Then at today's meeting, you all but MELTED in deferential obsequience to those same bankers.
("Obsequience" - characterized by or showing SERVILE COMPLAISANCE or DEFERENCE; FAWNING; an obsequious bow.)
Now the GOOD stuff, just in from Gawker: three of the Top banksters just FLAT OUT DISSED President O. for his intended dressing-down, or FAWNING, or whatever the hell Mr. Obama had planned:
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Citigroup chairman Dick Parsons, and Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack all skipped out on a scheduled dressing-down today from Barack Obama because "inclement weather" made it physically impossible for them to travel to Washington. [cue photos of blue-sky gorgeous weather over both NY and DC, see link]Well, you can hardly blame
Well, at least we Americans get SOMETHING from our hapless, befuddled, owned-by-the-bankers president: HIGH COMEDY and LOW FARCE, a president who isn't good for much but HANDING TENS upon hundreds of BILLIONS of TAXPAYER EXTORTED DOLLARS to the Big Banksters, but who can't even get a lousy receipt (much less an I.O.U.) for all our lost trillions.
post-script: the Neo-Con warmongering, serially lying NEW YORK TIMES can't resist jumping on the "OBAMA IS A WIMP" bandwagon, notices the above story -