own clients who bought them, however, were less fortunate.
Pension funds and insurance companies LOST BILLIONS of DOLLARS on securities ["securities"!] that they believed were solid investments....
Goldman was not the only firm that   peddled these complex securities  — known as synthetic collateralized debt obligations, or C.D.O.’s — AND THEN MADE FINANCIAL BETS AGAINST THEM, called selling short in Wall Street parlance. Others that created similar securities and then bet they would fail, according to Wall Street traders, include Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley, as well as smaller firms like Tricadia Inc., an investment company whose parent firm was overseen by Lewis A. Sachs, who this year became a special counselor to Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner.
     And, worse, Mr. Obama CONTINUES to run a criminal PROTECTION RACKET for Goldman Sachs and  his administration officials, INCLUDING  PREVENTING  Freddie Mac from seating an INSPECTOR GENERAL, so Mr. Obama's White House Chief of Staff, RAHM EMANUEL, can outrun the STATUTE of LIMITATIONS on his, Emanuel's,  participation in ACCOUNTING FRAUD at Freddie Mac,  while Emanuel was on the Board of Directors of Freddie Mac in 2001 and 2002!,0,5682373.story    

  The result?  -   The Goldamn-Sachs led DESTRUCTION of  FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS of American wealth (chart, below)
  After which,  the Golddamn Sachs & Wall Street financial swindlers TERRORIZED Congress,  and EXTORTED Congress and both "Democrat" and Republican White Houses (Bush-II & Obama)  to OBLIGATE (extort) billions of dollars of "BAILOUTS," forcing TAXPAYERS to  transfer wealth FROM their wallets... to the very  same  Wall Street firms, hedge-funds, and banksters who had CREATED the titanic, fraudulent  loss of household wealth in the first place! 
Effectively DOUBLING the financial  LOSSES,  FROM American households, IN TO  Golddamn-Sachs fraudulent coffers!! 

  The above financial follies IN CONCERT with the massive, wholesale "OUTSOURCING" of American jobs to Communist China...  with NO  sane oversight, industrial  reserve capacity, or restraint in sight...
 ...because the Wall Street traders - "led" and dominated by the GOLDDAMN-SACHS 
(plus JPMorgan-Chase, Citi, NYbankMellon, BoA, and a few others)
 amassed SHORT TERM PROFITS from  every DISMANTLING of  an American factory... or entire industry.

   We now know that  GOLDMAN SACHS  PROFITED, at their clients, investors, and the American public's expense, by  selling  SECURITIES marked as "Grade-A",  while  Goddamn-Sachs traders not only knew that those "securities" WERE JUNK, but  while those GS traders were ACTIVELY SHORTING (short-selling) and BETTING AGAINST THOSE SECURITIES,  AS they sold them to unsuspecting customers, investors, and consumers!!!!

   GOLDMAN SACHS was committing MASSIVE FRAUD on a TITANIC SCALE, yet out  of ALL the companies in America that President Obama could have chosen   his financial advisors from.... he has INFESTED his administration with NOTHING BUT  Goldman Sachs cronies, allies,  partners, (lobbyists!) and apologists. 

 To repeat, this is a TRIPLE-WHAMMY ASSAULT on American households:
 #1.   vast, PRE-MEDITATED FRAUD  in  financial "security" sales by Goddamn-Sachs & related funds
#2.  the OUTSOURCING of entire US factories, ENTIRE US INDUSTRIES, to Communist China, with NO  restraint or moderation in sight, because US government policy was being driven by insanely greedy traders (Golddamn Sachs executives)  who PROFITED, short term, from the DISMANTLING of US industry;
#3.   the above two calamaties having WRECKED the US economy, the Goddamn-Sachs led banksters, fund-operators, and financial fraudsters next  TERRORIZED and EXTORTED Congress and both presidents, to DIRECTLY TRANSFER WEALTH, FROM taxpayers, in the form of "BAILOUTS,"  in to the very bank vaults and hedge  funds who had precipitated the economic crisis in the first place,  the FINANCIAL FRAUDSTERS who had LED  the PREMEDITATED  assault to DEFRAUD  Americans out of their   household wealth, were now demanding BILLIONS from victimized taxpayers & ivnestors,  when their own fraudulent "securities" scams  BLEW  UP in THEIR FACES!
  The proof of all the above -  that Golddamn Sachs executives DOMINATE the Obama White House agenda - is simplicity itself, because, nearly  twelve full monts into the Obama presidency,
  (Ok, to be precise, Obama DOES have an "INDUSTRIAL POLICY" - it is DICK CHENEY's " industrial policy," MADE POSSIBLE ONLY by Cheney's alliance with the insanely treacherous and  greedy Neo-Cons:  #1. to MAINTAIN US DEPENDENCE on FOREIGN ENERGY;  #2.  to SELL US PORTS to Dubai Port World;  and #3,  to "OUTSOURCE"  American multi-billion-dollar DEFENSE CONTRACTOR Halliburton Co... TO DUBAI, complete with all its top-secret plans for US military bases' security!,  ALL to maximize  SHORT TERM PROFITS for Mr. Cheney, for Halliburton, for   GoddamnSachs,   and  for GS's other bankster &  financial fraud allies.)   

