When a skilled and talented "liberal" Democratic activists such as Buzzflash.com's Kirk Anderson starts portraying Mr. Obama as a tool, a shill, and a fraud, one might believe that Mr. Obama's "EMANUEL/RUBINITE economics and re-election" policies are blowing up in his face.
THE SIGNATURE issue of Obama's first year - the 'TARP' bank BAILOUTS which have NOT purchased any "TROUBLED ASSETS" as they were intended to -
- Availability of credit low
- Bank Failures continue at a nearly unprecedented rate
- TOXIC ASSEST _REMAIN_ on bank balance sheets
- Foreclosure crisis CONTINUES TO GROW, MORE Americans are OUT of their homes than before Mr. Obama became president. If YOU lost your home AFTER Mr. Obama became president, WHO would YOU blame?
- banks and financial markets REMAIN DEPENDENT on government "bailouts" - while bankers reward themselves as "masters of the universe" with taxpayer-extorted, bailed-out BONUSES!! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-c-anderson/the-tarp-travesty_b_387504.html
Taking Stock: What Has the Troubled Asset Relief Program Achieved?" Dec. 9, 2009 report)
Mr. Obama's presidency is DEFINED by his willingness and enthusiasm to hand TRILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer extorted "bailouts" to his banking buds, but by a marked LACK of interest and enthusiasm to address the above issues which are at the REAL core of America's economy.
Hmm... Could Mr. Obama's "Neo-Conservative" 'economics advisors' have NEO-CONFEDERATES economic goals, wanting to take America BACK to the sharecropper, hazardous mining, no unions, child labor, & no social safety net days of the 1920s lynch-mob era?
(if not back to the outright chattel slavery of the ante-bellum slave plantations)??