(Obama's gross NEGLECT of American INDUSTRIAL POLICY, and the behest of his Golddamn-Sachs "we love selling junk, it boosts our profits"  "economics advisors," is like President George W. Bush, and his life-and-death, multi-billion dollar FEMA disaster relief agency director Michael,  "Heckuva Job, Brownie"  Brown, NOT HAVING an EMERGENCY RELIEF PLAN, in place, on hte ground,  and well coordinated for disaster relief - should the MOST POWERFUL hurricane (lowest barometric pressure) EVER RECORDED   in the Atlantic basin head directly for the vulnerable  American Gulf Coast, and New Orleans in particular, a city ALREADY UNDER SEA LEVEL, and entirely dependent on the  FEDERAL GOVERNMENT's Army Corps of Engineers  levees, for that city's safety and security.)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Comments in "liberal" websites are starting to pile up, suggesting that President Obama has revealed himself as a rather shallow and limited "vision" politician whose only real ambition is no more than to "JOIN THE CLUB,"  "the club" being the private cabal of banksters, hedge-fund operators, and financial titans who RULE the US and world's economies, especially when they can BUY politicians on the cheap, a few million dollars in "campaign donations" legalized bribes, to either George W. Bush's  Republican Party, or Bill Clinton and Rahm Emanuel,  er,  Barack Obama's  "Democratic" Party, and, literally, the big financial operators  get BILLIONS of taxpayer extorted dollars flowing into their banking coffers (as "bailouts" or war contracts or via other means) in return for  a few paltry millions in "campaign donations" legalized bribes.

   This above notion that President Obama wants nothing more than to be a multi-millionaire "MADE MAN"  of the Big Finance cabal is no hypothetical construct:    former British Prime Minister TONY BLAIR, President  George W. Bush's  partner in the  LIES-to-WAR US invasion of Iraq, is now making millions of dollars as an "advisor" to  JP MORGAN-Chase bank;
 (141,00  search "hits" for "Tony Blair JP Morgan")
 and Tony Blair's previous Anglo-American  soulmate-partner,  former President Bill Clinton,  topped them all, making  _$100 MILLION_    in ONE "deal" alone,  Bill Clinton "earned"  $100 million for his "charity foundation"  by SELLING Kazakhstan opposition and human rights group down the river,  acting as a broker between Canadian mining mogul Frank Guistra and the Saddam Hussein-esque dictator regime of Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev,  < whose 19-year stranglehold on the country has all but quashed political dissent. >

  All of the above which brings us to today's comment by producer and co-host,  Stacy Herbert,  who today posted this succinct distillation of  host Max Keiser's  many rants against the "financial terrorists" of the US & world economies, who now blatantly own BOTH the "Democratic" and Republican parties:
  Stacy Herbert:  < As we have said in our radio shows, Goldman [Sachs]  basically took out an insurance policy on the US economy and her consumer/citizens  and then had every incentive to burn the whole thing down to collect on the insurance money. >

 PRESIDENT OBAMA, in REFUSING to ROOT OUT the massive CONFLICTS OF INTEREST and wholesale FINANCIAL FRAUDS in the US markets, of which GolddamnSachs is the kingpin,  
 Barack Obama is now RUNNING A criminal fraud PROTECTION RACKET for Goldman Sach's  financial extortions and investor frauds. 
Body count from Goldman [Sachs'] actions crosses into criminal territory

In addition, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, BY HELPING  Goldman Sachs to PROFIT FROM  homeowner and investor LOSSES, CONCEAL their MISREPRESENTATIONS to SHAREOLDERS,  DESTROY INSURERS  by stuffing them with TOXIC BONDS  THAT THEY MARKETED as AAA, and escape from the consequences of making a risky bet, committed a grave injustice and, very likely, FINANCIAL CRIMES.  Since the bailout, THEY HAVE ACTIVELY CONCEALED their ACTIONS and MISLED the public. Goldman, the Fed and the Treasury SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED  for FRAUD, SECURITIES LAW VIOLATIONS, and MISAPPROPRIATIONS  of [billions upon trillions of dollars of] TAXPAYER FUNDS. Based on what I have laid out here, I am confident that they will find ample evidence.
  President Obama is ENABLING,  is THE CRITICAL PLAYER, in the "MISAPPROPRIATIONS of  BILLIONS upon trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds,  handed, carte blanche and with little to no oversight, to his conflicted, if not massively fraudulent,  friends and cronies at Golddamn-Sachs.
( carried a  watered-down expose of Golddamn-Sachs massive conflicts of interests,  and the Emanuel/obama White House pretending not to notice) -
  Sure enough, the first minute of Max Keiser's  Keiser Report #5 has Max putting on his Pimp hat, mimicking Barack Obama's blatant desires to join the Wall Street "pimps  and 'military industrial complex' profiteers" 

 (note too, that when Mr. Keiser rants about "FINANCIAL TERRORISTS!" he is hardly exaggerating: at 2:20 into the above videos, Mr. Keiser sites a British court documents, as reported in the UK Gaurdian newspaper,  that "Saudi Arabia rulers threatened to MAKE IT EASIER for TERRORISTS TO ATTACK LONDON unless CORRUPTION INVESTIGATIONS into their ARMS DEALS were halted"....!!!   
 The alleged KICKBACKS, of  $1 BILLION, from  British Aerospace co. to  Saudi Prince Bandar, head of the Saudi national Security Council, were the centerpiece of the reports.   sure enough! -
BAE: Secret Papers Reveal Threats from Saudi Prince
Spectre of 'another 7/7' led Tony Blair to block bribes inquiry, high court told
by David Leigh and Rob Evans The Guardian, Friday 15 February 2008 Article history

Obama a HABITUAL LIAR, proven AGAIN: Progressive Groups FINALLY catch video of Candidate Obama PLEDGING the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of his current Health Care 'Reform' plan...

FINALLY!  After all these months,  some 'liberal' and progressive Dem activist groups are fishing through the  reams of  2008 campaign videos, and coming up with
 video clips of Candidate Obama PLEDGING to DELIVER  a  "PUBLIC OPTION" in his health care reform policies, and SPECIFICALLY insisting that  GOVERNMENT MANDATES to force Americans to  purchase PRIVATE insurance were a TERRIBLE idea. 
   Those twin evils are now THE CORE of   President Obama's  awful  Emanuel/Lieberman/Baucus INSURANCE INDUSTRY WRITTEN atrocity of a "reform" bill!

  "REFORM"  mandates   which are almost certainly  UNCONSTITUTIONAL,  because the government can NOT  FORCE  taxpayers to PURCHASE ANYTHING from private industries. 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Joe Lieberman PROVES Barack Obama A LIAR: Obama DID NOTHING to advocate Public Option health care reform, EVEN as he spoke of it in public appearances...

Yes, it is now undeniable:  Not only regarding the CORE ISSUES of his 2008 campaign,  but in regards to HIS OWN STATEMENTS of the past few weeks, PRESIDENT OBAMA IS A LIAR.

     President Obama was FORCED, by   Democratic grass-roots and progressive activists, to say AT LEAST A FEW  words in support for  "the public option" in  speeches and public appearances he gave across the country    over  the past few months... but  Senator Lieberman,  the Obama administration's PARTNER in SABOTAGE of genuine health care  reform, just spilled the beans:
Senator Lieberman:
"Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option"
by Ryan Grimm, 12-21-09   
Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) insists that the [Obama] White House DID NOT PRESSURE HIM  to get behind _either_  a PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE OPTION,  or a MEDICARE  BUY-IN   compromise during the health care debate this year.
   President Obama and his Emanuel/GoddamnSachs "economics" team were SABOTAGING BOTH public option & expanded Medicare, from DAY ONE after their inauguration back in January, but only inside the clubby confines of the "Democratic" White House, and "Democratic" (not!) Senate, where they hoped no one would be able to hold them accountable for their CLEAR & PRESENT  DUPLICITY.  

  Ryan Grimm's excellent Huffington Post interview of  "Traitor Joe" Lieberman continues,  Mr. Grimm  caught up with the Senator who White House Chief of Staff (head skullcrusher) Rahm Emanuel  turned to,  to DRIVE A SPIKE into the heart of  GENUINE  health care reform, after TWELVE LONG MONTHS of  Emanuel's  bloody, relentless, duplicitous,  bribe-and-bully, anti-democratic  health care reform obstruction:

"Well, no. I think I got pressure from the president to be for health care reform,"  [in the most generalist, insurance-industry approved terms] Lieberman said when asked by HuffPost about any pressure from the administration to support either the public option or the Medicare buy-in. "I'd have to think about this, but I DIDN'T REALLY HAVE DIRECT INPUT FROM the White House on this. He [Senator Lieberman]  added that Nancy-Ann DeParle, a top administration health care aide, DOWNPLAYED the public option's significance EARLY in the debate.
  Most of my dealings were with Senator Reid until the very end, that Sunday, when I went in to his office and Rahm Emanuel was there," said Lieberman. Rahm, said Lieberman, "was relatively quiet."

Reid and Emanuel met privately before Lieberman arrived at Reid's office; HuffPost previously reported that sources familiar with the meeting said that   EMANUEL [NOT Lieberman!]  PRESSURED Reid TO DROP the MEDICARE BUY-IN.   Regardless of whose decision it was, by the time Lieberman got to Reid's office, Reid was ready to drop the Medicare compromise, said Lieberman.
  In this video,  former Democratic National Committee Chairman, former MD, and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean echoes Lieberman's  main contention as reported in the HuffPost article:  AT NOT TIME in the past dozen months did President Obama, or his  lead henchman/Rasputin co-president  Rahm Emanuel,  EVER urge senators on the Democratic side of the aisle to SUPPORT either a public option or expanded Medicare... much less did Emanuel or Obama IMPLORE Senators to FIGHT for the Public Option or Expanded Medicare. 
THE FIX  WAS IN, from day one, of the bloody, duplicitous Emanuel/Obama presidency!   "Ten Reasons to KILL Obama's Health Care 'Reform'" ATROCITY:
 By: Jane Hamsher Monday
December 21, 2009 7:22 am 
FDL has become the go-to place for coverage of the health care bill due to the work of our incredible team. So, I asked them to help make it simple: how do we let people know what's going to happen to them if the Senate bill passes? Everyone put their heads together and came up with a list: Top 10 Reasons to Kill Senate Health Care Bill
1.Forces you to pay up to 8% of your income to private insurance corporations -- whether you want to or not.
2.If you refuse to buy the insurance, you'll have to pay penalties of up to 2% of your annual income to the IRS.  
3.Many will be forced to buy poor-quality insurance they can't afford to use, with $11,900 in annual out-of-pocket expenses over and above their annual premiums.
4.Massive restriction on a woman's right to choose, designed to trigger a challenge to Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court.
5.Paid for by taxes on the middle class insurance plan you have right now through your employer, causing them to cut back benefits and increase co-pays.
6.Many of the taxes to pay for the bill start now, but most Americans won't see any benefits -- like an end to discrimination against those with preexisting conditions -- until 2014 when the program begins.
7.Allows insurance companies to charge people who are older 300% more than others.
8.Grants monopolies to drug companies that will keep generic versions of expensive biotech drugs from ever coming to market. 
9.No re-importation of prescription drugs, which would save consumers $100 billion over 10 years.
10.The cost of medical care will continue to rise, and insurance premiums for a family of four will rise an average of $1,000 a year -- meaning in 10 years, your family's insurance premium will be $10,000 more annually than it is right now
  And, finally, also posted a comment similar to our own rant, that FAR from being an "OFF THE RESERVATION" out-of-control-of-Democrats obstructionist,  Senator Joe Lieberman WAS ACTUALLY a PARTNER  in OBSTRUCTION - a PARTNER in SABOTAGE of genuine health-care reform,  WITH  President Obama and the Emanuel/GoddamnSachs White House, as we've been saying for months:
 Lieberman, Obama on the Same Team
By: Gregg Levine, FDL, 
 Monday December 21, 2009
< Lieberman takes great pains to describe a situation where he received almost no pressure from the White House or leadership, except to eventually pass some bill. The president did not lean on Joe to agree to include some form or public option or Medicare buy-in. >

Rahm Emanuel's looming MASSACRE of Democrats in 2010 picking up pace, and gaining steam..

Woo-Hoo!  As we've mentioned earlier,  the RAHM EMANUEL orchestrated DESTRUCTION of the Obama presidency, and  looming MASSACRE of Democratic candidates in 2010, is pickup up steam, like an avalanche crashing down a mountain. 

  Remember how  the Obama (EMANUEL!) White House was _TALKING_ about health care reform....oh, way back in APRIL, but the GENIUSES of the White House  DITHERED and DALLIED for months on end, hoping to get AT LEAST ONE RETHUGLICAN to sign on?
 Well, guess what:  after the damn  Neo-Con & corporate-lobbyist infested "Democratic" Senators  passed their  LEIBERMAN, BAUCUS, Emanuel, and lobbyists  written,  WATERED-DOWN  insurance-industry written ATROCITY of a  "reform" bill this weekend (including apparently marathon midnight sessions over the weekend), the Obama White House got..
 ...EXACTLY _ZERO_  Republican votes!  
In the understated words of  
After months and months and months of striving for the holy grail of bipartisanship, it comes down to this. [NO Republican votes.]  As expected. 
   GREAT STRATEGY, there,  RAHM EMANUEL!  TRADE HALF-a-YEAR of   DELAY, DENY, PROCRASTINATE, OBSTRUCT, and WATER DOWN  real health care reform desired by over 60% of Americans for the past  6 months... and then still get NOT ONE LOUSY  REPUBLICAN VOTE!
  Woo-Hoo!  "Strategic genius!" we can be sure.

  Unfortunately, the Emanuel/obama White House SQUANDERING  half-a-dozen months, and BETRAYING a CORE campaign issue - real health care reform - of candidate Obama from the 2008 election campaign,  is only the tip of the iceberg of the E/o  White House follies. 

  Because the Emanuel/Baucus/Lieberman/insurance-industry written bill is still a PIG of a bill, that not only MANDATES  that American citizens MUST buy 'health' INSURANCE from insurance companies who have NO price caps or rate controls... but it also seeks to TAX  workers with decent health care plans, which the INSANE  Emanuel/GoddamnSachs  White House have labeled "CADILLAC PLANS," and now WANT TO TAX! 
    This is not just a SLAP IN THE FACE of Mr. Obama's vital union-workers supporters... it is GRINDING THEM UNDER THE HEEL of  the insurance company execs who will CONTINUE to make MULTI-MILLION dollar paychecks DENYING  health care to Americans,  while Union workers are now going to be TAXED on the decent health care plans  they already have,  as "Cadillac" plans!

  Unfortunately, with the above two debacles - WASTING over half a year FOR NOT ONE lousy Republican vote,   and  SLAPPING  union workers in the face, making their EXISTING health plans MORE EXPENSIVE in the future! -   we are only just getting started with  Mr. Emanuel's SABOTAGE of Democrats chances in the coming 2010 elections.

 This Sunday on the NBC Meet the Press show, Black, 'liberal' radio show host Tavis Smiley said that President Obama RE-NOMINATING  Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke for another term - which nomination ignited a storm of  'major meida'  "HE's SO GREAT!" columns - was like  MAKING AN ARSONIST into a hero for trying to put out a house fire.... after the arsonist set the blaze that turned the home into an inferno in the first place! 
  Smiley pointed out that UNEMPLOYMENT in some Black communities  is now APPROACHING  FIFTY PERCENT,   but the first Black President  PRETENDS NOT TO NOTICE (unless, that is, he REALLY doesn't notice!)...  as he, Barack Obama, that first Black President,  GIVES TRILLIONS of dollars to his bankster friends at Golddamn-Sachs and on Wall Street....  TRILLIONS of taxpayer-extorted dollars, that have only made LIFE WORSE "on the streets,"  as banks wallow in their new balance-sheet cushions, and FORECLOSE and EVICT homeowners, who the banks could well  forgive principle or renegotiate mortgages if they wanted to.
 That is TWO  of Mr. Obama's CORE voter groups - UNIONS and BLACKS - that the Emanuel/obama White House has KICKED IN THE TEETH already this December, praise be!

   And it's GOING TO GET WORSE!  Heeding the insane greed and "Masters of Disaster" ARROGANCE and entitlement of Rahm Emanuel and  his Goddamn-Sachs gansters,  President Obama has no industrial policy for America, so most projections are that UNEMPLOYMENT will CONTINUE to climb.  

   YOU READ THAT RIGHT:  A president of the United States, in thrall to his predatory banksters and their insanely corrupt lobbyists, HAS NO, NO, NO  INDUSTRIAL policy for America!
  Not even a sad, pathetic, lousy Christmas wish-list!
  (FORGET about a HIGH-SPEED RAIL line from Richmond to Boston (you know... to REDUCE those   HAZARDOUSLY CROWDED flights  on  congested eastern seaboard, and to reduce the TONS of CO2 produced by commercial jets on those high-fuel-consumption hops) or producing, in America, a few billion dollars of solar panels to REDUCE OUR DEPENDENCE on FOREIGN oil)...
  Mr. Obama's Goddamn-Sachs gangsters DESPISE American industry, and DETEST the notion that America's energy production COULD be decentralized  - for DECENTRALIZATION means LESS PROFITS for the insanely treacherous and greedy robber-barons and lords-or-extotion in New York and on Wall Street.)   
   They - Obama's  Emanuel/GoddamnSachs cabal - REVEL in SABOTAGING America's economy, and EXTORTING everything in sight, especially commodity oil, gas, and energy prices and whatever  dollars are left in consumer pockets after paying  those extortionate commodity prices for consumer necessities   are TAXED by the  Golddamn-Sachs  wholly  owned Congress. 

    Meanwhile, back at NBC's  MTP show,  Republicans Joe Scarborough and Ed Gillespie were sharpening their knives for the coming massacre of Democrats in November 2010,  and they actually had polls to support them.
    OBAMA's DISAPPROVAL polls are now  WORSE than Clinton's and the Democrat Congress' were... in 1994!     The INSANE  Emaneul SABOTAGE of the Obama presidency is GOING TO GET  OBAMA IMPEACHED should the Republicans take over the House in 2010, yet both the  Emanuel/GoddamnSachs White House crew, AND the Republicans, AND the corporate 'major media' are ALL SPINING Obama as being "TOO LIBERAL"! 

    RAHM EMANUEL is PUSHING A RADICAL RIGHT WING  agenda, despite which he can't pick up ONE LOUSY REPUBLICAN vote;  he has HANDED the president's SIGNATURE  health care 'reform' legislation to Right-Wing Neo-Con Republican POSING as a Democrat TRAITOR JOE LIEBERMAN, but only after SQUANDERING an ENTIRE YEAR so as to bludgeon real health care reform to death;   and STILL the  treacherous Righties are putting out the spin that "Obama is TOO LIBERAL"!!!
  Well, Mr. Obama,   JUST KEEP KICKING _your_ CORE SUPPORTERS IN THE TEETH, while you give Rahm Emanuel's Goddamn-Sachs bankster  partners-in-crime  some portion of TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS of NO OVERSIGHT BAILLOUTS.   And GOOD LUCK working with that RETHUGLICAN Congress,  when your disheartened, betrayed, sold-out, and ground-under-heel  core supporters DON'T show up to vote for your   Dem. congressional candidates  in the 2010 midterm elections.

   Read it and weep:  While MSNBC/Meet the Press hasn't posted the video for this informative last segment of Sunday's show, the   "Roundtable" segement, the transcripts are here - 
... with Republicans Ed Gillespie and Joe Scarborough practically salivating at the Rahm Emanuel orchestrated DESRUCTION of the Democratic House and Senate majorities in the coming election cycles.. 
  Mr. Emanuel is SO TREACHEROUS and INCOMPETENT, that he CAN NOT  PAINT  REPUBLICANS as "OBSTRUCTIONISTS"  on an issue,  health care reform, that 60%+ of Americans  DESPERATELY want,   even as Republicans TAKE MONEY FROM industry LOBBYISTS,  to OBSTRUCT that reform.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Obama HAS BEEN PUNKED by his own Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel "a TOUGH GUY"? NOT! "SELL-OUT RAHM!" they call him...

Remember how the "CON-VENTIONAL WISDOM" spouted by the Sulzberger New York Times,  the Washington Neo-Con Post, and all the other  'lesser'  "mainstream media"  told millions of Americans that "Chicago Congressman, former DCCC (Congressional Campaign Committee)  Chair, and  newly choosen  White House Chief of Staff RAHM EMANUEL was a "TOUGH GUY"?

  Well,  it was just MORE PURE  NEO-CON LIES and TREACHERY coming out of the Post, Times, and other media outlets,  because THE ONLY  thing that Rahm Emanuel is actually "tough" at, is STABBING MILLIONS of Democratic voters  IN THE BACK.

  He is JOE LIEBERMAN ON STEROIDS, just as 2000 Democratic VP candidate  Lieberman - FAVORING  OVERSEAS MILITARY VOTES in the 2000 Florida recount battle OVER  Florida's disenfranchised minority voters -   pretty much KILLED the efforts of Democrats to have Florida minority votes (TOSSED IN the TRASH CAN, UNCOUNTED,  by Jeb Bush & Katherin Harris' Florida Rethuglican  NEO-SEGREGATION DISENFRANCHISEMENT  vote-stealing  MACHINE)  counted, that would have put Vice President Al Gore in the White House.
  The whole notion that Rahm Emanuel is a "TOUGH GUY" in fighting AGAINST the RIGHT-WING election-thieves, tax-cuts-for-rich,  wars-of-imperialism,  police-state powers, and criminal abuses of power Republicans  IS A FRAUD:  one can look long and hard to find ANY  Emanuel  CRITICISMS of DICK CHENEY  or George W. Bush over the past 8 years.
  Well,  finally even "Obama-bot" liberals are catching on:  Like his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, President Obama is now a RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN, MASQUERADING as a "Democrat" -  SABOTAGING a genuinely  democratic agenda at EVERY turn -
  President Obama Loses His Base: He Just Ran Out of Slack
by Tom Sullivan,  Campaign for America's Future
Dec. 18, 2009
 The media was quick to declare the Obama honeymoon over this summer. Yet supporters exhilarated by Barack Obama's stunning win in November 2008 were still willing to cut him a lot of slack. That slack just ran out. 
The simplest, most comprehensive health insurance reform -- single payer -- was OFF THE TABLE  before the legislative effort on the matter even started. It was replaced with an amorphous "public option." David Sirota and others like-minded called this a VIOLATION of NEGOTIATING 101: COMPROMISE comes AT THE END of the legislative  process, NOT at the beginning.
     Now the campaign to enact substantive health care reform HAS FOUNDERED foundered on [Emanuel's FELLOW LIKDUNIK Warmonger & Treasury-looting, and taxpayer EXTORTING  Neo-Con] Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). And on OBAMA's REFUSAL to BUST HEADS.  White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel instructed  [ORDERED!]  Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) to cut a deal with Lieberman for his vote, even if it meant JETTISONING Medicare expansion and a public option -- along with cost controls, lifetime benefit caps and drug re-importation. Reid did.
 SO MUCH for  the 'CHIGAGO-STYLE  POLITICS' Fox News warned about.
  To repeat, this is not WEAKNESS or INCOMPETENCE on Rahm Emanuel's part: IT IS SHEER PRE-MEDITATED TREACHERY,  Emanuel is a LIEBERMAN back-stabbing REPUBLICAN clone,  only POSING as a Democrat on those issues which cost him nothing;   Emanuel   is a RUBINITE Neo-Con "investment banker"  SWINDLER,  he cares NO MORE  for American children DENIED HEALTH CARE, than Rubin's Citi-bank and Golddamn-Sachs care for American homeowners EVICTED by PREDATORY loan terms.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Obama White House Health Care 'reform' OBSRUCTION ally, LANNY DAVIS, exposed as an INDUSTRY SHILL & corporate-lawyer LIAR

 There he is (center) - former Clinton administration White House Counsel,  Corporate lawyer,  and  Right-Wing Shill, POSING as a "Moderate Democrat" Lanny Davis...     (continued after jump) -
...POUNDING the Obama administration's talking points, that "30 million uninsured Americans will now have health _insurance_." 
But, like all of the other Obama administration shills and spokespersons, Davis can NOT point to ANY mechanism that will actually ENFORCE insurance companies against OVERCHARGING customers, or DROPPING customers who will likely need costly medical care...
(as we pointed out earlier, Aetna insurance DROPPED 650,000 clients... last week!)
but that FALSE TALKING POINT is only the start  of this fantastic video that DEMOLISHES Davis' credibility as the claimed spokesman for America's uninsured, underinsured, and over-charged health care consumers 
This is a TERRIFIC video, because  while  Lanny Davis retains a modicum of decorum and respect for  show host Ed Schultz,  Davis reveals his  CORPORATE AUTOCRAT   _dictatorial_ tendencies  when he blasts  "Liberal" Democrats as "OBSTRUCTIONISTS" and a "CIRCULAR FIRING SQUAD."
    In this, Davis has of course ripped a page from the Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox 'news'  Right-Wing  SMEARMONGERS handbook,  because it is
the  Emanuel/GoddamnSachs/obama Administration that has been OBSTRUCTING
 _genuine_  health care reform  all along -
 (either a MEDICARE BUY IN for those under age 65, or a "ROBUST PUBLIC OPTION" government insurance alternative to private health care)
 -  for TWELVE long MONTHS NOW, and when the administration finally has the ATROCITY of a  Baucus/LIEBERMAN/Emanuel/industry-written SELLOUT of a  bill that they have WANTED ALL ALONG,  they now ATTACK  real liberals, progressives
(and just "ordinary Americans" who WANT RELIEF  from the Insurance industry price-gouging),
the Obama administration shills attack those who want real reform as the  "OBSTRUCTIONISTS!"   that THEY have been all along! 
  In a masterpiece of political theater that gets to the heart of the BODY-SNATCHING SABOTAGE of the populist, progressive  'Democratic Party' by the Neo-Con warmongers & corporate big-money shills,    Ed Show host Ed Schultz brought on (genuine) Liberal Democrat activists JANE HAMSHER, to CONTEST  Lanny Davis'  "I speak for the uninsured and over-charged American families" talking points....
   and Jane Hamsher immediately explains
 that  Lanny Davis is a PARTNER at a high-powered Washington LAW FIRM, that has as its clients  INSURANCE INDUSTRY and  BIG PHARMACEUTICAL companies!  
  Lanny Davis, coporate uber-lawyer,  GETS PAID by BIG INSURANCE and Big Pharma, to OBSTRUCT the COST-SAVING REFORMS that millions of Americans demand,
 (and that were a CORE ISSUE  of  President Obama's 2008 campaign) -
 and Davis has the GALL and TEMERITY to  claim that  not only  that he is somehow "a liberal,"  but that he represents and has the best interests at heart for  the millions of UNINSURED, OVERCHARGED, and HEALTH-CARE DENIED Americans who are VICTIMS of his own industry paymasters!  

 FOR SHAME, President Obama, for even THINKING about having this LEGAL SHILL of a DC corporate lawyer  make the case for your  INDUSTRY-WRITTEN, serially SABOTAGED (by Rahm Emanuel, Max Baucus, Joe Lieberman,  and other administration minions  of genuine health care reform  OBSTRUCTION)    
 SELLOUT  _ATROCITY_ of a health care "reform"  bill!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama's ARROGANT INSANITY captured in HuffingtonPost headlines: "FORECLOSURES threaten 1.7 MILLION US homes"... AS... "bank profits SOAR"!! Is Obama AN IDIOT?!

Is President Barack Obama INSANE, or does he just see himself as the EMPEROR of a nation of PEONS and SERFS at the disposal of his Wall St. gangster cabal?
Does he REALLY BELIEVE that American voters won't HOLD HIM RESPONSIBLE, for
 __1.7 MILLION American homes FACING FORECLOSURE__
  this fall,  alone...   on HIS watch, while HE is president... while a similar  headline captures the story,

WHAT IS WRONG with this man?!
 Why is he not  SOUNDING THE ALARM like a 5-alarm fire in the night?

 to DEMAND  OVERSIGHT  and audits  of the FAILED, FRAUDULENT, taxpayer-extorting bankstersWHY is Mr. Obama NOT DEMANDING  MORTGAGE RELIEF from bankers who WOULD BE BANKRUPT THEMSELVES, but for  OVER  TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS  of taxpayer EXTORTED  bailouts, to the very bankers who have made TRILLIONS of dollars of American household wealth VANISH into thin air?!
 ($1.3 Trillion, VANISHED into thin air, in ONE quarter alone!)

 Well, whatever the case of Mr. Obama's  mental state, here are the links to the news HE SEEMS TO BE IGNORING in his precious White House "GODDAMN SACHS and Wall Street banksters ONLY need apply"  bubble.
  President Obama is making the infamous "bubble boy" President Bush look downright cosmopolitan by comparison, at least Pres. Bush had some oil men  and "real economy" corporate heads in his administration.
(Bush's first Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill, was a self-made CEO who turned Alcoa Aluminum around.) 

#1. 1.7 Million Homes Were On The Verge Of Foreclosure This Fall
#2. Wall Street Profits Soar To $50B, Bonuses To Rise Up To 40 Percent 
#3.  It's estimated that the bonus pool of JUST ONE  of these big [BAILED OUT!]  banks would have been ENOUGH MONEY to PREVENT or significantly DELAY FORECLOSURE   for  ALL 2.3 million people who lost their homes last year.

 (sigh.)  #4.  Mr. Obama's Wall St. gangster-bankster  friends devise 79.9% credit cards.
(In related news,  champagne corks could be heard popping in Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's office, as well as the cries, "Wait 'till we get OUR bonuses!")
79.9 Percent Interest Credit Card From First Premier Bank Skirts New Regulations  (how clever!) 

   MORE    Obama's  "Democrats" in the  Senate Banking Committee  VOTED FOR  RE-CONFIRMATION of  President Bush's original _REPUBLICAN_  nominee as   FEDERAL RESERVE CHAIRMAN -
 - Ben Bernanke  has been RE-NOMINATED to the Fed by "Democrat" Barack Obama -  than REPUBLICANS Senators  this week!!
   CORPORATE REPUBLICANS now have a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to hang their hats on,  OBAMA "Democrats" ARE SUPPORTING the (REPUBLICAN!)  Fed Chairman who oversaw the DESTRUCTION of  over $14 TRILLION of American household wealth over past two dozen months! 
 #6. INSANITY!   Despite dishing  TWENTY+ TRILLION taxpayer-extorted dollars to the FAILED, FRAUDULENT BANKS,  the very neo-con New York Times reports -

 4 Big Mortgage Backers Swim in Ocean of Debt  

  One simply has to ask:  "WHAT  are the so-called 'Profitable banks'  INVESTING in (#2. above) , IF   American mortgages   are "swimming in debt" and  if   ENTIRE AMERICAN INDUSTRIES are being SHIPPED TO CHINA.... WHAT  are America's  "profitable" banksters  investing in?
 - answer: they aren't "investing" in ANYTHING,  except the BRIBERY of our White House and Congress, for the "BAILOUTS" without which the ENTIRE  US  BANKING STRUCTURE WOULD CRUMBLE  -  PURE GRAFT, EXTORTION, BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, and  anti-American treachery.